Independents Make Their Voices Heard in Ohio
On September 20, independents from Ohio and Kentucky made presentations to the President's Commission on Election Administration at their final public hearing in Cincinnati. Independent Ohio leader Rick Robol reported that when Commission Co-Chairman Ginsberg asked our team to condense their presentations because they had "previously heard from the independents," we made it clear we would be heard!  Robol, Mark Ritter (Independent Kentucky), Sadie Stewart, Jonathan Lippincott and Mary Rook each shared their unique perspectives on the barriers to participation faced by independent voters. You can view their full testimony here and read Robol's report on the day here (begins at 2:32 on the video marked 1:15).  Several days before the hearing, the Canton Repository published Independent Ohio leader Cynthia Carpathios' letter to the editor Obama Commission Should Study Barriers to Independent Voting.
Salit to Participate in Panel Discussion in Maine
Jacqueline Salit

The Bangor League of Women Voters and Bangor Public Library is sponsoring a groundbreaking event at Husson University this Monday, September 30th, at 3pm.'s Jackie Salit will be traveling to Maine to participate in a conversation entitled "Truly Independent? Independent Voters and Candidates -- Who are Independents and Why Aren't They Part of the Parties."

Contact Joe Pickering at [email protected] for more information on attending the event.  The event is expected to be livestreamed and videoed for future viewing.

Jackie will also be doing a Book Signing at the Bangor Public library, speaking at the Bangor Rotary Club and making several media appearances including an editorial board meeting at the the Bangor Daily News and the popular local radio show, The Pulse on WZON.
Adolfo Carrion and Dr. Lenora Fulani
Fulani challenges Democrat's "ownership"  
of progressivism

I am a supporter of Adolfo Carrion, the Independence Party's mayoral candidate.  He is neither a Democrat nor a Republican, he's something else altogether and that is a good thing.  Unless we can create a new way of doing things politically, we will not be able to touch the problems that New Yorkers face, let alone solve them. 
Lenora Fulani

Dr. Lenora Fulani, independent political pioneer and co-founder of, wrote a powerful editorial for the Blackstar News last week that challenges how the NYC Democratic Party conflates their control with progressive change. It is a geat expos� and we hope you will read it, tweet it, and share it among your friends and family. In addition, Fulani issued a statement drawing a distinction between Democratic Party mayoral nominee Bill DeBlasio's progressivism and his Democratic Party affiliation.  

Independents' PCEA Campaign will be the topic of
Jackie Salit's next  
National Conference Call for Independents
Commission to Independents: 
Stop Talking
Independents to Commission:
We're Just Getting Started!
Tuesday, October 15
at 8:00 PM ET 
(7:00 CT, 6:00 MT, 5:00 PT)

Listen to Jackie's interview about the Commission on Wisconsin Public Radio   

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