The Banner                 November 2014
In This Issue
Rector's Corner
Grace Series
Turkey Drive



4301 N. IH 35
Austin, TX 78722  

Phone: 512.454.2523


Church office hours:  

Monday - Thursday 

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.  


Sunday Schedule

8:00am - Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:00am - Contemplative prayer
9:45am - Choir rehearsal
10:30am - Holy Eucharist Rite II  
                   with Kids Word

4:00pm - St. Hildegard's Worship

The Rev. Kevin LJ Schubert


The Rev. Judith Liro

Assisting Priest & Minister to

St. Hildegard's Community


The Rev. John Brewer


Anne Weaver 

Music Minister 

Vanessa Nering
Newcomer Minister/
Office Administrator

Jerri Thompson

Day School Director


Melissa Eason Brackin

Patsy Chandler

Mark Casstevens

August Dolan-Henderson

Spencer Gordon

Stephanie Meldrum

Mary Stewart Miller

Alice Nelson

John Rickard


Patsy Chandler

Senior Warden

John Rickard

Junior Warden

Melissa Eason Brackin

Financial Secretary


Frances Rickard, Treasurer


August Dolan-Henderson, Clerk


Mark Casstevens, Day School Liaison  


Click on the following links to find:

Click here to sign up to be a reader or intercessor during our Rite I & II services.

December Banner Submissions
Deadline for news for the next issue of
The Banner is Monday, November 24th.
Please e-mail information, schedules, photos and articles you would like included in next month's edition to .

Mark Your Calendars
Oct 29th      Grace Series begins 6:30-8:00
Nov 2nd       All Saints' Sunday
Nov 5th        Grace Series 6:30-8:00
Nov 8th        St. George's Court Craft Fair 10-2
Nov 12th      Grace Series 6:30-8:00
Nov 19th      Grace Series 6:30-8:00
Nov 21-23rd  Annual Parish Retreat
Nov 22nd     Hands for Hope Drive

Parish Retreat Date Change


Here are the new dates for the annual parish retreat: 

November 21st-23rd 


AND there  is still time to sign up to attend.  To sign up, visit:


Rector's Corner
Dear St. George's Family,


What a wonderful service we experienced this past Sunday as we celebrated All Saints!  I am always moved by St. George's tradition of remembering all of those we consider to be saints who have passed over the course of the year, and we had the moving baptism of Jennifer as well.  November is here, and great things are in store as we get closer and closer to the holiday season.  


All Saints' Sunday also marked the conclusion of our Spirituality of Stewardship season at St. George's. Thanks to all who have returned a pledge card.  If you haven't had a chance to turn your pledge card in, there is still time.  Members of the vestry will be making phone calls in the next couple of weeks to encourage you to do so.  Pledging to St. George's is an important component of our spiritual discipline, and shows your dedication and thanksgiving for the gifts you have received from God.


I was bummed, as I know you were as well, by the change of dates for this year's parish retreat.  But, I am happy to see that there are twenty five folks that are able to attend.  Even though this year's retreat will be different from prior years, it will be a good respite for those able to go.  If you have signed up for the retreat more information will be available soon.  


This month also marks the birth of my second child, Harper.  Heather and I are excited to meet him, and excited for you to do so as well.  The due date is November 20th, but of course he can come any moment now.  After his birth I will be on a two-week paternity leave.  The services during my absence will be left in the capable hands of our very own Rev. Susan Dolan-Henderson.  I want to express my gratitude to all for your well wishes during this time, and the gracious baby shower the St. George's community is throwing for us on Sunday, November 9th during coffee hour.  God bless you all, and I hope to see everyone soon!


God Bless, 

The Rev. Kevin LJ Schubert  

St. George's Court Fall Craft Fair
Nov 8th, 10 am - 2 pm


Affordable handmade crafts and baked goods and much more made by the residents of St. George's Court will be available at the Fall Craft Fair.  Plan to come by 1443 Coronado Hills Drive, Austin, Texas, 78752 (just East of Cameron Dr. by Reagan High School).   Come join us!

