March 2018
In This Issue
Quick Links
CFA Central Office Staff
Featured Cat
Our banner cat for March is CFA's Sixteenth Best Cat in Premiership, GC, GP, NW RK Gems Petula Amazonite, a silver tabby and white American Shorthair spay.

(photo by Preston Smith)


March 15, 2018
Deadline for declarations for CFA Executive Board and all regional directors.

April 16, 2018
Proposed Amendments & Resolutions must be RECEIVED in CO by this date.

June 1
Deadline for Delegate Book Ads received by Allene Tartaglia

June 10
Deadline for submissions for On The Road Again to Cheryl Coleman

June 21
Deadline for the Annual Banquet dinner reservations


Reading the reports that our submitters have been sending, it seems that March has come in like a lion AND a lamb...and sometimes even at the same time! Although technically a lion IS a feline, and we all know how fickle they can be! (and it's probably good that March doesn't have a door...or that lion would be trying to get in ... and out ... and in ...)

Regardless of what this spring season is bringing you, here's hoping that conditions are "just right" for you (and your cats!) as you settle in to read this month's CFA Newsletter.


It's mid-March, which means we are counting down the days until the end of the show season. I hope each of you is making progress towards your end-of-season goal(s). Good luck.

Three weeks ago I attended a show in the Midwest Region. The following weekend I was at a show in the Great Lakes Region. I am currently in Asia. I attended the Felidae Beyond Infinity show in Hong Kong last weekend (March 10) and I will be attending the CFA International Cat Show / Asia next weekend (March 17-18) in Bangkok, Thailand. I will also be attending the World Cat Congress events near Milan, Italy, in early April. I will be sharing comments on these trips in next month's newsletter. While many of our judges travel the world that is not the case with me. I have only flown outside North America twice in my life so these trips are extraordinary for me. It certainly goes beyond my comfort zone but I believe it is a part of my role as CFA President to make overeas trips such as these.

Last month I commented that we only get one chance to make a first impression and I encouraged each of you to reach out to new exhibitors and to the spectators to make it an enjoyable experience for them. Last week I received an email from a visitor to one of our shows and she explained how unfriendly everyone was to her family and that she was very disappointed. Whether or not exhibitors were actually unfriendly is not important. It is how she perceived her experience and our being defensive is not going to make things better. Make it your self-imposed task to make sure you take a few minutes to greet new exhibitors and visitors to our shows and offer them a smile and some answers to their questions. We need these new exhibitors and the gate to enjoy themselves and want to understand and appreciate our hobby with the hope that some of them may turn into long-term cat fanciers who support CFA.

March 15th (today) is the deadline for declaring for both Regional Director and Officers of CFA. Check the CFA website to see who are the candidates this year. Serving as a Regional Director or a CFA Officer is a time-consuming role and it is thanks to our many volunteers such as these that makes CFA a success. We can not survive without the many volunteers that support our association in so many ways.

Once more I remind you that if you are encountering a problem with CFA services, such as registering a cat, licensing a show, points from a show, etc. please escalate the issue if you are not receiving satisfaction at the staff level. Contact our Deputy Director, Verna Dobbins . We really do want you to be a satisfied customer and hope you give us a chance to accomplish that.

Terri Barry
CFA Executive Director

After a rough start with the weather in February here in Northeast, OH, it closed on a high note with record breaking warmth! Then here comes March first, and it's right, back to snow. However, the staff at the Central Office has been so busy we haven't had time to notice the temperature ebb and flow. For Central Office, this is among our busiest times of the year. We are working diligently to meet the demands that come with the end of another show season and those for the upcoming 2018 Annual.

The 2018 Annual is scheduled to kick off on June 28th     wrapping up on July 1st. As you are aware, this year we will be gathering at the Crown Plaza Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia, Atlanta, Georgia. Please make your hotel and banquet reservations at your earliest convenience.    
Will you be a Top 25 national award recipient? If so, please plan ahead for transporting the trophy and trophy box back home. If you plan to pick up a trophy for a friend to deliver after the banquet and/or order duplicates then planning for packing is especially important if you have more than one trophy to transport. The custom designed trophies are larger and heavier than in prior years. The trophy itself is 3 pounds, 9 ounces and the dimensions are 11" high by 5 1/2" wide. The protective box is 13 1/4" high by 8 1/4" wide by 7 1/4" deep. The trophy and box together weigh 6 pounds, 3 ounces. The new, custom designed breed win trophy is similar in size and weight to past year's trophies. Duplicate trophies and rosettes can be ordered online from CFA's website. Order by Friday, May 18th to guarantee delivery at the Annual and to avoid the $25.00 fee for orders received after May 18th. 

