26th Annual UNAA Convention

"Unity through Cultural Awareness"

August 29th - August 31st, 2014

Hyatt Regency - La Jolla at Aventine

(Official Hotel of the UNAA Convention)

San Diego, CA

The Buy America Campaign 


In as much as the United States Government is making tremendous efforts to promote and facilitate the increased importation of goods from Uganda to the US, the Government is also actively promoting increased exports of US-made goods to Uganda.  To this end, UNAA is pleased to support the efforts of the US Embassy in Kampala in its "Buy America" campaign.

Opportunities to participate in the exportation of goods from America to Uganda will be discussed during the Trade and Investments Forum at the upcoming 26th Annual Convention of the Ugandan North American Association.



Social Media:

Facebook:         www.facebook.com/UNAA01

Twitter:             www.twitter.com/unaaorg

Google Plus:     www.google.com/+UnaaOrg

LinkedIn:           www.linkedin.com/company/3488483 


For UNAA membership convention information:

UNAA Membership                    www.tinyurl.com/UNAAMember

Convention Registration:             www.unaa.org/register-now

Boat Cruise Registration:             www.unaa.org/dinner-cruise-registration


For UNAA hotel information: 

Hyatt Regency La Jolla

Hotel Booking:                           https://aws.passkey.com/g/20550633

   Call +1 888 421 1442

Sheraton at La Jolla

Hotel Booking:                           Sheraton La Jolla

                                                Call +1 888 627 8445 

For convention and hotel information, visit www.unaa.org


UNAA Secretariat
+1 855 873 8622

"United We Stand"
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