Grace Series
Wednesdays Oct. 29 - Nov. 19


Have you ever wondered whether you are doing the things 

that you were put on earth to do? 


In the four sessions of the Grace Series, we will look at how God calls each person into fullness of life as a part of the fabric of the whole creation. We will discuss such things as: ways to discern a calling, how vocation changes over the course of our lives, ways to cope with the sometimes-conflicting demands of calls to work and love, and how to discern when a vocation is ending. The series will be led by The Rev. Jane Patterson, Ph.D., assistant professor of New Testament at Seminary of the Southwest, and co-director of St. Benedict's Workshop, a ministry in San Antonio devoted to helping laity live out their faith in the varied contexts of daily life. Each Wednesday evening the Grace Series begins in Kleberg Hall with a potluck meal followed by the lecture. 


Please bring a dish to share!

Annual Parish Retreat
November 21-23, 2014

Each Fall, St. George's gathers for a time of rest, relaxation, and community building at the
beautiful Well Spring Retreat Center on Wessendorff Ranch in the Texas Hill Country.
This year's retreat dates have changed to Friday, November 21 - Sunday, November 23.
The retreat is dedicated to enriching our communal bonds as we enjoy times of worship, family and individual recreation, social activities, and great food! There will be plenty of dedicated free time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Texas Hill Country, including the spectacular sight of the famous 'narrows.' Accommodations for families with children will be in motel style rooms with a dormitory arrangement for others when the motel rooms fill up.  You are asked to bring your own bedding, beverages and snacks to share.

Online registration is available on the church website: 

The cost of the retreat includes sleeping accommodations and all meals (Meals are not provided on Friday, so plan to come fed or bring your own). Scholarships are available; please contact Kevin Schubert for more information. Come and enjoy a relaxing weekend in a loving restful environment!

Retreat Cost Breakdown

(Family Maximum cost is $125)
Friday - Sunday Adults: $45
Friday - Sunday Children: $25
Saturday Only Adults: $15
Saturday Only Children: $10

Hands for Hope Turkey Drive

Hands for Hope gathers donations of the traditional foods served during Thanksgiving and distributes them to under-served families in Austin for Thanksgiving celebrations in their own homes. All proceeds directly help place food on the tables of under-served families. This event provides over 1,000 families with a Thanksgiving Dinner at El Buen Samaritano. During our Turkey Feather Drive, we are collecting funds to purchase turkeys
on 4 Sundays:   Oct 19 - Nov 9.  Please consider donating $10 to this worthy cause.  St. George's has already filled two posters to raise $400 for Hands for Hope.  Thank you! Also, volunteers are needed on Saturdays, November 8 and 15, 2014 to register families living at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty income level register. Bilingual volunteers are especially needed, but non-Spanish speakers can help input family information into the on-line data base. 
If you have time to register folks Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings between Oct 1st and Nov 13, El Buen could also use your help.  On Saturday, November 22, 2014,  a group of 10 folks from St. George's will assist with distribution of the Turkey Dinners. On that day, pre-registered families will arrive at El Buen's campus to receive a frozen turkey, a pie and a bag full of Thanksgiving trimmings.  Thank you for helping make hunger take a holiday!  

Contact Carolyn Moreau at for more information.

Carolyn Moreau
St. George's Hand for Hope Team Captain

Box Tops for Education


If you don't have school-age kids, you aren't likely in the habit of clipping Box Tops for Education. But you've almost certainly seen them. They're the little pink rectangles on the labels of everything from Kleenex boxes and printer paper to granola bars and canned veggies. Each of those tiny Box Tops for Education labels equals a dime for any K-8 school. You wouldn't throw away a dime, would you? Please consider clipping and saving your Box Tops to support the schools attended by the children of our church family. There's a collection box on the table in the narthex. A full list of participating products can be found here. Questions? Ask Emily Dieringer or email

Advent is Almost Here, 
and the Church will be Adorned in Blue!