Just a reminder to mark your calendars:
  • March 7th - C.O. will mail the Delegate form packet
  • April C.O.  - will send out the CFA Officers and Regional Director ballots
  • June 1st  - Deadline for Delegate Book Ads received by Allene Tartaglia
  • June 10th  - Deadline for submissions for On The Road Again to Cheryl Coleman
  • June 21st  - Deadline for the Annual Banquet dinner reservations
I hope to see all of you at our upcoming Annual. As always travel safe and good luck at the shows.

Meet the CFA Central Office Staff!
Amanda Ganni

interview by Geri Fellerman 

Amanda first joined the CFA team in September of 2016 and jumped into the wonderful world of registrations. Eventually, she was doing both eCat and general (i.e., snail mail) registrations of individual cats (not litters) on eCats and pretty much everything with general registrations except for transfers. How did this differ from her previous career of front desk manager in the hotel industry? Well, not so different as one might imagine. In both positions, Amanda was tasked with putting customer service in the forefront and sometimes needing to deal with difficult, demanding people in a courteous, professional manner.

Amanda's typical day begins with answering emails - this could take a few minutes or even an hour at times. She then moves on to processing eCat registrations which usually takes until lunch, after which she turns her attention to general registrations. Of course, there is the occasional "questionable" color that crops up. If this happens, she asks the owner for photographs which she submits to the BC secretary for clarification. While it might seem somewhat repetitive, it seems every day presents itself with some new challenge. Amanda loves working with the friendly Central Office staff and appreciates the convenient hours the job provides. The only thing that might rattle her a bit would be people who wait until the last minute to demand attention.

In her off hours, Amanda is busy with her husband and caring for her five (yup, five) active children - two boys and three girls ages 16, 12, 10, 8 and 4. This leaves her little time for hobbies and other outside activities at the moment but she hopes to attend her first cat show soon. While Amanda doesn't have a cat at the moment, she does share her home with two dogs and hopes to add a kitty in the future.

CFA Ombudsman
Who Are We and How Can We Help You?

by Teresa Sweeney
CFA Ombudsman

Did you ever have an issue in the cat fancy that you just felt that you could not resolve? Do you need an intermediary to try to bring the parties together to come to an agreement? We are here for you. The CFA Ombudsman position was created to handle problems that do not fit a formal protest, but still need a resolution. Maybe you do not want to file a formal protest, but want assistance in solving an issue. An ombudsman can open the lines of communication and suggest solutions to the issue. We cannot impose or make anyone do anything. We can be a conduit between two parties who just cannot seem to come to a resolution.

I have recently been appointed to the position of CFA Ombudsman. To ensure that we have ample coverage, I have appointed Cynthia Byrd as Deputy Ombudsman to assist with Region 9, China, and ID Other. Cynthia has a fabulous background, and I am happy to have her assistance.

What I promise you is:
  *  Confidentiality - Your issue will never be discussed with anyone other than the parties involved.
  *  Compassion - Complete understanding and a sympathetic ear.
  *  Being Non-judgemental - Never any judgement passed, no matter what the issue it.
  *  Resolution - We will try our best to solve every issue. While this may not always be possible, that is the goal for all parties involved.
  *  We Will Hear You - No issue is too big or too small. We will handle all communications that come our way. If we cannot handle it, we will provide alternatives or contact information for those who can assist you.

Our contact information is Please do reach out to us if you have an issue. Please remember that we are here to help you should you have a problem.

Delegate Packets
from Verna Dobbins
CFA Deputy Director

The Delegate Packet were mailed out on March 8, 2018. Unfortunately, they were mailed without the noted return envelope.  If it is your choice to mail the delegate forms to CO, please make sure the envelope is addressed to:
CFA Delegate
260 East Main Street
Alliance, Ohio 44601
Most of the delegate responses are received in CO electronically but this omission has been noted for 2019.  

