A number of charts have been updated on the website!
Aging - DISABILITY: By detailed age By gender and detailed age By detailed age and number of disabilities By type of disability, ages 65-74 By type of disability, ages 75-84 By type of disability, ages 85+ Aging - MEDIAN INCOME: By county (map) By county (ranking) By planning region By metropolitan and micropolitan areas By cities By Native American reservation By detailed age group By gender Civic Engagement - VOTER TURNOUT: Turnout among eligible voters, ND and U.S. Comparisons with other states Composition of voting-age population Demographics - DISABILITY: By detailed age By type of disability, ages 0-4 By type of disability, ages 5-17 By type of disability, ages 18-64 By type of disability, ages 65-74 By type of disability, ages 75-84 By type of disability, ages 85+ By gender and detailed age Early Childhood - LOW BIRTH WEIGHT: North Dakota and U.S. (all births) North Dakota and U.S. (singletons) North Dakota and U.S. (multiples) Economy - MEDIAN INCOME: By county (map) By county (ranking) By metropolitan status By planning region By planning region (trend) By metropolitan and micropolitan areas By cities By Native American reservation area By nativity Economy - POVERTY: By county (map) By county (ranking) By county (map), children under 18 By county (ranking), children under 18 By planning region By planning region, children under 18 By metropolitan status By metropolitan and micropolitan areas By cities By Native American reservation areas |