October 19, 2017  Adventure of Faith Newsletter
Sunday Services: 9:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday, October 22
Holy, Holy, Holy…
Isaiah 6:1-8
How do you see God? Join us this Sunday as we walk through the prophet Isaiah’s encounter with the One, True God and how that encounter led to Isaiah’s better understanding of his God and himself. We will also discuss how our own encounters and subsequent understanding of God can change both how we see ourselves and how we live our lives.
This Week at Adventure
Upcoming Events
Family Kitchen

Friday, October 20
We join six local churches to provide meals at First Lutheran Church (on Mitchell Ave).
Dinner is at 5 pm. Attend if you are in need or serve if you're available.
Information: Natalie Meserve 360 620-4127
Trunk or Treat Volunteer Meeting
If you have signed up to serve at Trunk or Treat (hosting a trunk, hosting a game or otherwise volunteering) we will be having a short meeting on Sunday, October 22nd at 12:00 pm in the Friendship Center for YOU. We will go over important information that you will need for that evening. If you cannot make it, please contact Debbie Jones.
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, October 29th at 10:30am
All Adventure of Faith members are asked to attend this brief congregational meeting in the Worship Center as we nominate for the board of Deacons and the Session (our governing body).
Tuesday, October 31, 6-8 pm
You're invited to be a part of Adventure's fun, safe, and totally awesome Halloween event for the whole family. Host a trunk, donate candy or volunteer as a parking lot attendant.
* Decorated trunks * Popcorn * Game booths * Hay rides * CANDY!
Contact: Debbie Jones
Global Outreach Auction
You're invited to join us for our annual Global Outreach Auction on Saturday, November 4 at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $5 per person. All proceeds support Mazatlán, Mexico and Senegal, West Africa ministries.
Questions? Contact Debbie Jones
BaseCamp Kitchen Crew
Can you support BaseCamp for an hour, one day a week? Even if not every week? Our thriving family program needs additional hands to prepare, serve, and clean after the dinner served each Wednesday . Opportunities start at 10 am and end at 6:30 pm. You tell us when you are available and we’ll plug you in! No experience necessary. No planning.
Just your willingness to pitch in.
Contact Janice Ford.
Have you joined the online Church Family Directory yet? Knowing both the names and faces of our family is important to us. The more people that participate, the better we can know each other. Sign up at Welcome Center or online Directory Sign Up
Steps to join:
  1. Fill out form (either physical or online)
  2. AFTER you receive confirmation from us, log in to the website http://www.instantchurchdirectory.com/ and create your own password.
  3. Send us a digital photo.
  4. (Optional) Download the Instant Church Directory mobile app for your phone/device.
Please contact Leslie Fetters with any questions.
Love Kids?
Could serving in Adventure’s kids program be part of your GAME PLAN? Adventure is looking for 2 people who have a heart for the 2-4 year olds, that are interested in sharing the love of Jesus with these sweet young ones at 11:00 am on Sundays every other week. Could that be you?
Contact Karen  for more info.
Volunteers Wanted!
Do you make an amazing special dessert that everyone raves about? We'd love to have it as part of our Dessert Dash at the Global Outreach Auction on November 4th.

Can you be a part of a Child Care Team  for this event? We need adults/teens to watch kiddos during the Auction. Commitment is Saturday, November 4th 6:00-9:00 pm.

Contact: Leslie Fetters  or sign up at the Welcome Center.
Text Message Giving
Contribute to Adventure with a quick text!
1.Set up a contract (Adventure give) 360-780-3457
2.Send a text with the amount to donate
3.You'll receive a text with a link to register
4.Click on the link and enter credit/debit info
5.You'll receive a text verification and receipt
Next time... just send a text with $ and amount
More info is available at the Welcome Center
Are You a Veteran?
We would like to recognize you.
Veteran's Day is coming up on Saturday, November 11th. We are compiling photos and info to present on Sunday, November 5th . If you are interested in participating, or have any questions, please contact Mike or Carolyn Keaton  or 360 876-8923.
Adventure of Faith Church | 360 876-0061 | www.faithadventure.com