CFA National Awards
by Mary Kolencik
CFA Awards Chair

CFA will present custom designed trophies for Breed Awards and National Wins at the 2018 annual. We believe these new trophies honor the significant accomplishment of achieving a CFA National Award, and they will soon be known as the Oscars of the cat fancy!

Those who are receiving a National Win trophy need to plan for transporting the trophy home from the annual. The NW/HNW trophy is crystal and comes in a large display box that will not fit in most suitcases; the photo shows a sample of the trophy for scale. NWs and HNWs will receive the same trophy.

The new breed award trophy is 7" tall and made of Lucite. This lightweight trophy comes in a small box and will be easy to transport.

Click here for a flyer which describes the dimensions of the NW/HNW trophy as well as ordering information for all trophy and rosette duplicates. We will have bubble wrap bags available at the banquet for people that want to pack their trophy in a suitcase without the large display box.

Central Office will ship unclaimed trophies after the annual at the recipient's expense. If you cannot attend the annual, please arrange to have a friend claim your trophy and avoid shipping fees.

The deadline to order duplicates is May 18.

See you in Atlanta!
The Awards Committee

Cat Talk
Teresa Keiger

Have you been enjoying the DNA series that concluded (for now) in the February issue of "Cat Talk?" We were fortunate indeed to have Lucy Drury (and her background in genetics) join our staff last year!

The April issue of "Cat Talk" is well underway. It's our annual "Kitten" issue where we take a look at factors influencing kittens. I'm very excited about this issue, as we look at things that influence litter sizes, fostering orphaned kittens, socializing kittens,  and issues that singleton kittens may face. Mike Altschul continues his look at attracting spectators to cat shows, with the first of two articles on best practices using Facebook. The CFA Legislative Team begins the first of two articles on preparing for your pet's future upon your demise. And who knew that cat exhibitors had so many show superstitions? Well, Sheree Eyestone found out that fanciers have a LOT, and rounded them up for us. Finally, in keeping with our "Kitten" theme, Jacqui Bennett looks through "Time in a Bottle" at some of the new "human kittens" in the show hall as well as some older ones who are now in championship class.

Remember that you can subscribe to either the print or the online version of Cat Talk. It's available online through the Kindle Newsstand or through Magzter. Complete ordering information is here


CFA Annual Meeting
June 27-July 1, 2018

Crowne Plaza
Atlanta Perimeter Ravinia
Atlanta, GA
information continually updated at 

NEW! Be one of ONLY "100 Peaches" 
who are special supporters of the
CFA Annual
Click here for details 

Winn Logo

by Lorraine Shelton

A list of our donors contributing $100 or more in February is available here

2018 Winn Grant Review: The Winn board and their scientific advisors will be meeting in Portland Oregon in March to review the 46 grant proposals received and choose which ones have the most potential to advance our knowledge of feline health and welfare. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of our individual and corporate donors, Winn is poised to have the largest group of funded grants in its 50 year history. What a great way to celebrate our 50th anniversary! Keep an eye open for our announcement of the exciting research projects your Winn donations will be supporting this year.
Winn's 50th Anniversary Party: Celebrate with Winnie on June 28th immediately after our annual educational symposium at the CFA Annual. Cake, a cash bar, and light refreshments will be served, so stop on by to show your support and drink a toast to our past successes and hopes for the future. A perfect way to kick off a memorable annual in Atlanta.
Annual Winn Feline Symposium: Don't forget to sign up for the symposium on the CFA website.  Dr. Katie Tolbert from the University of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine will be discussing new therapies for treating feline infectious diarrhea. Dr. Melissa Beall from IDEXX Laboratories will be presenting on Feline Leukemia Virus, with some surprising new information of interest to all cat fanciers.

