The  Wyoming  Association of Community College Trustees
Volume 1 ~  December  ~ 2017
WACCT Executive Director Update

Here we are, already into 2017 and busy, busy, busy as we recover from the Holidays and prepare for what lies ahead - for many of us, that includes the legislative session.  Yet, before I get into the coming events, I would be remiss if I didn't take some time to appropriately thank our outgoing trustees and WACCT board members for their good service to the colleges and association. 

Many people do not realize what it takes to be a college trustee - first you put yourself out there during the campaign - you engage with members of the community, you research the pressing issues, you endure criticism for things you said, you endure criticism for things you didn't say, and you press on.  You get elected and attend your first meeting.  You receive a binder with important information about the college - and then another one - and soon you realize you are drinking from a fire hose of information.  Yet, your commitment as a trustee is to serve with fiduciary responsibility for the governance of the college, and oversee and shape its board policies. It's not a small job.  It's not an easy job.  And we thank you. Wyoming's community colleges really are the crown jewels of our communities and our entire state.  Thank you to all of our wonderful trustees - past and present!

~ Erin 

WACCT Awards and Legislative Reception

The 2017 WACCT Awards will take place on February 8th in Cheyenne.  This year we are changing it up a bit and having the awards and reception at the Clay Pathfinder Building of Laramie County Community College (this year's Awards host college). Click here to register.

In addition, WACCT will host our winter board meeting and a morning of trustee education - also at LCCC.  The focus will be the duties and statutory responsibilities of the Wyoming Community College Commission.  Here's the schedule:

7 a.m., WACCT Board Meeting, LCCC
9:00, Education on WCCC for all trustees, LCCC
12:00, Lunch - round table with WCCC Commissioners, LCCC
2-5:00 p.m., visit Legislature, Jonah Financial Center
5 p.m., WACCT Awards, LCCC (not Little America)
6:30 p.m., Legislative Reception, LCCC (not Little America)

Governor Mead's ENDOW Initiative

In November, Governor Mead announced the ENDOW Initiative.  ENDOW stands for  Economically Needed Diversity Options for Wyoming.  The initiative will coordinate and expand ongoing efforts across the state, as well as produce measurable results expanding the Wyoming economy.  

The total dollar amount proposed by the Governor is $2.5 million, with $1 million going to the operations of the initiative and $1.5 million directed to business/community college partnerships.   

Per the Governor's press release, " The effort will include multiple state agencies, the Wyoming Business Council, the University of Wyoming and the state's community colleges. 
Jerimiah Rieman of Governor Mead's staff will serve as the coordinator of the ENDOW initiative.   ENDOW will include current economic development efforts, including research into the creation of one or more industrial parks in Wyoming. The executive committee will be identified over the next several weeks."

As has been communicated to me, the money would be available on a first come, first served basis as opportunities present themselves.

The ENDOW Initiative is one of WACCT's 2017 legislative priorities.  If you have an opportunity to visit with your legislators, please be sure to mention WACCT support of ENDOW.

WACCT Weekly Legislative Update Call

Don't forget to join the weekly WACCT legislative update conference call!

When:  Fridays at 3pm
Call:  800-356-8372
Passcode:  8867116#

Did You Know...
DID YOU KNOW white stamp text on red background

During this time of year (the legislative season) several resources are available to help Wyoming citizens navigate what's going on in Cheyenne.

It is here you will find:

The mission of the  Wyoming Association of Community College Trustees, a collaborative organization of Wyoming community college trustees with college presidents, is to promote the continued quality, strength, vitality and effectiveness of its members.

Thank you to everyone who works to support the Community Colleges in Wyoming!

Erin Taylor
Executive Director
Wyoming Association of Community College Trustees
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