November/December 2017
This pre-COP23 edition of 'The REDD+ Resource' is packed with stories about the latest REDD+ developments from across the world. The COP23 REDD+ Side Events section features an overview of REDD+ events worth attending for those who will be in Bonn for the UN climate change conference.
In the Perspectives section, FAO's Tiina Vähänen shows how REDD+ is emerging as an integrated approach to fight climate change and UN Environment's Tim Christophersen sounds a clarion call for countries to unite in taking decisive climate action.
While two articles cover UN-REDD regional knowledge exchanges, you can also find other interesting stories on the historic REDD+ results-based payment (RBP) decision made by the Green Climate Fund, the multiple benefits of REDD+ and much more.  
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Estrategia Nacional REDD+ de México ENAREDD+
Mexico UN-REDD Programme  
New French publications on forest data for REDD + in Côte d'Ivoire
UN-REDD Publication
Dinámicas de cambio de uso de suelo y costos de oportunidad en Paraguay  
ONU-REDD Programa
Dinámicas de cambio de uso de suelo y costos de oportunidad en Panamá  
ONU-REDD Programa
Technical brief on safeguards design (revised version)  
UN-REDD Publication
Definición del enfoque y alcance nacional de salvaguardas para REDD+: lecciones aprendidas de Ecuador   
ONU-REDD Programa
Tenure journal  
FAO Publication

Kemitraan to Assist Indonesia on REDD+ Implementation  
05 Oct 2017 | Jakarta Globe 
On the Road after Paris - Next Stop: Bonn/Fiji   
03 Nov 2017 | Forest Trends Blog  
Illegal logging biggest threat to forest cover: experts    
03 Nov 2017 | Daily Times Pakistan   
Carbon sequestration role of savanna soils key to climate goals      
01 Nov 2017 | Mongabay    
Let's Stop Illegal Logging and Mining- President Akufo-Addo       
21 Oct 2017 | Modern Ghana     
Decisions of the 18th Board Meeting of Green Climate Fund    
Green Climate Fund
Poverty-Forests Linkages Toolkit
CIFOR, IUCN, ODI, and Winrock Int.
Tercera Comunicación Nacional de Colombia ante la CMNUCC
Tropical forests are a net carbon source based on above-ground measurements of gain and loss
Science Magazine
A Comparative Analysis of National Laws and Regulations Concerning Women's Rights to Community Forests
Rights and Resources Initiative
COP23 hosted by Fiji
6-17 November 2017
Bonn, Germany


Senior Programme Management Officer, (Chief of Terrestrial Ecosystems Unit)
UN Environment
Project Manager, Green Climate Fund (GCF) Agency
Green Climate Fund

DRC moves ahead with FREL
Tim Chistophersen explains how alarming news can herald green opportunities for the future if everyone begins to understand this and acts decisively. 
With countries building the necessary systems to reap results-based rewards of REDD+ implementation, Tiina Vähänen is confident that this forest-centric climate change mitigation model will prevail. 
Many important and interesting COP23 side events will inform participants of progress being made in the arena of REDD+ by developing nations across the world.
Come, learn, and contribute knowledge at these side events.      
The pilot programme under the GCF will pay for results achieved in the forestry sector in emissions reductions and enhancement of carbon stocks. The eligibility criteria will require compliance with the 4 Warsaw Pillars.
Countries could strengthen their case for access to results-based payments by sharing information on how the multiple benefits of REDD+ have been planned for and achieved, through REDD+ strategies and summaries of safeguards information.  
Despite making progress on three of the four pillars of the Warsaw Framework for REDD+, no country in Africa has yet to meet the fourth pillar of safeguards requirements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 
Collaboration between Forest Survey of India (FSI) and Sri Lanka Forest Department (SLFD) for the design of Sri Lanka's National Forest Inventory (NFI), as well as for institutional capacity building, has resulted in technology transfer for implementing Sri Lanka's first NFI cycle. 


The 2017 UN-REDD Africa Knowledge Exchange , held in Nairobi in September was aimed at contributing to accelerate the transition from readiness to implementation through focused technical dialogue and experience-sharing among eleven UN-REDD Partner Countries in the region.
Learn more.