A Loving Legacy tip for March - Durable powers of attorney can be an important part of your estate plan.  Wills are testamentary instruments, meaning they take effect upon your death.  A power of attorney is a legal document in which you (as principal) allow your agent (called the attorney in fact) to act on your behalf in specified matters while you are still alive.  Traditional powers of attorney are terminated when you die or become incompetent.  A durable power of attorney either becomes effective (springing) or remains effective if you later become incompetent. 
With durable powers of attorney your agent may be able to take care of your affairs without going to court for guardianship or conservatorship proceedings if you become incapacitated.  Durable powers of attorney are often divided into financial and medical powers. 
Financial powers may allow your attorney in fact to pay your family's expenses, manage your bank accounts and investments, collect your Social Security or other benefits, operate your business, pay your taxes or take care of other financial matters as you designate. 
Your medical power of attorney can allow (or prohibit) your agent from approving certain medical procedures on your behalf.  In most states your medical power of attorney may also include provisions about donations of your body parts after death (either to permit or forbid) and may include provisions about disposition of your remains.  Your agent (attorney in fact) is required to follow your wishes and act in your best interests. 
You may revoke or modify a durable power of attorney as long as you are mentally competent.  Durable powers of attorney end on your death so they cannot take the place of a Will or Trust.  Please consult with your attorney to learn now durable powers of attorney may fit into your estate plan.   

For any questions, please contact .

Hobby Breeders and Pet Mills Overlap in Draft Ordinance considered by Atlantic Beach, Florida

Proposed Atlantic Beach, Florida Ordinance 95-18-115 adds a new wrinkle in the pet shop ban continuum that directly impacts small noncommercial breeders and is scheduled for a public hearing and final reading on March 12, 2018. The goal of the pet shop ban movement is to eliminate local links in the retail pet supply chain in the misguided belief this will shut down
large,substandard commercial breeders. Sometimes, legislators add hobby breeder provisions to pet shop ban ordinances. These provisions can be problematic, as with this draft ordinance, when the necessary subject matter expertise is unavailable. In this case, the problems multiply as the drafters struggle to define and prohibit "pet mills," but only succeed in putting legitimate breeders at risk of being classified as such.

In Ordinance 95-18-115, hobby breeders would include anyone who "causes or allows the breeding or studding of a dog or cat resulting in no more than a total of one litter per adult female animal per calendar year whether or not the animals in such litter are offered for sale or other transfer from the premises on which they were bred." Excluded are breeders selling to retail stores. As defined, hobby breeder includes someone owning only intact males that are occasionally bred to females owned by another person. However, the owners of the males may have no control over the one litter per calendar year requirement. The calendar year requirement also ignores the basics of the feline reproduction system and that there are situations where veterinarians recommend back-to-back litters to preserve the health of the female. This could happen within a single calendar year. Furthermore, the definition ignores the fact that not all litters are equal. Some dogs and cats routinely have large litters while others typically have small litters, thereby resulting in disparate treatment of hobby breeders. Another issue with this definition of hobby breeder is the use of the term "bred" instead of born.

The pet mill definition introduces additional problems for fanciers, including a failure to discriminate between legitimate breeders and those with substandard facilities or practices. As defined in the proposed ordinance, a pet mill is:
"a facility where pets are bredfor the purpose of selling them and where any two of the following conditions are found to exist:
  1. More than twenty (20) dogs under the age of 12 weeks or more than twenty (20) cats under the age of 16 weeks are kept at a single time;
  2. No genetic or heredity health testing appropriate for the breed is conducted;
  3. No long term (over one [1] year) guaranteesare honored;
  4. A single female is bred every cycle;
  5. A single female is bred more than five (5) times;
  6. There are no records of the dog or cat's parents;
  7. More than eight (8) dogs or cats are kept in a single cage or kennel area."
Under this definition, many combinations of two criteria could apply to hobby breeders. Two litters could exceed the 20 offspring criteria for cats and dogs prone to large litters. Of necessity, one or both of these litters would have more than eight offspring and thereby meeting criteria g. Criteria d and e interfere with a decision that should be between the breeder and their veterinarian. Furthermore, being bred is not the equivalent of conceiving and, as mentioned above, there are times when veterinarians recommend back-to-back pregnancies. The definition also fails to recognize that Florida state law has consumer protection laws for the pet buying public. Criteria c would require a non-commercial hobby breeder exceed the requirements of those consumer protection laws. The definition further imposes health testing on breeders without identifying who is qualified to determine what testing is appropriate for each breed. Under this definition, many hobby breeders will be categorized as pet mills.

The stated reason for this ordinance is to discourage the sale of pets from inhumane and unsanitary commercial breeding facilities. However, both the hobby breeder and pet mill definitions are more likely to negatively impact local hobby breeders than they are to eliminate substandard commercial breeders.

