
The pieces are starting to fall into place - 

where they end up, nobody knows...


It has recently come to light that an American 

IBM employee working in Beijing, Philip Wood, 

was aboard hijacked Malaysia Airlines Flight 

370. His fiancee has been all over national TV 

expressing her hopes that he is still alive. 


What has not released publicly is the breaking 

news was that Wood was apparently able to 

secret his smartphone between his butt cheeks, 

while the plane was hijacked, as reported by 

Jim Freestone.


While blindfolded with one of those newfangled 

bags that are locked around your head and are 

not removable, he allegedly claimed to be in a 

prison cell, in a location unknown to him and he 

said that he believed he had been drugged - 

but he was still able to activate his smartphone, 

using voice commands to text that message 

plus this photograph, which reveals the GPS 

coordinates for Wood's whereabouts to be the 

Joint RAF-USAF base at Diego Garcia, in the 

Indian Ocean - the same base from which most 

sorties have been made during the illegal wars 

in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Although Freestone claimed that counter-

intelligence trolls tried to assert that this 

person does not exist, his fiancee has been 

doing TV interviews throughout the past week 

and his LinkedIn account has been located, 

with his profile picture matching photos posted 

by his fiancee to her Facebook account, which 

are viewable with a simple Google image 



As to the motives behind this apparent hijacking, 

which is being covered-up by several governments, 

the following is a redacted translation from an 

article by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme, from the Mexican 

news site, La Jornada, entitled: 


'Under the Microscope: Blackstone and Jacob 

Rothschild, Beneficiaries of the Disappearance 

of the Malaysia Airlines Plane'


"In the post-Crimea tripolar, geostrategic world 

of the US, Russia and China, it is becoming 

imperative to test the West's [i.e., the Criminal 

Mainstream Media's] overwhelming disinformational 

news campaigns, against reports from the Russian 

government's almost indispensible multimedia 

website, Russia Today (see pages published on 



"As often happens in mysterious accidents, the 

unusual disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 

370, whose various explanations have been 

wholly unsatisfactory to everyone has led to 

endless speculation, some of which is rather 

wild and disturbing.


"While waging war against sanctions by the 

United States and the European Union against 

Vladimir Putin, Russia Today published the 

following patent for a semiconductor, approved 

by US Patent Office.


"The patent was shared among five principal 

holders, owning 20 percent each: Freescale 

Semiconductor Company, located in Austin, 

Texas, with the other four holders being 

Chinese nationals employed by this Texas 

Corporation, all hailing from the Chinese city 

of Suzhou and all of whom were aboard the 

plane, along with 16 other employees of this 

same company.


"The Russian site says that if any patent holder 

dies, the other owners would share equally the 

dividends of the deceased, provided that there 

would be no dispute in his will.


"The four Chinese patent-holders, now missing 

and/or killed would leave 100 percent ownership 

of the patent in the hands of the Texas-based 

Freescale Semiconductor Company, which, in 

turn, is partially owned the controversial 

Blackstone Group, a New York-based Private 

Equity-Investment Banking firm, owned by 

Israeli-British banker Jacob Rothschild.


"...It is also interesting to note that among 

the 239 passengers, 20 were employees of 

the Pentagon, in addition to the fact that four 

passengers had dubious passports [not 2, 

as widely reported].


"Above the inevitable guesses, what is 

relevant is the likelihood that these 20 

Pentagon employees were well-versed in 

the art of electronic warfaresuch as the 

avoidance of detection by military radar 



"Curious, as well is that 20 of the missing 

passengers aboard flight 370 are employees 

of Freescale Semiconductor, 12 were natives 

of Malaysia and 8 from China.


"Freescale Semiconductor boasts that its 

products have applications in communications 

on the battlefield, avionics, missile guidance, 

electronic warfare and identification of 

friend or foe.


"The controversial Texan company, one of the 

first semiconductor companies in the world, 

began as a division of Motorola, which then 

split, to be acquired in 2006 by Blackstone, the 

Carlyle Group and TPG Sovereign Capital.


"The Carlyle Group holds the title of dynastic 

nepotism, including members of the Bush family 

members and cronies, like Frank Carlucci (former 

National Security Adviser and former Pentagon 

Secretary) and former British Prime Minister, 

John Major.


TPG Capital is a powerful investment firm based 

in Fort Worth, Texas, chaired by Israeli-American, 

David Bonderman, whose extravagant excesses 

include paying US$7M to the Rolling Stones to 

play at his 60th birthday party in 2002.


Freescale Semiconductor specializes in 

electronic warfare and stealth "cloaking 

technology" using strategies based on 

radar electronic countermeasures (ECM ): 

1) radar interference; 2) changes in the 

objectives and; 3) the change in power air 



According to The Daily Beast, an Israeli attack on 

Iran would go further than an air strike and would 

probably deploy an electronic war against the entire 

electrical system of Iran; the Internet, cellular network, and emergency frequencies for firemen 

and policemen.


The Daily Beast asserts that Israel has developed 

a weapon capable of mimicking the maintenance 

of cellular signal, which effectively stops the 



Also of note: YouTube popstar, DAHBOO7 claims 

that the plane purported to be missing in this 

incident, per its tail number, was  purchased 

by an Israeli firm and has been held in storage 

in Tel Aviv since November 2013, according to 

the plane-tracking websites,



See DAHBOO7's video and pertinent links here


In the past decade, Israel has amassed a wide 

range of high-tech weapons of that would allow 

a billionaire to jam, blind and deafen Tehran's 

defenses, in the event of a preemptive air strike.


Moreover, there is a new stealth technology 

that makes aircraft invisible to radar and hidden 

from human eyes, with the high-tech 

camouflage based on electromagnetic fields, as 

discussed on


Currently, Beijing and Washington are each 

accelerating the arms race in concealment 

technology, to create invisible planes.


The powerful British military company 

BAE Systems and linked to the NSA, DHS 

and the ominous Wilson Center...owns the 

Swedish-founded Adaptiv Program, another 

firm specializing in cloaking technologies for 

motor vehicles, boats and helicopters.


Are the grim financial behemoths of the 

Blackstone Group, the Carlyle Group and 

TPG Capital behind the missing plane?




I've invoked this quote before and I'll invoke 

it again:


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we 

practice to deceive." - Sir Walter Scott

- Alexandra 

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