Dyslexia affects 1 out of 5 people. It crosses racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines...
With proper instruction and accommodations, it can be remediated; however, the diagnosis and treatment remains elusive in public schools, and even more so in urban school populations, African American and Latino communities. Children who cannot read are marginalized and left to struggle and ultimately risk falling completely through the cracks, dropping out of school and facing dismal futures. With proper identification and intervention, this is preventable. As policy makers, educators, and community leaders, you can help make the changes that will empower dyslexics to succeed. You can be the difference in helping struggling readers go from being "at-risk" to thriving and productive.
Featuring: - Drs. Sally & Bennett Shaywitz, Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity co-directors
- Rev. Dr. Keith L. Magee, Community Leader, YCDC-MDAI
- Harry Belafonte, Entertainer & Social Activist, and daughter, Gina Belafonte, Producer & Social Activist
- Rep. Bill Cassidy, Congressional Dyslexia Caucus Co-Chair
- Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
- Rebecca Aragon, Attorney
- Victor Villasenor, Author
- Peter Salovey, Ph.D., Yale University President-Elect
- Dr. Brenda Armstrong, Associate Dean, Duke University School of Medicine
Registration coming soon! Click here for schedule & more information.