Please report legislation happening in your area to the Legislative Group -  
Visit the  CFALegislativeNews Facebook page to see the current legislative news.

by Karen Lane
CFA Ambassador Cats Program Chair

With clubs now using Facebook and Social Media to advertise our shows, we are getting larger and larger gate at our show. This is a great thing for our clubs and show management.

The increase of gate has created a huge need for more Ambassador Cats. We need you and your friendly cat to meet and greet the public at your local shows. Being an Ambassador Cat is a rewarding experience for you and your cat's breed. When we had many more shows the requirement to be an A-Cat was different than it is today. We understand that you cannot easily fly with an A-Cat, so we have a new criteria for being an A-Cat.

If you show in your area and want to be an Ambassador Cat, please call or email Karen Lane.

You will never have a better experience with your cat and people who love cats.

CFA Ambassadors
Candilee Jackson
CFA Ambassador Chair

Happy Spring everyone! We're just days away from spring flowers, blooming trees, and looming closely, the end of the show season. Where does the time go? Ambassadors continue to be busy, both inside and outside the show hall, and for me, this is exciting. Our outreach continues to grow, along with the wonderful people who have volunteered to join the ranks of Ambassadors. I'm so proud of the job everyone is doing, and I'm both grateful and thankful to CFA's Central Office staff for fulfilling the needs of our volunteer crew in a timely manner: KUDOS CO STAFF!!!

Region 5: Janiss Garza, Shari Millar
February 24 witnessed a terrific show: the Malibu Cat Club hosted A Garden Party at the Glendale Civic Auditorium in Glendale CA. Visiting was Summer, a lovely Somali Pet Me! Cat who was up to all his tricks. Later, Janiss took him shopping at the local Petco, and Summer was recognized by several customers who had been at the show! The show was well attended, and enjoyed a terrific gate, giving ambassadors a chance to meet and greet many spectators.

Region 6: Candilee Jackson
This winter has been exceedingly active for the MWR: five shows in just six weeks!!! February 24-25 found midwesties heading up Chicago way for a huge show hosted by Lincoln State Cat Club: in addition, a forty-vendor shopping mall (which included homemade ice cream!), there was a huge gate which kept ambassadors hopping. 
There was also a large component of Pet Me! Cats and cats for adoption from Sangamon Animal Control. Honoring our veterans, both military and feline, the Illini Cat Club Show in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, the following weekend on March 2-3, ambassadors gave out tons of coloring books and played host to another large gate. Ragdoll Keepurrdolls Shiloh Granded in Premiership at the Illini Cat Club show and his roommate, Tori, earned 5 Best Veteran ribbons. This past weekend, March 10th, Mo-Kan played host to a one-day, six-ring show which also welcomed a huge gate in Lenexa, KS. The MWR has three more shows this spring before the season ends: Tornado Alley, March 24-25, in Gardner KS; COWS, April 7, in Waukesha WI; and America's Heartland, Springfield IL on April 28-29th.

Region 8: Takako and Masanari Kojima
The cat clubs of Japan have been VERY busy: "We had shows every weekend from the start of February to the middle of March, and they were one-day six-ring shows," stated Takako. On February 17th, the Sacrament Valley Cat Club hosted a show in Tokyo, and although the entries were good, the location didn't have many spectators. Not having Raptor as an ambassador, Takako helped out a friend who was showing nine cats. "We were very busy. All adults cats earned their champion titles. It was a fine, but hard day!" remembered Takako. Because the show hall was small, there was no lunch stand. In Japan, lunches for exhibitors are part of their entry fee, and at this show, exhibitors got to choose their favorite lunch from four choices.

On March 4th, Masanari attended the Nyanko Yokohama Cat Show by himself, showing a silver tabby male ASH. He had a great time helping an agent of an Exotic. The cat only needed a few points to become a grand champion, and after the final ring, the cat did not make the final. As the agent packed up to leave, Masanari went to the ring clerk to check the Exotic's number, and was so happy to tell the agent, that, yes, her cat DID make the final and became a Grand Champion!


by Carmen Johnson-Lawrence, Chair

Another month we're into March. Our youth is still very busy participating in shows across the nation. We're almost in the home stretch of this season! Youth and parents should feel free to start submitting activity reports to their regional coordinators and chair to start the calculation of activity points for the season so that it's not a race come May.

