Matthew Lekushoff |


Although most global markets have had a good first half of the year, recent market weakness has persisted over the last few weeks. Canadian equities, especially those in the energy sector, have been among the poorest performers in 2017.

Should July see a further decline, and especially if Canadian equities continue to lead the fall, we may decide to do some strategic rebalancing earlier than usual to take advantage of the situation. If things stabilize or strengthen, we'll keep our routine bi-annual rebalancing scheduled for the end of the summer or early fall.

Average Canadian's debt-to-income ratio is still bad...

Unfortunately, the debt-to-income ratio for the average Canadian is still not looking good. The ratio for the first quarter came in at 166.9, just under its all-time high. Although the ratio didn't breach another record, we shouldn't be too excited, as it appears this is due to the seasonality of the housing market, rather than to Canadians prudently paying debt levels down. It's always hard to predict when interest rates will rise, but when they do, those with exorbitant levels of debt will likely find themselves in a more precarious position than most. For perspective, Canadians have one of the highest (if not the highest) debt levels in the world.

If you're having difficulty managing your own debt levels, please don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions you may have. It's a stressful position to be in, but sometimes the first step is the hardest-and most important to realize things aren't as bad as they seem. I'm always happy to talk things through and devise a financial plan that works for you!


With Canada celebrating 150 years since Confederation this past Saturday, I'd like to take a moment to say a few things about the country I call home.  
I feel incredibly fortunate to have been born in Canada. It's not perfect, but I'd stack it up against almost any other place on the planet-----  and be proud of the comparison. For the most part, Canada is a prosperous, free, inclusive, and welcoming place.
Most of us are immigrants, or children of immigrants, or grandchildren (great-grandchildren, etc.) of immigrants. Many arrived with little to nothing and through hard work and some luck made a life for themselves and their families. One of the things I believe makes Canada great is that we've made our multiculturalism one of our strengths.
Perhaps I've been drinking the maple syrup for too long, but I think, in many ways, Canada should be a model for the world to follow.
So happy belated birthday Canada, and thank you for all you are! May your best years be ahead of you!


Montaigne  by Stefan Zweig: A short, but wonderful biography on one of France's most famous writers and thinkers.
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics  by Carlo Rovelli: Although I enjoyed this short book, I'll need a few more reads before I can fully get my head around some of the concepts. Having said that, it's one of the most accessible books for those interested in learning (and understanding) the major themes in physics.
Emotionally Attractive  by Seth Godin: Another short gem by Seth Godin.
The Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs  by Visual Capitalist: The more I learn about success, the more I'm convinced the quality and nature of a person's habits make the difference between success and failure. This infographic gives a small glimpse into some of the greatest entrepreneurs' habits that got them to the top.
Going Viral: Canada 150 Edition

Matthew Lekushoff

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