Have you ever ALMOST landed a gig only to have the opportunity slip through the cracks?

It happens to everyone.

In fact, nothing could be more normal. Life is busy and the people who might have been thinking of hiring you or your band may have gotten distracted.

Last week it happened to me.

There is a bar in town that I frequent. Usually I go there to nerd out with my laptop, usually writing something for a client while a band plays.

The owner thinks of me as a writer, not a trumpet player. But that changed when one of my adult students came in and told him that she takes lessons from me. And then I decided it would be a good time to tell him that I am in a band.

Not surprisingly, the first question was where can I hear a recording?

To be honest, I wasn't prepared to show him a video or a recording, and told him I would have to get back to him.

Worse, I am a new member of this particular group. And I lost touch with them a few weeks back when they started messing with the schedule. They started to meet on Mondays... the same night as orchestra.

I don't want to bore you with the details. But if I ever want to play in a bar with this band I needed to follow up with two people. I started with the leader of the band. I sent him an email saying I may have a gig but I need a recording. He is good about making recordings during rehearsals, so he sent me something right away.

This afternoon I will take the recording back to the bar and see if I can work something out with the owner. From there we can schedule some focused rehearsals at a time that I can be there and prepare for the gig.

During the gig we'll make more videos that we can post on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram and attract more gigs.

At least, that is the plan. But first, I have to finish following up.

Wish me luck. And, I want you to do the same. Go follow up with someone who is "thinking about it." Get an answer and move forward today.

Talk to you tomorrow!


P.S. Tony Glausi is joining us for a Facebook Live video on our Trumpeters With Real Gigs Facebook Group today at 1PM Eastern Time.

We would love it if you would join us and post a question.