Yours Fraternally
October 2017
As October is here, the leaves are beginning to change colour and the signs of the autumn are here. I hope you’ve enjoyed a good summer and that you are facing the Autumn rested and renewed.

Autumn time is often a time of reflection, to take stock… symbolised with the harvest celebrations throughout all faiths… Spiritualism included. William Wordsworth, an English poet used the vision of harvest in his words:  Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can be either flowers or weeds”     I think we can all equate with planting a few weeds during the growing season!  As long as we remain the good gardener and tend the flowers too!

W e, your committee continue to work on your behalf planning and organising the next event in Stony Point, New York. New York is one of my favorite cities, vast skyscrapers, streets filled with vitality and commerce… yes, it is the place to shop!... Broadway and Times Square are beyond all dreams and yet it has a green and tranquil heart with Central Park.. The ISF has chosen its next venue outside of the City, so we can work in the tranquility of the countryside.   Booking will come online soon… please do book early as we have limited accommodation.

Wherever you are in the world… however isolated you feel, we Spiritualists may be the minority within our communities, but remember we are all connected.  In an address to the ISF in 1924, Arthur Conan Doyle said… “we may be the minority as cream is to milk, but the cream always rises to the top” Please don’t forget .,.. we are here for you, our members.

With all good wishes,

Robin Hodson
by Sybil Richardson

Wisdom , love and fortitude in linking together to take  
      Spiritualism a step further.

The Norwegian Spiritual Union would like to thank the NSAC & ISF for their initiative in launching such an important project as the documentation of “ Global Spiritualism ," a task which we believe has not been done since Emma Hardinge Britten wrote her monumental book on Spiritualism in 24 countries- 133 years ago .

Modern Spiritualism appeared in Norway in the mid 1880’s. Two of the earliest spokesmen being H.K.Storjohann & B.C .Sverdrup Torstensen, the latter having had contact with Henry Slade. The Norwegian Psychic Society was founded in 1917 and tendencies towards Allan Kardec’s teachings were in the fore in the beginning. However, Norway has had quite a number of unique 20th century mediums and healers, such as Marcello Haugen and Norway’s greatest living medium of today, the 91 year old Joralf Gjerstad , affectionately called “Snåsamannen." Snåsa is the small town he lives in which has only a little over 2,000 inhabitants.

The first Norwegian Spiritual Church ( NST ), Norwegian Spiritual Union ( NSF ) and Norwegian Spiritual Healing Union ( NSHF) were founded in 2007 by Andre Kirsebom who is an accredited healer and certified platform medium with DSNU & CSNU certificates from the Spiritual National Union in England. The NST is a religion based on concepts similar to those of the SNU in England and follows the same seven Principles, in addition to the freedom of embracing the belief in reincarnation, which is deeply embedded in Norse spiritual culture. We hold the second Principle which honours the Brotherhood of Man, regardless of race, colour or creed very highly. This is because we feel it is imperative if we are to achieve peace in the world today. NST states that this principle is even more important than the religion people choose.

Norway has a small population spread over great distances, but the organization has grown rapidly and seven branches are now in operation all over the country. The organization depends on voluntary helpers. The structure and function of the Union is explained as follows: NST The Spiritual Church which is acknowledged by the Norwegian State has more than 900 registered members and ceremonies take place all over the country. NST also has its own four year Minister training program and many of its members visit the popular Arthur Findlay College in England to broaden their spiritual understanding and ideas.

The Spiritual Union NSF focuses on Mediumship and spiritual understanding for those who do not wish  to be a part of the church. Weekly meetings take place at different venues around the country, where both Norwegian and foreign guests give talks and demonstrations. The Union’s magazine “Spiritualisten" is printed twice a year and information is distributed over the internet. The Healing Union NSHF, which is recognized by  the Norwegian Ministry of Health, works in close collaboration with NSF. Andre Kirsebom has also written well documented educational books in both Norwegian and English on Mediumship and Healing .

Apart from the NST there are quite a few other independent spiritual centers and organizations who practice Spiritualism as a philosophy. Retreats and annual gatherings in Congress Halls are very widespread, where you can find everything from Shamanic drummers from Lapland to Aura readers etc. There are several spiritual magazines in Norway which are all based on spiritual articles and advertising.

Should any readers wish to make contact with us please feel free to do so , we would be delighted to hear from you.  To fi nd  NST / NSF/ NSHF please visit

      Greetings from Norway!

Andre Kirsebom, founder & leader - NST & Sybil Richardson, accredited healer - NSHF    

By Nancy Ryall

Our St. Andrew's event was a wonderful learning experience for all of us with many opportunities to witness Spirit working through us and others. One extraordinary incidence of Spirit work has come to light and we have the privilege to share it with you.

It happened in one of the classes Chris Connelly was tutoring. Chris asked Anna-Maija Usma to be part of an experiment to show changes in brain activity that occur when someone is working with Spirit. Anna-Maija had previously done work with Spirit art, but had not been active with it for some time. She, nevertheless, agreed to the experiment.

