April 5,

No. 94

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
In this week's newsletter we focus on this week's meeting between Presidents Trump and Xi Jinping, a still relevant chengyu, and the new China's Mega Project series. 

Weekly Readings

At the end of the week, Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping will meet for the first time at Mar-a-Lago. The reporting on the summit suggests this U.S. administration will handle China policy and the relationship differently than its predecessors, but still emphasizing top-level contacts. Among the many issues on the table are North Korea and trade, which both have potential to place significant stress onto this first meeting. President Trump not on ly talked tough during the campaign, but, more importantly, made specific policy pledges to punish Chinese trading behavior. There are lots of things to consider both substantively and procedurally.

"Inside the Kushner channel to China," Washington Post, April 2, 2017

俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

chéng fēng pò làng

Meaning:  forge ahead despite difficulties (ride the wind and cleave the waves)

In anticipation of this week's meeting between Xi Jinping and President Trump, we have brought back the above chengyu that Xi used during his September 2015 visit to the U.S. when explaining that U.S.-China relations have made historic progress despite headwinds. 

Original: 中国和美国都是伟大的国家,中国人民和美国人民都是伟大的人民。36年前中美建立外交关系以来,两国关系始终乘风破浪、砥砺前行,取得了历史性进展。

Social Media Watch 

Alibaba's Toudou is getting into the short-video market with a new 2 billion yuan investment intended to attract video-making talent. Current competitors in this market include Yixia Technology and Tencent Holdings Ltd.

Video of the Week 
CCTV has released a second series of China's Mega Project episodes (超级工程II). More information is available here.
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