April 12, 2018
 Sunday Services 9:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday, April 15
Learn from the Word of God
Are you getting the most out of your Christian faith? Many people are convinced that Christianity is complicated. The list of all the things you have to do or not do to be a good Christian seems endless. The truth is that there are three simple practices you can build into your life that will help you live the abundant life and experience God's presence, peace, and purpose for you. Find out how by keeping it simple.
This Week at Adventure
Upcoming Events
Welcome Isaac!
Sunday's rosebud is in honor of Isaac Peter Williamson, born 3-23-18 to Cory and Callie Williamson. Congratulations!
Come and join us, it's a wonderful way in which to live our your faith, serving others in Jesus' name.
Family Kitchen - 4/20
Family Kitchen is an outreach ministry of Adventure of Faith that joins local churches to provide a family-style meal on the last 10 working days (except Wednesday) of each month at First Lutheran Church to anyone with a need.

This Sunday we'll pass a clipboard with this month's needs. Please donate or volunteer if you're able. Join us for dinner if you have need.

Donations due Thursday 4/19 (at Adventure)
Volunteers welcome Friday 2:00-6:00 pm (at First Lutheran)
Meal served 5:00 pm at First Lutheran
We Want to Hear Your Story
Pastor John would like to video you telling your story of faith in Jesus in 5 minutes or less. Answer questions like, "How did you come to faith in Jesus," "How is your life different because of your relationship with Jesus," and "What is God doing in your life right now?" If you could be available to make an appointment to tell your story, contact Pastor John  by May 1.
Mazatlán Team High Tea
The 2018 Mazatlán Mission trip invites you to a high tea! Tea sandwiches and sweets with live music! Saturday, April 21, at 2 pm in the Friendship Center! RSVP to the Mazatlán High Tea Facebook event Here or at the Welcome Center as soon as possible! $12 at the door.
Special Congregational Meeting
There will be a special congregational meeting on Sunday, April 29 at 10:30 am to elect and ordain a deacon to fill a vacant position on the Board of Deacons.
Adventure's Got Talent!
Save the date of Sunday, April 29 for a night of fun.

Auditions are:
Sunday, April 15 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm Wednesday, April 18 from 4:30-5:30 pm and 7:30-8:30 pm.
More info? Contact: Don Dilley
Financial Peace University
Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-lesson class on money management taught by America’s most trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Dave and his teaching team will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future and much more.

The kit's current cost $109 if purchased through this link and includes one year membership to FPU with full access to all videos online, and one year free access to the Every Dollar personal budgeting app.

Register for the class: April FPU

First class is April 11 at 6:00 pm at Adventure of Faith church.
Come check out the first class for free! Questions? Contact Irene White .
One for One
Your $1 donation will go to support one specific need within the congregation or community. Donation boxes are located in the lobby outside the Worship Center.
Text Message Giving
Contribute to Adventure with a quick text!

1.Set up a contact (Adventure give) 360 780-3457
2. Send a text with the amount to donate ($25)
3. You will receive a text with a link to register
4. Click on the link and enter credit/debit info
5. You will receive a text verification & receipt
6. Next time, just send a text with $ and amount
More information at the Welcome Center
Adventure of Faith Church | 360 876-0061 | www.faithadventure.com