The CCTS Investigator  |  November 2016

Amy Dunn, MD, and her team of developers at Nationwide Children's Hospital have created a virtual reality gaming system designed to ease the pain and anxiety for children during routine medication infusions. 

The team at Nationwide Children's is currently exploring ways that virtual reality can be expanded into other areas of care. "The feedback we have gotten so far has been really positive," says Dunn.  

Don't forget to mark your calendars for Translational Science 2017, held at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC from April 19, 2017 - April 21, 2017. Join more than 900 trainees, researchers, and federal program officers to learn about the latest science and explore new opportunities for collaboration.

Important Dates:
December 5, 2016: Event registration opens | Abstract submission opens
January 13, 2017: Abstract Submission Deadline
February 24, 2017: Early Registration Deadline
March 24, 2017: Conference Hotel Rate Expires .

C ongratulations to the CCTS' IACRN Team!

Congratulations to Holly Bookless and her team of Clinical Research Center nurses, who won first place at the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses (IACRN) conference!

In September, the Wexner Medical Center put on a "WexTalk" event to celebrate medical innovations and discoveries developed by OSU physicians and scientists. Dr. Janet Kiecolt-Glaser was one of the presenters. All of the projects outlined by Dr. Kiecolt-Glaser in her talk were completed in the CRC.

CCTS Voucher Award Changes: Updated RFA

The Executive Committee of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science has decided to increase the maximum amount for voucher awards as follows:

- Translational projects defined as T2-T4 are eligible for an award up to $4000.

- Translational projects defined as T1 and involving human subjects are eligible for an award up to $4000.

- Translational projects defined as T0 or T1 involving non-human samples or  assay development, with clear indication of how the voucher will help move the project forward in the translational spectrum are eligible for an award up to $3000

All voucher awards must be for translational research focused on clinical research (including use of human samples) across the T0-4 translational spectrum. The CCTS website has been updated with the updated RFA.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

The Ohio State University Colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy, and Medicine are now offering the 100% Online Master of Applied Clinical and Preclinical Research (MACPR) degree, an asynchronous, flexible, and interdisciplinary graduate degree program. The program is offered to both full- and part- time students, with the option to specialize within the degree.

If you are interested in this program, the MACPR program is hosting two information sessions: one in- person, and one online.

The In- Person session will be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 5:00pm in 260 Prior Hall. No RSVP is required for this session. 

The Online session will be held on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 at 7:30pm. Please RSVP to Nikki Herbert if you are planning to attend this session.

Spotlight On: Kristen Heitman, MS, RDN, LD

The Clinical Research Center recently hired Kristen Heitman to be the new Registered Dietician for the Clinical Research Center and the CCTS. Kristen received her Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics from Michigan State University and received her Masters degree in Human Nutrition from Case Western Reserve University.

Kristen began her new role over the summer, and is excited to support researchers through the work of the Research Nutrition Laboratory in the Clinical Research Center. Kristen has worked in both national and international settings, and we are excited to welcome her to the team.

Learn how to maximize your chances of success when setting up your new laboratory by attending this panel discussion. Speakers include Drs. Larry Schlesinger, Mandy Toland, Aharon Freud, and Jose Otero, and the discussion will center around strategies used to quickly and effectively set up a new laboratory and move forward with productive research projects.

The event will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2016, from 3:00pm - 4:00pm in Meiling Hall, Room 234. 

The next Tools of the Trade event will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 from 9:00am - 3:00pm in the Biomedical Research Tower. This month's topic will include discussions centered around how to manage your research team and laboratory.  

The National Institute on Drug Abuse has released an RFA for research projects focused on HIV, HCV, and related comorbidities in rural communities affected by opioid injection drug epidemics in the United States.

Researchers must submit a letter of intent by December 9, 2016.  Researchers interested in conducting research in rural Appalachia should contact the ATRN to learn about available support for conducting research projects in Appalachian communities.

When you sign up as a member of the CCTS at Ohio State, you are automatically entitled to become a member of The Association for Clinical and Translational Science.

As a member of the ACTS, you have access to a wide variety of benefits and tools to assist you with your research. These benefits include: 
  • Discounted registration for the Translational Science Meeting
  • Email updates and web access to relevant translational science topics
  • Access to the ACTS newsletter, the ACTS Connection
  • Access to articles in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, published by Cambridge University Press
  • Opportunities for development and participation in committees and special interest groups.

Learn more about your membership and benefits

Rose Hallarn, program director for Recruitment and Services at The Ohio State University Center for Clinical and Translational Science, was recently featured in an article for the NCH magazine about the importance of successful recruitment and retention practices. Thank you for all that you do, Rose!

NCH Research Retreat: Poster Session Winner Announced 

Congratulations to Carlee Giesige of the Harper Lab in the Center for Gene Therapy, as well as CCTS TL1 trainee, for receiving first place at the NCH Research Retreat Poster Session !

The OSU Office of Research provides a campus-wide subscription to a Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter (OSU login required).

The November 2016 issue includes Planning for Success at NSF, The Editorial "Clawback" on Page Overruns, Initiative to Strengthen Agricultural Workforce, The Stepwise Path from Ideas to Dollars, and much more. 

The CCTS Project Management for Research Toolkit provides a consolidated and comprehensive list of CCTS resources that is user friendly.

The links in this toolkit lead to related budgeting, communications, and data management software that can be used to help with managing your research project. 

Read about the latest translational science news, opportunities, and announcements in the latest edition of the NCATS e-Newsletter and the NIH's Weekly Funding Notice.

Read about the latest news in translational science and find out about grant opportunities from the June edition of the Association for Clinical and Translational Science's monthly newsletter, the ACTS Connection.

Read the November edition of the ACTS Connection
3:00pm - 4:00pm | RSVP online

9:00am - 3:00pm |  Register online