The Episcopal Church of the
Midweek Newsletter
Dates to Remember
Jan 17th The Brotherhood of St. Andrew Meets in the Parish Hall 8:30 am

Jan 17th 5:30 pm Dine Out at MIMI's Restaurant (See notice below) 

Jan. 18th Annual Meeting and Early Rite I Service goes to 8:30 am. 

Jan 24th Safeguarding God's People
Sunday Services
8:00 a.m. Rite I  (No Music)
Christian Education
 9:15 to 10:15 a. m. 

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Ages 4-10 in
Classroom 6

Adults:  Classroom 4
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II
With Music

Please note that as of this date 10-09-14, Midweek will be published at 6:00 pm each Thursday. Content for Midweek will need to be submitted by noon each Thursday.

Church Office Hours
Monday -Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Closed Fridays

Sunday with Adult Formation

Adult Formation continues in Classroom 4 from 9:15 until 10:15 with Fr. Nathan and Fr. Billy with discussion on the Episcopal Church.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Wednesday Morning Bible Study with Fr. Billy at 8:30 has resumed at Genuine Joe's Coffee Shop. Current Study is The Book of Mark

Dine-out for January is Saturday the 17th at 5:30  pm at MIMI's Restaurant, 10515 MOPAC.  (In the ArborWalk Shopping Center) Signup sheet is in the Narthex. All are invited. Come enjoy good food and good fellowship. Contact Joe Page for information 512-453-3077
Brotherhood of St. Andrew Meeting

Brotherhood monthly meeting on January 17th at 8:30 am in the Parish Hall. Breakfast will be served.
The Season After the Epiphany
On Baptism
Baptism is one of the most common themes that occurs in movies.  It can be as obscure as a rain scene where a character is getting washed anew, to as obvious as water being poured into a font. As in the  Fellowship of the Ring when Sam and Frodo are standing at the Mirror of Galadriel and are contemplating looking in on the water, that will show them, What is, What has been, and What will be.


At first glance Frodo sees calming memories of the shire, but it quickly turns dark and scary. He tries to hand the ring to Galadriel in hopes that she could take the ring and destroy it, for the burden is too heavy. She refuses, and later  Nenya reminds Frodo that he is capable of such a task. She says, "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."  


The beautiful thing about baptism is that it does not contain magic, but mystery. The mystery of a ritual that reminds us that we are connected to those saints who have been, who are now and who are to come. This ritual is a vivid reminder that when we baptize someone, it is not all about the child or adult being baptized, but is about all of us and how we are all interconnected. It is in that connected mystery where I am reminded that what I do makes a difference no matter how large or small the task.  


Throughout the season after the Epiphany we will be looking at different angles of baptism and will have the honor of baptizing on February 8th.  It is my hope that we too will remember that we have a real and tangible part in the course of the present and the future. 


God Bless,




Important Changes to Note:

  • On January 18th
    the Rite I early service will move to 8:30 am
  • The Rite I early service will also move to the Canadian Chapel on January 18th.
  • Be sure to attend the Yearly Meeting, directly after the 10:30 service. Lunch will be served by the ECW, and it will be a fund raiser. Your donations will be greatly appreciated. The Bishop's Committee and our Delegates to Council have already been elected, so there is no voting to be done. We only need to enjoy the good lunch, and hear about all the progress that has been made in the past year -- Thanks be to God! 

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew to Meet
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet this coming Saturday, January 17th at 8:30 am in the Parish Hall, and breakfast will be served.
Safeguarding God's People


On Saturday, January 24th, we are having the Safeguarding God's People Course here at the church.  Something similar to the Safeguarding God's Children Course, it is a course to ensure that our ministry leaders and others are knowledgeable in maintaining a safe environment free from sexual abuse for adults.


Who should take the course: All ministry leaders, all paid employees, and some volunteers should take
it. Those who work in the office, lay Eucharistic Ministers, thrift shop workers, etc., should take it. Additionally,

anyone who goes into anyone's home, in any role related to the church should take the course.  The course is good for five years, after which it must be renewed.  


For more information, or to register for this class contact the church office 512-459-0027


In The Cold Mid-Winter
The keyhole gardens are covered for the time being, but underneath, there is warmth, and they are preparing for Spring. The covers will come off, and the green growth will spring forth. Inside the church, it's warm and growing, too.
A Request from the Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop is in need of a peg board. Any color or size would do. They have some of the attachments, but some attachments would be gratefully appreciated, also. 
Music for Sunday January 18th
Anthem: The Lord Be Near Us, 
Hal Hopson
Processional:  R-36, Here I Am, Lord

Gospel:  535, Ye Servants of God

Communion: R-22, Glorify Thy Name
R-4, As We Gather At Thy Table
Missional: 477, All Praise To Thee
Lay Ministry for Sunday January 18th
Scripture Readings  Click for Readings

First Reading:  I Sam 3:1-10
Psalm: 139:1-5, 12-17
Epistle: I Cor. 6:12-20
Gospel: John 1:43-51 

8:30 Service  

Old Testament: Steffan Pilotek
Psalm: Jon Ellis
Epistle: Bob Beyer
Prayers of the People: Jim Ryan

Chalice Bearer:  Bob Beyer
Acolytes:  Holly & Charles Davis, Douglas Foxworth
Usher:  Jim Ryan

10:30 a.m. Service:

Old Testament: Noreen McMahan
Psalm: Kenneth DeSilva
Epistle: Jennifer Johnston
Prayers of the People: Mary Morrison
Chalice Bearers:  (GC) Michael Paulsen  (C) Helen Paulsen
Ushers: Jim Ryan, Lance New, Jeri Wines
Greeters: Pat Starkie & Pat Mills
Altar Guild: Ginger Kirchhof, Reba Ott, Jeri Wines, Liz Haltom
Flower Guild: Reba Ott
Bishop Committee Host: Bob Beyer
Lay Eucharistic Minister:  To be Announced
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