Chris wired her up to the electroencephalogram, the equipment that is used to determine the brain wave activity, and asked her to link with Spirit to produce a portrait. Anna-Maija agreed and she proceeded to link and to begin drawing. Anna-Maija produced a beautiful portrait of an elderly lady.

Another participant in the class, Elisabeth Berger, recognized it instantly. When asked about the experience as it was happening Elisabeth reports, " W hile my 'Omama' was visiting, I had this wonderful feeling of love, comfort and home... I knew straight away, that was her. But as someone said, it could be her mother and nearly everything would fit... I waited. My Oma said, wait and be calm, all will be well (as she always did). And after a while listening to the talk of Anna-Maija and the other Lady.... I said: "That is my Grandmother!" and it was like a release.... a wonderful feeling of love filled me and she said, she is looking also after her daughter, my mother... so that was me done!!! Well I found that picture with my brother and it was made just 1/2 a year before she went to Spirit."

Elisabeth sent the older picture she had found on to Anna-Maija so she could share in the remarkable likeness she had produced of her Grandmother. Anna-Maija states that she is "Always the most surprised person!" when her Spirit art proves to be so evidential. As the pictures below prove, when placed side by side, there is no mistaking that this is a very evidential portrait of a beautiful spirit.

When asked to comment on the process and the event in question, Chris Connelly stated " Reviewing the recording taken from Anna it was evident that the activity seen before the commencement of the spirit art task was pretty much normal and nothing significant was seen, with the topography showing a generally relaxed mid level of power activity across the frontal and temporal lobes. As the Spirit art task started we could see a dominant level of activity over the left frontal lobe indicative of a focused and command mode of thinking, however as the task continued and perhaps one might say as the blending between the medium and Anna become more apparent, it was noticed that all EEG sensors for a short period reported measuring no activity across frontal or temporal lobes, coining a term relating to heart-rate, the medium flat-lined!

There is no obvious explanation as to why this may have occurred, it has never occurred before or since and cannot be attributed to poor sensor contact because we wouldn’t expect all sensors to fail simultaneously and besides the software used to capture the activity is capable of detecting poor sensor contact and reports this during viewing - this didn’t happen.

If we entertain the possibility of the reading being entirely accurate, we could hypothesis why it may be beneficial for the medium's brain to have minimal activity so not to colour the subjective influence from a Spirit control, but of course it’s important to explore all possible rationale explanations, though I have to admit I’m fast running out of these in this case! I’m sure readers will be pleased to know that all brain activity returned once the medium had completed the Spirit art - which in itself is rather curious."

What a wonderful example of Spirit connection and communication! We thank all of those involved : Anna-Maija, Elisabeth, and Chris for being so open and willing to share this extraordinary experience with us. It is sharing information like this that spurs us onward to provide more proof of the truth that we know to be our connection with Spirit!
At the Trailhead: My Journey Within
by Lory Leyman

“Life is a journey to figure out what gifts we have been entrusted with, how to nurture these precious gifts, and, ultimately, how to give our gifts away.”
-Erin Butson

Exactly a year ago, I could not have imagined, or predicted what was to unfold for the coming year. It all started when a dear friend told me of her visit to an amazing psychic medium. What followed, has led to my own exploration of an unseen world, and a path to developing skills in mental mediumship.

Late in the day, on a fall afternoon, it was Lillian Suarez, Psychic Medium, who spoke to me from the other end of the phone. From her first words, she delivered to me indisputable evidence of my mother’s continued existence beyond her physical death. “So I have a woman, your mother is with me. Is your mother in spirit?”... ”You have something of her’s that was hanging on the wall.”... “It’s a picture, in a wooden frame.” I clung onto every word that she said, as I sat staring at my mother’s eyes, smiling at me, from the photo, in the wooden frame, that I had taken from her house after her passing. My own eyes, instantly began welling up with tears from the emotional realization that my mom is here, and I felt her presence. “Yes,” I cried. Lillian went on to accurately describe the altar on the dresser surrounding her picture, and continued with information about events in my life, my home, my kids, and other things that my mother had awareness of. After a half hour, I hung up the phone feeling emotionally uplifted and validated in my own beliefs about life after death. Without her even knowing it, Lillian was my first teacher.

I spent the winter unable to pull myself away from the world that I was uncovering. I begged to know, can anyone do this? More specifically, can I do this? I found characteristics of my own self in everything I was learning. I poured myself into an unrelenting discovery of self and devoured whatever anyone was recommending to watch, to read, to do, with the intention of growing and learning more.

In my life, every great reward has come as the result of hard work. I approached this new investigating with the same commitment and zest that I have always employed in educating myself. It was spring time, when Lillian posted on Facebook, that one of her teachers, Robin Hodson, was coming to Illinois, from the UK, to teach workshops at the Church of the Spirit, and the Cherry Valley Spiritualist Camp/Spiritualist Chapel in the Woods. So naturally, I grabbed my credit card and without hesitation, or blink of an eye, I signed up.

