Friends and Family,
Our campaign for the City Council seat representing District 4 has come to a close and although we didn't prevail, I am proud of all that we have accomplished.
I'm proud to be part of a groundswell of grassroots candidates who rose up to challenge the status quo in a time of citywide budget crisis, resulting in contested races for all City Council seats up for election.
I'm proud to be a part of the citywide dialogue that resulted, one where we were able to position a vision for a well-planned, well-funded city that delivers services based on standards that we can depend on.
I'm proud to be part of a team of campaign volunteers that came from all walks, grabbing a hold of the common ground platform that represented residents, small business owners, budget hawks and land use activists, all committed to partnering in greatness.
I'm proud to be a part of a community network of supporters who are experts in their respective fields, all committed to working together to move Los Angeles forward, a journey that started before this campaign and will continue with increasing momentum. I'm proud to be a part of a campaign team that joined me on an inspirational and aspirational campaign, one that stayed positive and focused on the goal, partnering with voters to create a better Los Angeles. Most of all, I'm proud to live in Los Angeles, a city filled with people who encouraged me, who contributed to the campaign, who joined us by walking precincts and calling voters, and who reminded us at every turn that Los Angeles is truly a great city. Enci and I look forward to the continuing journey as we partner with you in greatness. Thank you for all you do!
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