I'm excited to see a number of our youth also participate in Agility! We are looking forward to growing youth involvement in this program. I love the life skills that come out of YFEP. As not all cats are cut out for the Agility course, it teaches our youth patience in dealing with those cats who just don't care to cooperate; and teamwork as the youth and cat have to work together.

This month we will hear from Asha who lives in the Midwest Region.
Asha running her cat through Agility at the Illini Show in Urbana, IL.

Asha Weier - Midwest Region Lions Division

I attended the Illini Cat Show last weekend March 3rd and 4th. I helped show my Burmese whose name is Zara. Before every ring I have to make sure Zara is well groomed and looking good. I also helped my dad with our new Oriental Shorthair, Riley, with the proper stance and making him more comfortable. I also attempted running a cat through agility which didn't go as planned but it was still fun. After all the hard work I went to a Japanese steakhouse with some friends and it was delicious!
Corporate Affliates
Our friends at Motel 6 would like CFA to continue to receive the 10% discount at participating locations by using the new updated reservation code of OAPHHT.  There is a dedicated reservation site for CFA at or you may call 800-466-8356.



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Region 1
by John Adelhoch,  Regional Director 

Let's all start to think spring, considering what March has brought us in noreasters. Our friends in the New England states have really had their share of snow, wind and rain. Have faith we will all dig out of all this winter weather, but don't take the snow tires off as of yet!
Jeff and Wendy Carson 

Lots of fun at the National Norwegian Forest Cat Club / Delaware River CC on February 24/25th. As always Jane and her club put on a really wonderful show. Sue and her crew were in the kitchen making sure the eggs and bacon were ready for the exhibitors for breakfast, and of course her famous chile and pulled pork. I am very glad to see that our region was there to support the club, and thank you to all the other exhibitors from other regions that made the effort to enter and show. We all need to keep in mind that we are all ambassadors of CFA. We love out cats and want the world to know how much we do. When we are at shows and visitors make their way through the isles to see our cats, greet them with welcoming smiles. Remember they are there to learn and see our beautiful animals. Each of us has an obligation to make them as welcome as we can.  Busy as we may be, take a minute to share our felines.
Elaine Magee

The NAR web site has been updated with some information regarding our upcoming awards banquet show and dinner. The flyer is posted on the web site for the show. The hotel is aware of us descending on them for the dates of June 15-17 th . When you call for reservations make sure you mention NAR, that is how the will recognize us so we get rooms in the block. DON'T wait to the last minute to make your reservations! Cut-off date is May 16th for a room.

The Atlantic Himalayan Club/Cats Incredible show is on March 24-25th, in Malvern, PA. I hear it's going to be an "Enchanted Garden" party. Let's welcome spring and get ourselves to the show in support.

Our next regional meeting will be at NOVA cat show on April 29th. See you all there. Let's all remember "these are the best of times" so get out there and show and make some new friends.

Region 2
Terri Zittel, Regional Secretary  

We had a fantastic Regional Fundraiser show in Portland, Oregon this past weekend with great attendance in both exhibitors and spectators. Dan, Brian Moser, and I were manning the gate. Brian was wonderful at answering questions and taking spectators on tours of the show hall. It was an exhausting but very successful day. I don't know yet how we did financially but I do know it was a success. We also had many donations to make the show even a financially greater win for the region.

This weekend we have the annual IdaCats show in Boise, Idaho. This is a wonderful venue if you have never attended this show. It is also March Madness so we will be traveling over with a lot of basketball fans.

We finish the show season with 2 ten ring shows, one in Pleasanton, CA and the second in Longview, WA. The first is the annual Crow Canyon Cat Club show and the second is the annual Puget Sound/McKenzie River Cat Club show. Flyers for both shows can be found at Hope you can attend one or more of these shows.

Finally, we had a new Grand Premier of Distinction at the Regional Fundraiser. GP Purr-Majik Hot Topic achieved this goal in Darrell Newkirk's ring. Hot Topic is a gorgeous Flame Point Persian-Himalayan neuter who is nine years and four months old. Because of our really hectic schedule I did not get a picture of the cat and the event. Hot Topic is bred and owned by Cheryl Fisher.

