June 16, 2017

James Gibson, Lightfoot Franklin & White

Years Volunteering with the BBVLP: From 2009 to 2010, I volunteered with the BBVLP on a somewhat consistent basis while I was a new lawyer. I started back volunteering in January 2017.

Current Case:  My client purchased an as-is vehicle with a salvaged title from a used car dealership located in Roebuck. The car was not drivable. She wanted a refund and the dealer refused.

Why Was This Case Meaningful?:  My client purchased the vehicle with cash she had saved up with the intent  of having a reliable car to get to her new job. Without a vehicle or a refund, she would have been unable to work on most days.

Client Commentary:  He was amazing! He was a spiritual man, which was very important to me. He was encouraging every step of the way and I thank him for everything he has done.


The BBVLP is hiring a  Safe Housing/Serving Veterans Programs Manager  and Administrative Marketing Coordinator. Please click the links above to learn more about these positions!

BBVLP on Fox 6 News'  " Rent to Own" Segment!

Please click here to see the story and visit the Fox 6 Facebook page to learn more!


1. Please help this teacher put a stop to a garnishment that he has been dealing with since 2013

The client has already paid over four times the original amount he owed, but is still being garnished by the original creditor, an ex-landlord, even after the courts have told the landlord to stop. 

2. Please help this abused woman with cancer through her divorce

Please help this woman who has Stage 4 colon cancer. The client had to quit her job due to the severity of her condition. This is a Shelby County case.


*Client' s face is blurred due to special circumstances
*This is the client' s second time in eBrief

3. Please help this abused and abandoned mother of five get a divorce

The spouse is physically abusive to the client and her children. He has also abandoned the client to start a new life in a different state, leaving her to raise five children on her own. She is in desperate need of a divorce so that she can rebuild her life.


* Client's face is blurred due to domestic violence

4. Please help this woman divorce her incarcerated spouse

The spouse is currently incarcerated in Georgia. The client wishes to move on so that she can build a better life for her son.


 HELP DESK ATTORNEYS:  Thank you to the following attorneys
Civil Help Desk: 33 clients served
Kendra Johnson

Leon Johnson and Jeffrey Winegrad, JD.
Loring Jones
Jones & Associates
Lane Morrison
Lightfoot Franklin & White
Terrika Shaw,  Legal Services of Alabama and 
Adam Leroy , Clerk, Legal Services of Alabama
Matt Swerdlin
Amie Vague, Lightfoot Franklin & White, and Rob Atras, Summer Associate at Balch & Bingham
Abby Van Alstyne
Quinn Connor Weaver Davies & Rouco
Josh Wrady
Wrady & Michel
Domestic Relations Help Desk: 38 clients served
Patricia Doblar
Maura Goodwyn and Jeannie Walston, Starnes Davis Florie
Melinda Guillaume
Kendra Johnson
Leon Johnson
Kim Vice
Pam Weed

Rob Atras
Summer Associate, Balch & Bingham
April Bell
YWCA Central Alabama
Jessica Chang, JD
Kaylie Eicholt
Cumberland School of Law
Adam Leroy
Law Clerk ,Legal Services of Alabama 
J.R. Thomas
Cumberland School of Law
BBVLP Summer Intern

Jeffrey Winegrad, JD
Christen Butler
Dominick Feld Hyde
Preston Martin
Bressler Amery Ross
Kim Vice

Jeannie Watson
Starnes Davis Florie

Preston Martin
Bressler Amery Ross

Preston assisted a client through her divorce. Preston states that "it is always rewarding to guide a client through a confusing process of seeking a divorce."

Donnie Winningham
Bressler Amery Ross

Donnie helped a client through her divorce. The client stated that she was "very pleased with how everything was handled."

Honza Prchal
Heninger Garrison Davis

Honza  helped a client fight a wrongful garnishment lawsuit.

Lane Morrison
Lightfoot Franklin & White

Lane volunteered to help a couple fight an unlawful eviction.

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Steve McKinney,
Balch & Bingham

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 Meadows Homes

Donations from the community are the number one funding source for the Volunteer Lawyer Program.  Click here to donate.

There are two ways attorneys can choose to help with the Volunteer Lawyer Program. Click here for what you can do.

Only clients who cannot afford representative are served by the BBVLP. Click  here to see eligibility guidelines.