The four weeks leading up to the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day is the season of Advent.  Advent not only marks the beginning of a new year in the church calendar, but it is also an important season to center ourselves around some particular themes. The primary theme of Advent is the patient anticipation for the birth of Christ. During the hectic secular season of the holidays, Advent affords us a period of expectation, patience, and hope.  At the same time, Advent also has themes of Jesus' reign over the Kingdom of God as the risen Christ. One focus of Advent is what is commonly called the "Second Coming".  Advent is the celebration of the promise that Christ will bring an end to all that is contrary to the ways of God.


Many churches, including St. George's in the past, adorn the church and it's ministers with purple-colored hangings (on the altar and the vestments of the clergy). The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church is primarily connected to what is known as the Sarum Rite (an Old English rite). In this tradition, blue is the traditional color of Advent.  During the Middle Ages, when blue was an expensive color to reproduce, purple was often used instead.  Theologically and for the church, the color purple denotes a time of penitence, commonly used during the season of Lent when we are led to be penitent of our sins.  Advent is not necessarily a penitent season, and so the use of purple during this time is not fully appropriate.  Blue is the color of the Blessed Virgin, and some of the important Advent themes are about the expectant birth, hope, expectation, confidence, and anticipation which are all represented through the color blue. For these reasons the Altar Guild and Kevin have decided to make a change to St. George's season of Advent. Through the gracious memorial gifts the church has received we were able to purchase new altar hangings and vestments for Advent in a beautiful blue color.  We are excited to see these new hangings displayed during Advent, they are truly spectacular!  

From the Treasurer

Below is a statement of St. George's actual income and expenses compared with the budgeted income and expenses for the first nine months of 2014. A more complete report is posted on the bulletin board on the north wall of Kleberg Hall.


The Capital Improvements Fund, which is not represented in the figures below, has accrued $15,010 as of the end of September. Thanks to all who have contributed thus far. It's not too late to donate to this fund, which will go toward property improvements beyond our regular operations and maintenance budget.  Make your check out to St. George's, and be sure to note "Capital Improvements Fund" on the memo line.


The Vestry will begin its 2015 budget preparation this month, for adoption at the December Vestry meeting and presentation to the parish at the annual meeting in January.  If you haven't done so already, please turn in your 2015 pledge cards as soon as possible to facilitate this important budget work.  Thank you!







Loose offering & pledges



Other income*


$ 27,355

Total Income



Total Expenses



Difference between Income and












*Includes donations for altar flowers and other income for operations purposes, such as building use fees and reimbursements from St. George's School and St. Hildegard's. Does not include donations to Outreach Committee projects, memorial funds, Newcomer Ministry grant funds, or special fund-raisers.

**To offer a comparison, at this point last year the difference between actual income and expenses was a negative balance of ($15,735.50).


Please contact parish treasurer Frances Rickard at or 512.346.5216 if you have any questions. 

Golfing for Goodness Sake


A team of St. George's parishioners recently participated in the Austin Samaritans 7th Annual Golf Scramble at Forest Creek Golf Club.  The tournament succeeded in raising $70,000 for Austin Samaritans' ministry to serve the poor in Nicaragua through health care, education, and rescue from exploitation. You may recall St. George's collaborated with Austin Samaritans several years ago through our Outreach Committee efforts to raise funds for their cervical cancer reduction efforts. For more information on Austin Samaritans, visit their website at




St. George's golfers at the recent tournament benefiting Austin Samaritans.

Left to right: James Rickard, Belinda McGhee, David McGhee, John Rickard

St. George's School

St. George's School starts their Annual Fund Drive this month. Be on the lookout for a letter inviting you to support us as we raise money to make improvements to our campus. I thank you in advance for your support in our endeavor to raise $15,000.  


