from ND COMPASS         
A monthly newsletter to keep you informed.

The Power of Data


Effective decision makers use data to guide them in setting and prioritizing goals, planning interventions, and evaluating progress. Good data and information are instrumental in crafting effective policies, identifying and assessing community needs, and getting a dynamic picture of the community.


The first North Dakota Legislative District Profiles, which were launched in September 2014, have proven successful especially during this legislative season. To continue to provide valuable information, North Dakota Compass and North Dakota KIDS COUNT teamed up again and updated the State Legislative District Profiles with the most recent data available. The profiles highlight population, household, social, and economic characteristics and have the goals to inform, educate, create awareness, and generate discussion around the main quality of life indicators and help users make the most informed decisions possible for their communities.


Other times, data and information can be put into action and actually save lives. Dr. Kathryn Gordon, a clinical psychologist in the NDSU's Department of Psychology, joins us in this month's Ask a Researcher column to talk about the importance of preventive research for identifying strategies that effectively combat the devastating consequences of suicide. "Simply put: suicide prevention research saves lives."



For Discussion
2015 North Dakota Legislative District Profiles are now available!                          

North Dakota Compass and North Dakota KIDS COUNT have teamed up once again to bring you the North Dakota Legislative District Profiles for 2015!


Download your legislative district profile for demographic and socio-economic information and see how your district compares with North Dakota and the United States. 


Ask a Researcher

The Science of Suicide Prevention


Kathryn Gordon is a clinical psychologist in the NDSU Department of Psychology. Her program of research investigates the impact of emotion dysregulation and interpersonal stressors on disordered eating and suicidal behavior. In her article she talks about the scientific theory behind the act of suicide, the importance of the research, and how information can be used to help in suicide prevention.

Read more.

Check it out!

The  North Dakota Compass and North Dakota KIDS COUNT 2015 legislative district profiles are now available!

A special tab under profiles makes them easier to find.  

New data available

A number of charts have been updated on the website!            



By detailed age

By gender and detailed age

By detailed age and number of disabilities

By type of disability, ages 65-74

By type of disability, ages 75-84

By type of disability, ages 85+ 



By county (map)

By county (ranking)

By planning region

By metropolitan and micropolitan areas

By cities

By Native American reservation

By detailed age group

By gender 


Civic Engagement - VOTER TURNOUT: 

Turnout among eligible voters, ND and U.S.

Comparisons with other states 

Composition of voting-age population


 Demographics - DISABILITY:

By detailed age

 By type of disability, ages 0-4

By type of disability, ages 5-17

By type of disability, ages 18-64

By type of disability, ages 65-74

By type of disability, ages 75-84

By type of disability, ages 85+

By gender and detailed age  


Early Childhood - LOW BIRTH WEIGHT:

North Dakota and U.S. (all births)

North Dakota and U.S. (singletons)

North Dakota and U.S. (multiples) 



By county (map)

By county (ranking)

By metropolitan status

By planning region

By planning region (trend)

By metropolitan and micropolitan areas

By cities

By Native American reservation area

By nativity 


Economy - POVERTY:

By county (map)

By county (ranking)

By county (map), children under 18

By county (ranking), children under 18

By planning region

By planning region, children under 18

By metropolitan status

By metropolitan and micropolitan areas

By cities

By Native American reservation areas