May 8th through May 12th, 2016

During the Convention and Graduation we invite everyone to please hold space in your heart to honor and celebrate our beloved Founder, Dr. Paul Leon Masters for his life's dedication to the betterment of humanity through his teachings and legacy. We invite you also to be with us in Spirit during this week to celebrate and give tribute to our speakers and the graduating class of 2016. May we all carry on his life's work!

We look forward to sharing in the next newsletter exciting information regarding IMM's moving forward and the continuation of Dr. Masters' legacy.



Spiritual Healing and Medical Treatment Mystically Viewed

Audio version read by Rev. Cindy Paulos, B. Msc. is now available:

With each discovery in astronomy, there is often an awestruck wonderment about the vastness of space. As science gives greater analysis to such cosmological findings, common knowledge of the age and immensity of the universe grows.  Humanity is caught up in expanding perceptions of time and space.  No longer are such perceptions confined to scientists and professors; the human mind staggers as mass media communicates through videos how enormous are the reaches in time and light years between the physical dimension of Earth and the manifestations of the cosmos.

And yet- mystically, is there more at work here in the perception of time and space?

Mystical awareness removes the veils of what seems to be and what really is.  And truth comes to the forefront when it comes to the mind's perception of time and space

The stunning Reality is that both time and space are illusionary perceptions as perceived in human awareness.

Human sense perception is confined to certain boundaries-held captive by a limited awareness.  All frames of reference concerning time and space are, in fact, held in check by human awareness.  Furthermore, all scientific discoveries can only be understood within the parameters of this awareness.  There are reasons for this, which is why creation or manifestation exists.

Read more 


This Week's Broadcast: 
Karma Yoga  
- a Labor of God 
Please click  here to watch this  
week's broadcast.
Printable Affirmations

This recording is available for purchase
in video (mp4 download or DVD) or audio (mp3 download or CD) here

Dr. Paul Leon Masters' 
"Improve Your Life" 
Daily Audio Message 

There is a new message from the Founder posted every single day in our  Metaphysical Blog

International Metaphysical Ministry
In US: 1-888-866-4685  Int'l: 1-928-203-0730  

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