Private e-newsletter for the clients of the M.W. Aragao companies | July 27, 2018
4 Reasons For The Return Of Market Volatility
Market volatility can rear its head anytime. Consider early 2018: coming off a long bull market run in 2017, it came to a sudden and decisive end, as the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fell more than six percent during the first three trading days of February.

Although there has been a slight rebound, we do continue to see intra-day volatility. The sudden return of volatility has been attributed to a range of factors:

  1. Inflation fears;
  2. Algorithmic trading;
  3. The End of Easy Money;
  4. Natural Market Cycles

How much money would you need to replace your earnings?
Of all the assets we own, our earning power -- our ability to earn
an income -- is the most valuable!

How much capital would it take to replace YOUR annual earning power? It may be more - or less - than you think. Click below to find out.

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Supreme Court's Quill And Wayfair Cases Explained
Late last month, the Supreme Court decided the historic Wayfair case, which will have cascading consequences for the online retail and e-commerce industries. Wayfair upends the Quill decision, which was decided about 25 years ago. This decision will basically affect everyone that shops online (and those retailers, too).

The issue, of course, is whether online retailers have to collect sales (or use) tax for online purchases.

Below, you can click to read a thorough explanation of the case as well as the Supreme Court's opinion.

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M.W. ARAGAO INVESTMENT ADVISORS, LLC, a registered investment advisor, provides dynamic, tactical investment management and wealth planning services to individuals, families, trusts, corporations and retirement plans. M.W. ARAGAO & COMPANY, LLC provides year-round income tax preparation and planning services, business consulting and generalized accounting services. All services are delivered with personalized attention.