Region 3
by Kathy Black, Regional Director
Leesa Altschul with her White Persian Grand Champion

March brings a change of the season and it is evident all around us. Thunderstorms, ice, snow, hail, winds, you name it. None of these top our brave exhibitors from getting to and enjoying a show. That was the case for the Alexandria, LA show with Magnolia State Cat Club. Torrential downpours made driving difficult for many leaving the show on Sunday. This was the normal weekend for Wildcatters Cat Club which was unable to hold their show in Beaumont, TX due to the hurricane damage. Magnolia State held its first show and hosted a fantastic hotel show. Cats from 4 regions were represented at the 10 ring show. Congratulations to the club and we look forward to them being a permanent show on our schedule.

Rebecca Azuara with a Maine Coon kitten

Marsha Ammons held a clerking school with many new students who also assisted clerked during the show. Another upcoming clerking school is scheduled soon. Look for more details.

Upcoming shows include:
  • Ozark Cat Fanciers with Happy Alternative Cat Club, Cleburne, TX March 17-18, 2018
  • Greater Baton Rouge Cat Club, Gonzales, LA March 31, 2018
  • Oklahoma City Cat Club, Norman, OK April 7, 2018
  • Foot of the Rockies Cat Club, Loveland, CO April 14-15, 2018
  • North Texas and Fort Worth Cat Club, Mesquite, TX April 21-22, 2018

Region 4
by John Colilla, Regional Director

No report received
Region 5
by Lisa Marie Kuta, Regional Director 

Thanks to the Malibu Cat Club for producing such a fun, well-run show on
February 24. I know I had a wonderful time interacting with many of the
show's spectators.

Only two shows left in the Southwest Region this season! First up is Los
Colores in Palm Springs, CA on March 24. The location can't be beat! The
showhall is right near Downtown Palm Springs, a perfect opportunity to
take a mini-vacation and soak in the sun.

Speaking of locations that can't be beat, the Las Vegas Cat Club's show on
April 28-29 is at the Flamingo, RIGHT ON THE STRIP! Close out the show
season with all the fun of Las Vegas right out the front door.
Region 6
by Mary Auth, Regional Director
Cary Plummer (left) and Randy Pohlman pose with Spiderman - wait, is that Petey, the Cornish Rex super hero?

This last month has been a busy one with Midwest Region shows!
Hawkeye State - aka the Des Moines show - hosted their show in mid-February. Lincoln State followed with a full entry - not something you see very often. The top cats in the country were in competition. Cary Plummer and Randy Pohlman served as the show managers (see photo below). If you didn't see Cary's pre-show announcements - you missed some great entertainment - he's at it again for the April 7 COWS show.
The Illini Cat Club show was held the next weekend in Urbana, Illinois. As always, there was a hefty gate that came out to see the cats. Mo-Kan Cat Club was the next weekend with a "Meow Madness" theme in honor of the college basketball's annual countdown to the Final Four.
The Illini Cat Club has a tradition of singing the National Anthem before each show and Gina Garton has always been gracious to accept the invitation. She is joined by Robin Bryan, show manager.

Coming up soon is a return to the Kansas City area on March 24-25. The "Rainbow Cats" show is hosted by Tornado Alley and Cat KC clubs - Brian Pearson and features a "count how many Skittles are in the jar" contest. Plan to have a fun time at this show. Closing is March 20.
April brings the COWS show to Waukesha, Wisconsin. This show is always a lot of fun with the Cow Bell ringing and bringing prizes. Count on Cary Plummer to entertain pre-show and on premises. The show season ends with America's Heartland in Springfield, Illinois for a year-end celebration.
Selma Kessel from Omaha participated in the Mo-Kan Cat Show cage decorating contest, keeping with the theme of Meow Madness. Spectators voted. Selma is one of the Midwest Region's newest exhibitor and is showing Cornish Rex.

The region is planning a clerking school on Friday, August 3 in advance of the TGIF and National Birman Fanciers show in Gray Summit, Missouri. Watch for details to come.
Region 7
by Jean Dugger, Regional Director

After a short break, the Southern Region came alive this past weekend with two classic shows-the Atlanta Phoenix Cat Society in Atlanta and Crab & Mallet in Baltimore.   Both of these CFA sponsorship shows were well attended and showed how eager our exhibitors were to get back to the show ring!

