Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
City of Lights  
Join us for
The 2nd Annual 
City of  Lights Awards Dinner 

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

La Fonda Supper Club

2501 Wilshire Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90057

Dear LACBC supporter, 


During these past few days I have received many e-mails from City of Lights supporters wishing to come to our 2nd Annual City of Lights Bicycle Awards Dinner but cannot attend due to the current $65.00 rate for the general public. While initially we thought this was a reasonable rate we are now reducing it to the $45.00 rate for everyone - whether you're an LACBC member or not! Yes, that's right $45.00 for everyone including your none LACBC member friends! We understand that these tough economic times have had a toll on peoples pockets and want to reflect these changes to better service our supporters! 


With this awesome rate you'll get a chance to personally sit closely with our one and only Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, L.A. Times columnist and author Hector Tobar, & Dream Rider activist Laura Torres. As an added bonus, we'll have an all-female Mariachi group called Trio Ellas who will serenade us with Mariachi and Bolero music. This performance will be exclusive for dinner participants only! By the way, the ticket also gets you in to our benefit concert featuring the locally acclaimed band Very Be Careful. They will play Vallenato music from Colombia.  


Call your friends, colleagues, co-workers, family members, and tell them about this awesome event happening next week at the historic La Fonda.   

So purchase your tickets today and get ready for a night you'll never forget!


I hope this is great news for all of you and wish to personally meet you there at our dinner awards! As we say in Spanish, alli nos vemos!


As a side note: the immediate ticket price change from $65 to $45 to the general public may not be reflected on the actual website so you may have to wait for one full day to take effect.   


Truly yours,  


Andy Rodriguez

Bilingual Bicycle Safety Coordinator 

Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition


We're hosting our 2nd Annual City of Lights Bicycle Awards Dinner and Silent Auction in one week, and we want to see you there! Please join us for a festive dinner and after party on October 26, 2011 at La Fonda Supper Club beginning at 6:30 PM.


We'll be honoring Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Hector Tobar of the LA Times, and Laura Torres of the DREAM Riders for their contributions to bettering the lives of low-income, Latino cyclists.


For those coming to the dinner, you will be serenaded by Trio Ellas, an all-female Mariachi group. We will also be having a fun after party featuring Very Be Careful, so put on your dancing shoes and get ready to bailar!


Tickets are now $45 for EVERYONE, which covers both dinner and the after party! You can also donate in lieu of a ticket if you're not in town, donate $30 to sponsor a Bici Dignario, or buy a ticket to the after party for $20 at the door. 
After Party & Concert: Enjoy the night after the awards dinner with City of Lights volunteers and LACBC staff for a LIVE musical performance by the locally acclaimed band Very Be Careful. They will be playing Vallenato music from Colombia that will make you sweat the night away. Don't miss out on this special event at La Fonda! 

Parking is available, but taking the Metro (exit MacArthur Park) and/or your bike is encouraged. Free bike valet will be provided!


Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

 Dinner: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Music: 9:00 PM - 1:30 AM



La Fonda Supper Club

 2501 Wilshire Blvd.

 Los Angeles, California 90057



About City of Lights:

City of Lights is a grassroots, volunteer-led program of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. Founded in 2008 by a couple of passionate LACBC volunteers, we have grown into a national social justice bicycling movement and accomplished the following in the past year:
  • The 7th St. Bike Lane through MacArthur Park we've pushed for 2 years for: STRIPED!
  • LA's first ever Spanish language bus shelter ad that will debut this DECEMBER!
  • We won a Best Practices Award from the Alliance for Biking and Walking for our work to pioneer equity in bike advocacy.
  • BiciDignarios (or day laborers at IDEPSCA) have begun a series of mobile bike mechanic workshops.
  • 73 locations of bike parking racks have been installed in Macarthur Park, Pico-Union, and much more!