The KIT ─ Knowledge & Information Technology
No. 193 - 1 Jun 2017
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In This Issue
Blockchain Webinar
IT Service Management
AlphaGo Wins and Retires
Smart Cities and Secure Upgrades
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Claude Baudoin

Consulting Services
  • IT Strategy
  • Enterprise Architecture Roadmap 
  • Business Process Modeling & Analysis 
  • Enterprise Software Selection 
  • IT Innovation Briefings
  • IT Due Diligence
  • Executive IT Seminars
  • Cloud Computing
  • Security Maturity
  • Software Process 
  • Knowledge Strategy
  • Technical Communities
  • Knowledge Capture
  • Taxonomy development 
  • Enterprise Social Media 
Contact Us:
cébé IT and Knowledge Management

+1 281 460 3595
Twitter: @cbaudoin
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8 Years and Counting
Today marks the eighth anniversary of cébé IT & Knowledge Management, and of this information letter. Thanks for your fidelity!

We're still doing well, with consulting engagements in Mexico (in association with Cutter Services of Mexico) and the U.S., collaboration with the Object Management Group and the Industrial Internet Consortium, and participation in the Steering Committee of the Cloud Standards Customer Council.

On July 1, the company and its owners will be relocating from Austin, Texas to San Rafael, Calif. (just north of San Francisco). Nothing else will change, including contact information, and we will continue to serve our customers from a cooler place.
ACM Blockchain Webinar
It's all the rage now, but it's still not obvious to (a) understand what blockchain is, (b) imagine all the areas to which it might apply. If you missed it live, you can watch the replay of "The Next Radical Internet Transformation: How Blockchain Technology is Transforming Business, Governments, Computing, and Security Models," presented by Mark Mueller-Eberstein, entrepreneur, investor, consultant and Professor at Rutgers University's Business School.
IT Service Management
On June 15, research firm Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) will present a webinar on the evolution of IT Service Management toward "integrated capabilities to support asset management, operations, development and the IT executive and business community."
Quitting While You're on Top
Playing games at or above human level has long been a way to measure the capability of expert systems and other artificial intelligence software. In the 1970s, computer programs could play checkers, and chess (with its much more complicated rules and moves) was the stretch goal. Even before a computer could play against a grand master, it was known that the Japanese game of Go was even tougher. That challenge has been met by AlphaGo, A.I. software from the DeepMind division of Google.

So where does one go (pun intended) from there? Interestingly, DeepMind announced on May 27 that it is retiring AlphaGo and will apply the lessons learned to the pursuit of challenges that are arguably more socially valuable -- such as "new cures for diseases, dramatically reducing energy consumption, or inventing revolutionary new materials." More details in this International Business Times article.
Smart Cities and Secure IoT Upgrades
This paper by Steven Miller, professor at Singapore Management University, is a summary of a panel he recently moderated, entitled "How Smart Systems Enable More Liveable Cities." The issues of secure upgrades to systems was mentioned -- something that's starting to be recognized as a big looming cybersecurity threat.
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"Welcome to Planet of the APIs."
-- Rubrik Inc., in a promotional tweet