I was at the Atlanta Phoenix show, and we had a short regional meeting on Sunday. The primary focus was to update everyone there about our progress regarding the two big upcoming events in the Southern Region: our regional show and banquet which will be held the 2nd weekend of June in Roanoke, Va, and the Southern Region's role at our CFA Annual Meeting in Atlanta later in June.

I am amazed and thankful to all of those folks from both inside and outside of the region who have stepped up to help us with our preparations for the CFA Annual. Many thanks to you all!
We also launched the "100 Peaches" fundraiser this past weekend at both of these shows. We are soliciting 100 sponsors as special guests of the Southern Region at the annual.   For $100.00 you can be one of our sponsors and special guests-with lots of thank you goodies.   The information is available on our website - but HURRY - they are going fast!

Upcoming shows:
This weekend brings us Coastal Paws Cat Club's show in Raleigh (which is of course closed now). But just around the corner is Tennessee Valley Cat Fanciers' show in Knoxville March 24-25. The region's final show will be Gasparilla Feline Fancier's show in Melbourne, FL on April 14-15. Finish up the show season with your Southern Region friends and family!!

Region 8
 Kayoko Koizumi, Regional Director

No report this month

Region 9
by Michael Hans Schleissner 

February 2018 brought us shows all around Europe!
We started on the second weekend in Belgium. The Feline Fanciers of Benelux did a great 8-ring show in Grote-Brogel. It was a perfect location (as always!) in a small Belgium village which makes all exhibitors welcome. This place has become a traditional location for CFA shows and was perfectly organized by the team around Peter Vanwonterghem. This shows at that place should be a must for European exhibitors, and of course, a BBQ was offered on Saturday evening as always. Thanks to the club for constantly producing shows. Their next show will be on May 5&6, 2018 same place, same perfect organization.
Michael Schleissner and best cat in show GRP Maradan Juanito of La Perregrina Exotic brown mackeral tabby neuter, owner Elena Kovaleva
Happy Valentine's Day in Moscow,Russia! The Edelweiss Cat Club had their show on Feb. 17, 2018 in Moscow. It was a 6 ring / 1 day show and the club is known for quality in show producing. Alla Ipatova and Reto Refeller did a great job in putting up this show. Perfect location in the city center of Moscow. 
This show's theme was "In memoriam of Irina Tokmakova." Every judges' table had pictures of Irina and made us remembering this wonderful person. Pictures of Irina in the catalog and in the showhall. Irina we still miss you. Goodbye Irina......

Last weekend in February we had the focus on England: The UK Cat Fanciers did their 7th show in Stansted, England. These people know how to improvise! What can you do when the cage service doesn't deliver tables in time? Yes, you are in real trouble! But finally the tables arrived late on Saturday. Now, this is real working together as most of the exhibitors helped to unload the truck ( sorry, in England it's a lorry....). I think we should thank the exhibitors for their patience and understanding. Finally the show took place like every CFA show in the world. Thanks to UK Cat Fanciers for there constant work in an not so easy area to produce a show.
It's difficult to have a cat show when you don't have tables to put your cages on...
...or in your judging rings!
Fortunately, the service arrived and with everyone's help....
....the cat show got underway!

Watch the show schedule for March, there are great locations for CFA shows.

International Division
by Dick Kallemyer

K-Cats held their annual show in Shuwaikh, Kuwait on February 16-17, 2018. It was their largest show ever with exhibitors from Europe, Southeast Asia as well as throughout the Middle East.

Sandra AlSumait, one of the driving forces behind K-Cats with judge Kenny Currle.
Judge Larry of Arabia with assistant master clerk Crystal, and show committee members Sandra and Najla.
Show committee, judges, and photographer Larry Johnson at luncheon.

Exhibitor buffet lunch on the 2nd day of the show.
The video for the K-Cats show may be found on You Tube
(search for K-Cats).

The Cat Fanciers Club of Thailand held their show March 3-4, 2018 in Bangkok.

Exhibitors, vendors and show committee.

Vendor booth at the Cat Fanciers Club of Thailand show

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Thank you for being a subscriber!

Teresa Keiger
CFA Newsletter Editor