On Nov. 20th from 5-7 p.m., St. George's School is celebrating the holiday season with a fun family festival. "Tis the Season" is a time when church and family members can bring their children and grandchildren and enjoy art activities, a live nativity, Santa Claus, and refreshments. There might even be a live turkey there. It's a great opportunity to take photos of your children sitting in Santa's lap. 
Jerri Thompson, M.Ed.
Head of School
St. George's Episcopal School

Hildegard's Illumination: The Journey Continues


Celebrating Sukkot:

For three weeks in October we learned about the interconnections of Judaism and Christianity by celebrating the Jewish festival that is sometimes known as the Festival of the Booths because temporary dwellings are built, usually in the yard.  The family will often have meals there and sometimes even sleep outside for the week.  Daphne wrote this description:  "Sukkot has two themes.  The first is a commemoration of the 40 years the Israelites spent wandering in the desert after they left Egypt, living in temporary dwellings.  We ponder our dependence on a God who sustains us, and who is everywhere.  The second theme is a celebration of the harvest, sometimes called the Festival of Ingathering.  Sukkot is meant to be a celebration of Joy.  It comes after the more somber festivals of Rosh Hoshanah and Yom Kippur.  Sukkot is pure celebration."  For our adaptation of this festival we moved out of Kleberg and worshipped outdoors in our temporary dwelling in Cindy's yard less than a mile away.  Judith Rosenberg, who is ethnically Jewish and interested in exploring her roots, and Carol, who sought advice from her Jewish friends, along with Daphne created this deeply meaningful experience for us. 


Preaching in community:

One of our next steps is to have community members do more of the preaching. This Fall nine Hildegardians are participating in a preaching group led by Judith Liro to learn more about engaging scripture and offering sermons to nurture and challenge the community. Then there is follow-up to give feedback and encouragement in this experiential process. We plan to continue to form new preachers in the coming year.  


Preparation for writing our Vows:

Our Servant Leadership School class this Fall is doing some of the preparation for writing the vows for the Community.  The three traditional vows for religious orders are poverty, chastity and obedience but Episcopal Communities have more freedom to express their own primary commitments.  For example several take vows of simplicity.  I heard of one community that has a vow of creativity.  We are looking at what it means to take vows and asking ourselves which vows we are being called to, which will help us love and serve God more deeply.  These vows will build on the foundation of our Baptismal vows, much as marriage or ordination vows deepen commitment.  The Vows will be part of our communal Rule of Life.   


Our retreat with Sr. Helena Marie in September was richly encouraging and yielded practical direction as well.  There is a hope that we'll develop an ongoing relationship with the Sisters.  We've made progress with finding a Bishop Visitor and in discussing the possibilities with Bishop Doyle now that he's back from his sabbatical.


Thanks to those of you who are faithful in encouragement and prayers.  We were delighted to have a few St. George's folks join us for the music sessions with Sr. HM.  Thanks so much for coming.


Blessings and peace,


November Birthdays and Anniversaries

We wish the following parishioners a very happy November birthday:
Matt Puckett (Nov 2), Gabriel Moreau (Nov 5), Lin McMillan (Nov 11), Mary Stewart Miller (Nov 16), Dustin Worcester (Nov 20), Susan Dolan-Henderson (Nov 21), Ayla June Borrelli (Nov 26), Martha Sahs (Nov 26), Ellen Liu Scarborough (Nov 28), 
Terry O'Donnell (Nov 30)

Congratulations to:
Ashley Carrera and Joe Miller on the celebration and blessing of their marriage at 
St. George's on Saturday, November 1.  

Grant that their wills may be so knit together in your will, and their spirits in your Spirit, that they may grow in love and peace with you and one another all the days of their life.  Amen.




Jennifer Bigbee on her baptism at St. George's on Sunday, November 2. 

Grant, O Lord, that all who are baptized into the death of Jesus Christ your Son may live in the power of his resurrection and look for him to come again in glory; who lives and reigns now and for ever.  Amen.

Recommended Reading