A University of Melbourne accredited Masters course provides country participants an opportunity to work through technical MRV requirements for country participation in REDD+ under the UNFCCC in a structured and interactive way using the online REDDcompass platform. 
The UN-REDD Programme will support Chile over the next four years to implement measures to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, increase the country's carbon sinks and help the country move towards payments for environmental services.
ONU-REDD y Chile renuevan cooperación para los próximos cuatro años

El Programa ONU-REDD apoyará a Chile para implementar medidas que reduzcan la deforestación y degradación de los bosques, aumenten los sumideros de carbono del país y le permitan avanzar hacia el pago por servicios ambientales.
Learn more.

The 3rd  GFOI Capacity Building Summit took place in September in Kathmandu, Nepal. Once again, this gathering created a much-needed global forum for capacity building and stocktaking, as well as on operating forest monitoring systems, and procedures for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for REDD+.
Learn more.


A new National Forest Inventory office funded by the EU was opened in in Papua New Gunea by the EU Ambassador to PNG H.E. Ioannis Giogkarakis-Argyropoulos.  
This state-of-the art office will support PNG to further develop its NFI system and build capacity to continue monitoring the rich and diverse forests of PNG.   

Understanding the vital role played by trees in the fight against climate change and giving them our support are the goals of the REDD + Academy and its national versions in different countries worldwide. 

El curso de bosques y cambio climático en Argentina "me permitió actualizarme sobre el estado internacional de las negociaciones sobre la lucha contra el cambio climático y los pasos para elaborar la Estrategia Nacional REDD+ y ponerla en marcha".

The Government of Viet Nam and UN-REDD Viet Nam Phase II Programme partnered with the International Labour Organization and Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry to convene a regional experience sharing workshop on the role of ethnic minorities as key contributors to managing natural resources and addressing climate change.    

Ofrecer incentivos atractivos mediante pagos por carbono para la conservación de bosques al sector agropecuario de Paraguay es económicamente factible, según un nuevo estudio publicado por el Programa ONU-REDD.  

The Integrated Amazon Programme for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production was launched recently Ecuador.  Implemented under the umbrella of the National REDD+ Action Plan, the main objective of this programme is to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from deforestation, which represents 30 percent of emissions in Ecuador.   

Colombia ha presentado su Resumen de Información de Salvaguardas ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (CMNUCC). El país se convierte así en el cuarto en hacer esta comunicación, por detrás de Brasil, Ecuador y Malasia.
Learn more.

A series of training programs in community based forest monitoring are aimed at empowering the main indigenous communities of Panama with knowledge of the use of drones and other technologies to track changes in land use that could endanger forest ecosystems.
Learn more.

Argentina is developing a National Action Plan on Forests and Climate Change (known by its Spanish acronym PABCC). This plan is viewed as a public policy instrument, and as a management framework. The general objective is to reduce GHG emissions and increase removals in the forestry sector.
Argentina está desarrollando el Plan de Acción de Bosques y Cambio Climático (PABCC). Este Plan es un instrumento de política pública y un marco de gestión operacional que tiene por objetivo general reducir las emisiones y aumentar la captura de GEI del sector forestal.

Papua New Guinea officially launched its National REDD+ Strategy in October to strengthen the country's sustainable forest industries, support responsible agricultural development, and improve land use for planning and management.  
Los análisis espaciales pueden apoyar la implementación de la EN-REDD+ y ayudar tanto a potenciar sus beneficios sociales y ambientales como a evitar los posibles riesgos.

La segunda Mesa Nacional REDD+ tuvo lugar los días 17 y 18 de octubre y asistieron más de 80 representantes de organizaciones indígenas, campesinas y de afrodescendientes, además de entidades gubernamentales y no gubernamentales y sectoriales

Argentina se encuentra en fase de desarrollar una hoja de ruta para el diseño de su Sistema de Información de Salvaguardas (SIS), para la cual se realizaron importantes avances durante una sesión de trabajo en Cambridge.
Learn more.
This resource is made possible through the generous support of the European Commission and the governments of Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg, Japan, Spain and Switzerland.

Content provided by UN-REDD Programme staff and partner countries. 

All images used courtesy of license holder or through Creative Commons license.