EMail Newsletter of The Moon Society September 2010
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In This Issue
The latest issue of Selenology Quarterly (Summer 2010) is now ready for download
"Skylight" on the Moon
The Moon's Alpine Valley
Coining new words
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The latest issue of Selenology Quarterly (Summer 2010) is now ready for download This requires a Moon Society username and password
This issue includes the article on a National Park System for the Moon mentioned at right in our feature story about the Moon's Alpine Valley.

At the bottom of this newsletter, there are links for downloading a considerable amount of archived material: The MMM Classics; the MMM Theme issues, the MMM Papers, and more. All of this material can be freely downloaded and distributed without username or password.

Note: The Society is always open to members who wish to join our leadership team, providing input, and helping us reach consensus on various issues, projects, proposals, etc. If you want to know more about what is involved, write President
For $12, you can arrange for your school or library to get a one year subscription to Moon Miners' Manifesto (10 issues a year) direct from the publisher (made out to) Lunar Reclamation Society, PO Box 2102, Milwaukee, WI 53208 (checks or money orders only)
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We welcome your feedback on how we can make this newsletter more meaningful for you. Please send your comments, ideas and contributions to The Editor
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Iro Skylight
Sharpest image yet of a lava tube "skylight" on the Moon
This detailed photo by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter shows a lava tube "skylight" collapse pit on the Moon. It is about 100 meters across which fits the expected scale of such features. Sunlight reveals the rubble from the ceiling collapse on the tube floor. The list of skylights found by Kaguya and LRO keeps growing. The "Lunar Underground" could consist of many networks of tubes with a total length of many thousands of miles. These features are found in mare lava flows only, so that there will be none near either of the highland-locked poles. The Moon is not just a rubble pile any more! Being near an accessible lava tube would be an enormous asset for any settlement or outpost with growth ambitions. More...
Alpine Valley
The Moon's Alpine Valley: future transportation corridor or geological and scenic treasure?
The Moon's unique Alpine Valley could become a future high-traffic transportation short-cut through the Lunar Alps between Mare Imbrium (The Sea of Rain, lower left) and Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold, above) or should it be preserved as one of a kind scenic and geological treasure to be protected? The Moon Society has taken steps to begin a discussion on how best to preserve the Moon's beauty and yet develop the promise of lunar materials to help address some of Earth's own most pressing problems. An introduction to these issues has been printed in the summer issue of Selenology Quarterly, published by our affiliate, The American Lunar Society, a group of amateur astronomers who especially enjoy observing the Moon. Our goal is to reach an international agreement on the needed protocols prior to readdressing the Moon Treaty. More...
Coining new words and giving old words new meanings
From the very early years of Moon Miners' Manifesto, we have had some criticism for coining new words, and for giving some old words new meanings. "Readers will be confused!" But we reject this criticism. Every frontier-settling experience has brought with it many new words and new meanings for old words. This is inevitable, as every frontier is not only geologically and biologically different, but it brings out new ways to be human, to realize the amazingly bottomless potential within ourselves. And our frontier expansion has just begun! Explore our Glossary! It's a great way to explore the wide range of topics and ideas covered in the past 24 years of Moon Miners' Manifesto with 300 plus entries and growing.
Moon Society Publications and Free Downloads
Frontlines: President's monthly report: click on the image link below the Moon Society announcements list on our Homepage
Moon Miners Manifesto India Quarterly: MMM India
Contact Us - questions about logins, updating your contact information, provide input on projects, website, other - questions about chapters and outposts - article submissions, letters to the editor of Moon Miners Manifesto - article/story submissions to Moonbeams (science fiction short stories) - article submissions to MMM-India Quarterly - letters to the editor of Moonscapes - Moon Society India