The Gate | Holiday 2016 Edition
  Dear Gateway Community, 

With finals upon us in both of our schools, our classrooms are buzzing with energy and we can feel Winter Break within reach! It's been an incredibly full semester. We've strengthened relationships with community partners, sent 99% of Gateway's Class of 2016 to college, broke ground on our STEAM center, and most importantly, supported one another with kindness and love during an uncertain time in our history.

I am proud of how the Gateway community consistently demonstrates honesty, compassion, respect, and inclusivity. Gateway was founded on these values, and we continue to stand for them.  My sincerest thanks to our faculty, families, and friends who remain committed to keeping Gateway a welcoming and safe place for all students to learn.

As we look forward to the coming year, we will continue to build out initiatives that enable us to share our best practices, leverage strategic partnerships, and ensure each Gateway student finds academic success, self confidence, and opportunities to stretch, imagine, create, and connect.

There is much to look forward to and a great deal for which to be grateful. Here's to making a great year ahead!

Sharon Olken
Executive Director, Gateway Public Schools 
In This Issue 
Gateway's Class of 2016: Successes and Destinations college3

Congratulations to Gateway's Class of 2016! 99% of our students in the Class of 2016 went on to college in the fall.
Of these students, 73% are attending four-year schools, and nearly half are the first in their families to attend college
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Spotlight: Mauricio Mendez, Posse Foundation Scholar  possefoundation

Mauricio Mendez was one of ten Bay Area high school students selected to be a member of the Posse Foundation's first ever University of Puget Sound "Posse."  The Posse Foundation is one of the most comprehensive and renowned college access and youth leadership development programs in the United States.  Founded in 1989, the Posse Foundation opened its 10th chapter in the Bay Area in 2015Read more.
Spotlight: Steven Chen, Gates Millennium Scholar  steven

Steven Chen was a recipient of the Gates Millennium Scholarship, which provides minority students with the opportunity to complete a college education. Out of the 53,000 applications received each year, only 1,000 are selected for the prestigious scholarship that provides full tuition and living expenses for college. The Gates Millennium Scholarship program is funded by a $1 billion grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.   Read more.

In order to be successful, students today need to gain real-world exposure, connect with mentors, and participate in experiences that help fuel ambitious future aspirations.
This is especially important for academically disadvantaged students. 
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Aliece Alessandra, a member of Gateway's Class of 2017, has been interning with Salesforce for three months now and, according to Aliece, has been "absolutely LOVING every second of it!" Aliece was placed at an internship with Salesforce thanks to Gateway's ongoing partnership with Genesys Works.  Read more.
Gateway's ability to provide all our students - especially our academically disadvantaged students -  with strong training in the emerging fields of science, engineering, and technology is more essential today than ever in our quest to close the achievement gap Read more
Teach with Africa: A Teaching and Learning Exchange recip

Over the summer Gateway Middle School teachers, Elizabeth Colen and Lucy Hilarides, traveled to South Africa as fellows for the Global Teachers Institute (GTI). In partnership with Teach with Africa, the GTI fellowship program identifies high-impact teachers and educational leaders in the US and places them in South African schools. 
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Gateway Public Schools is excited to announce a $40,000 contribution from AT&T to support our On the Road to College Program. Specifically, the contribution has been made to support College Core - a key initiative of our Impact Campaign that seeks to build upon the success of our college counseling program.  Read more.
Inside Gateway IG

Matters of the Mind Luncheon
Gateway's 14th Annual Matters of the Mind Luncheon with critically acclaimed chef and food justice activist, Bryant Terry, was a tremendous success and raised nearly $350K for Gateway's exceptional academic program.
                             Gateway Hosts SFUSD Board of Education Candidate Forum
Gateway partnered with other schools and organizations across San Francisco to host a community forum for the candidates for the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education.  

Gateway Supports Community during Uncertain Times
The recent election had, and continues to have, a powerful impact on our Gateway community. In the weeks following the election, space was created for students, staff, and faculty in classrooms, assemblies, lunchtime forums, and professional development.

Gateway Celebrates Community Partners 

Gateway held it's first ever Community Partner Night 
to give a warm welcome to our community partners and volunteers, express gratitude for their involvement, build community, and celebrate the beginning of a new school year. More than 75 partners joined us for the evening.  

Gateway High School Fall Varsity Teams in Playoffs

Both of Gateway High School's Fall Varsity Sports, Gateway Gators Girls Varsity Volleyball and Gateway Gators Boys Varsity Soccer, competed in the CIF North Coast Section playoffs. 

Gateway Middle School Honors its Rich Diversity
Every year since Gateway Middle School was founded, students, families, and staff have come together to honor the rich diversity within our school and to celebrate our cultural heritage through food at our Cultural Thanksgiving Potluck
Gateway Public Schools: Measuring success one student at a time.