The ICPA Monthly Insider
 Monthly E-Newsletter of the International Cast Polymer Association                         December 2017 Issue
Registration has begun for POLYCON Chicago 2018!
April 18th - 20th 
Plant de monstrations hosted by manufacturer member,  Marble Works

CLICK HERE for Registration Information
Resources for leadership and business growth and development
Business Continuity

If a disaster struck; a fire, flood, tornado, a technical or quality control failure, could your business continue to operate? Know what you need to do to minimize the risk of disruption to your business and maintain your brand!

Don't Think It Won't Happen To You!

At POLYCON Chicago 2018 you will have the opportunity to hear first hand what happens when disaster strikes your plant! Dirk De Vuyst will interview Mickey Moore, owner of Custom Bath Products, who lost his entire plant to fire in October and is in the process of a disaster recovery.

Letter from Executive Director, Jennifer Towner
Dear Members and Industry Affiliates,

I am pleased and excited to announce that registration for  POLYCON Chicago 2018  April 18th - 20th, has officially begun! The Eaglewood Resort is going to be a fantastic location for our annual event.

Programming and plant demonstrations are being finalized and  John Schweitzer from ACMA  will be there to give you a complete regulatory update that you will only be able to hear at POLYCON! 

Manufacturer members, now through January 1st take advantage of a special  $50 discount  off the regular registration fee for manufacturer and affiliate members. 

Also new this year , manufacturer members can register up to 3 additional people from your company for $100 each.

Visit the POLYCON website , , for the latest information, the Schedule AT-A-Glance, registration, and hotel accommodations.

POLYCON Texas was big but you are going to be blown away in Chicago!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

Best Regards,
Jennifer Towner

The International Cast Polymer Association
4949 Old Brownsboro Rd., Suite 232
Louisville, KY 40222
Contact email:
CLICK HERE  for electronic copy of the Fall 2017 Issue
The Winter Issue will be available on the website in a few weeks.

Business issue of Cast Polymer Connection

Don’t miss this magazine! Coming to your mailbox soon!
In keeping with Cast Polymer Connection’s goal of targeting specific issues members have identified as key, Winter’s issue will focus on business and financial trends. Here’s an idea of what you’ll see:
  • A discussion on what goes into the decision whether to go lean, with background on how lean first got started and some tips on resources that can help.
  • A look at how much money is lost within industrial companies because of the fact leaders don’t have a sufficient grasp of exactly how much time is required to accomplish what steps in the manufacturing process.
  • An article that talks about why disaster planning has evolved into the discipline of business continuity management and what should be done in an emergency.
  • A feature that covers why ICPA members find their association valuable and why those that don’t belong are missing out.
  • A column on how to measure value pricing.
And much more.

Winter’s issue is at the printer’s and should arrive in your mailboxes sometime after Christmas. Don’t miss this valuable resource!

Spring 2018 will focus on design trends and will provide a preview on what’s going to happen in April at POLYCON Chicago 2018.

You are encourage to send your ideas and input to Genilee Parente, executive editor,  or call  703.680.9231 .
POLYCON Chicago 2018 is only 4 months away!
Register Now for Early Bird Rates
Get Ready to be Blown Away in Chicago!
The Eaglewood Resort is an excellent location for our general session, breakouts session programming and networking opportunities. 
The Eaglewood Resort has 37,000 square feet of dedicated IACC-certified conference space . We have reserved ample space and amenities for our general session and exhibit floor.

Play at one of the most inspiring Chicago championship golf courses
Comfortable King and Double Queen rooms will be available at a discounted rate.
Register now at a discounted rate for POLYCON 2018.
Last Chance to save 20%
What's the Get One Take 20 Offer? 
Click on the post card below for more information!
Its not too late to renew for 2017-18!
Membership dues are now prorated.
 There has been no increase in the annual membership dues. You can join or renew by check or credit card at the ICPA website HERE
Become an ICPA Member today!

We are Moving Forward with Forward Thinking and uniting the cast polymer industry with a member driven organization which will enhance the success of the member companies and enlighten the market to the value of cast polymer products!