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"Cinque Minuti"
the new Jesus Film?

Mission 168 - The Gift of Film

For Immediate Release:                                                   Contact:
Nov. 21, 2012                                                                     John David Ware 818-557-8507



The New Jesus Film?
168 Film Project Best Film to be translated into 12th language   


Barbara Sanua-Deborah Brown   

(L-R) Actress Barbara Sanua and Producer Deborah Brown  

with 168 Film Project awards from 2006  


Producer and missionary, Deborah E. Brown's 2006 film "Cinque Minute" ("Five Minutes") is the story of a suicidal woman, who is about to jump from a bridge over the canals of Milan Italy, when a man claiming to be Jesus Christ asks for 5 minutes of her time.


"Cinque Minuti" was made for the 168 Film Project, an international speed film competition based on scripture.  Brown won Best Film honors at the 168 Film Festival in 2006.  "Cinque" has been viewed by over 1 million and translated into 11 languages (  Could this be the new Jesus Film?


"The Jesus Film" is a 1979 motion picture which depicts the life of Jesus Christ according  one of the greatest evangelistic tools of all time.


"The Jesus Film" has a great head start, but with attention spans and screen sizes being what they are, is short film now the answer to evangelism for a media hungry world?  How has this film been able to accomplish so much with nearly zero funds behind it?   


According to 168 Founder and Director John David Ware, "It's because it is blessed by the Lord.  Is the film flawed?  Yes, but it's pure of heart and that is why it wins.  I remember in 2006, when it was up against a technically superior and also excellent film starring the late, great Don LaFontaine." 


"Cinque" won because it is magic.  When "Jesus" shows the troubled woman a picture of her as a child, she reaches out to take it and he says no, because he keeps memories of all of His beloved children.  It is a breathtaking cinematic moment of truth." 


Brown said, "The film was global from the start.  From Egypt, Sergio Mascheroni wrote and co-directed the film with Brown, using twenty volunteers from ten nations."


This latest translation will require coordination on three continents.  In Italy, Brown and co-producer Alex Basana will send files to U.S. composer and missionary Guy Moon, who will perform audio sweetening.  Moon will upload the project to Dhaba Wayessa for language translation at Sandscribe Communications in Ethiopia, Africa.


Originally, the film was to be completed in America, but in order to have the greatest impact overseas, translation will occur in Ethiopia, where common words and phrases will be chosen for greatest cross-dialect accessibility.

Producer Guy Moon recently traveled to Ethiopia with a missionary team to teach media techniques and to oversee the translation.  The team included Derrick Warfel, Tommy Stork, Johnny Kuldeka, Natalie Oman, David Kiang and Alex Kiang.    


"I'm excited to see where this translation takes the film.  In Ethiopia and other parts of Africa, films in native languages that are well produced are scarce.  I hope "Cinque" will touch people's hearts and minds across Africa and around the world," Moon said.  


According to Brown, "The film has been translated to French, German, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian, Romanian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Hebrew (11 languages) and the coming African translation.  There have also been many unofficial language and dialect editions we have discovered over the years on the internet."   


Where could this film go with your help? 

To support international ministries including Deborah Brown, please contact  Your tax deductible donations will help share the gospel in many new and exciting ways to unreached peoples throughout the world.




The Missions group in Ethiopia

Guy Moonhead
Composer Guy Moon

The team consists of Guy Moon, Derrick Warfel, Tommy Stork, Johnny Kuldeka, Natalie Oman, David Kiang, and Alex Kiang.

Interview with Guy Moon in Ethiopia:

What are you doing? We're training Film & Media students at Mekane Yesus Seminary in all aspects of film making. Students are extremely eager to learn and get their hands on the equipment we brought with us and donated to the school.

Temperature?  It's identical to Southern California!

Any goats, pigs, lions, tigers?  Mostly stray dogs.

How's the food? Excellent!, in general, very rich. But we do have to be careful what we put in our mouths. Some local fare could give us trouble. No incidents yet. Praise God

What is the spiritual climate?  Different. Ethiopians are a very worshipful and kind people (at least the ones we're in contact with).

Filmmaker Derrick Warfel

Interview with Derrick Warfel in Ethiopia:

Derrick is a Filmmaker and our lead instructor here at 168 Film. 

What's your take on the population you are serving? They may live in a different country, they may not have  the advantages we have in the U.S.,  they may eat different foods, they may sing different praise music and they may have a different color skin. 

But, they serve the same risen Lord and Savior with all their hearts and they are our brothers and sisters in Christ and our bothers and sisters in Creative cinema production to get the WORD out.  

RU Having Fun? A great time.  Wish we could do more of it.  I think I might collapse if I did too much.  But hopefully more trips can be set up like this in the future for other worthy missions in many countries. 

How is your team? Working with Guy, Tommy Stork, Johnny Kuldeka, Natalie Oman, David Kiang, and Alex Kiang was a true privilege - true pro's.  What a team.  We worked together well.  We left them with a high bar to match and exceed, and they will.   And our Ethiopian hosts and students were off the charts in terms of graciousness. 

"Mission 168" Call for Submissions
New Program for Visionary Missional Organizations

John David Ware
168 Founder and Director

Since the 168 Film Project Competition is moving to summer,
here is something to keep our members busy right now. 

We want to give a gift to missional and visionary organizations out there that might not have the resources to gain exposure.

Non-profits will submit via email a proposal detailing their cause. 

Submissions of NO MORE THAN 1 PAGE will be sent to with the words "Mission 168" and the "organization name" in the subject line.

We will match the best of these proposals with a producer to make a short film to expose and detail the important work being done.

The films will be given as a gift to the organizations.  Funding is expected to come from you, our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Please pray for and support this new effort.  Send us ideas and donors to make it work!

 Give to 168


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168 Film Project
phone: 818-557-8507