Early June, approached quickly. I had no previous experience for any of the workshops that I signed up to take. Filled with so much anxiety and apprehension, was I “good, positive, right” enough to do this work, I approached and entered a Spiritualist church for the first time. The people I found there were open, and loving, and immediately welcomed me. The church itself was over a hundred years old. Up until this point, in my fifty-five years of life, I had no idea that Spiritualism was even a religion. Unbeknownst to me, I walked right into the kind of church that I had been seeking my entire life.

Upon entering the nave of the church, I could see a tall man who waited patiently for participants to arrive. Robin Hodson introduced himself to me, while I was taking my seat. It was clear that he was unassuming and soft spoken. His gentle manner set me at ease, as the workshop was about to begin. After a brief introduction, he immediately put us to work by teaching us how to “open up” and expand our energy field. Next, He passed out blindfolds, as he explained our first “psychic” activity. The butterflies returned to my stomach, and I nervously thought, “I’m not psychic,” and “how am I going to do this?” Fortunately, my first partner was Nancy Ryall, who, I would later learn, is Reverend Nancy Ryall, from Cherry Valley Spiritualist Camp/Spiritualist Chapel in the Woods. Nancy was very encouraging, while I tried to psychically read her. With my eyes blindfolded, I struggled hard to get an image in my brain. I blurted out, “I see a big chess piece,” because the big black shape of nothing in my head reminded me of a chess piece. “I smell smoke,” and “I have an ache in my shoulder.” Even though I thought Nancy was kind to make my statements fit somehow to her life, she made me feel comfortable and reassured. I stayed for dinner and afterward, Robin’s gallery reading. I was in awe of his amazing gifts.

The next day, I was back for more learning with Robin Hodson and a room full of others. This time Lillian also joined the group. Again, Robin had us working with the blindfolds and reading each other. Toward the end of the workshop, I was beginning to have moments where information flashed quickly into my mind. Of course, I thought to myself that I was just making the entire thing up, but it did not stop me from following Robin to his next round of workshops in Cherry Valley, IL.

On a Monday morning, after a beautiful drive through rural Illinois farmlands, I arrived in Cherry Valley, at the charming Spiritualist Chapel in the Woods. It was another beautiful June day and I felt my enthusiasm growing with the sunlight and lush green foliage all around. This time, Robin was teaching a class in Trance Mediumship. Little did I know that I would experience something so powerful, that it would solidify my knowing for the first time that “I am a medium."

Robin began the class by presenting a short history lesson about Trance Mediums. Next, he spoke and played music for the purpose of leading the group through a meditation. He did this twice to get us acquainted with the process. Listening to his words the second time around, I focused all of my concentration in the center of my forehead, between my eyebrows and invited Spirit to join me. Still aware of Robin’s voice, in my mind’s eye, I looked down at myself, and I started to see a man’s chest growing out from where my chest was. He was sitting in my seat where I used to be. I clearly saw that he was wearing a black and red checkered flannel, over a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and black motorcycle boots. I got a glimpse of his profile. He had brown hair and he was about the same height but leaner than Butch, the man seated in front of me. All of a sudden I felt pain and cramping in my right hand. It was as if my middle fingers were cut off and the rest of my hand was swollen. I brought my attention to my left hand, and noticed that it was still my hand, but my right hand was arthritic and aching at the knuckles, where my fingers felt as if they were missing.

Robin called us back from our meditation and then went around the room asking us what we had experienced. I was the last to share. As I spoke about what I had “visualized,” Robin stopped me, and asked Butch if he recognized who I was describing. Butch acknowledged that it was his stepfather. Then I went on to tell about the sensation of my missing fingers. To my amazement, Butch validated that his stepfather had cut off his fingers while working as a machinist in a factory. 

By this time, Nancy and Robin had already shared with the group that Robin was the President of the International Spiritualist Federation and that there was an event in Scotland coming up in August. Previously, I had no intention of attending the event but after what I just experienced, I was compelled to go. So I went home and carefully broke the news to my husband.

My husband accompanied me to Scotland. Although it was a bit nerve-wracking driving on the left side of the road, the scenery was beautiful from Edinburgh to St. Andrews. We arrived at the University hours before the opening ceremony, and watched as Spiritualists from all over the world began to arrive. I was excited when I was finally able to see Robin Hodson and Nancy Ryall again.

I anxiously waited all summer for this event, the next steps in the process of growing spiritually and learning how to use my gifts. It was difficult to sleep because of the jet lag I was feeling. So, on the first day, I attended an early morning Chi-Gong session. I really enjoyed learning how to do movements working with energy, but I spent evenings up too late talking with my new friends, LouAnn and Sabina, and I was unable to wake up early enough to attend a second Chi-Gong class. Breakfast every morning was delicious and abundant. After enjoying eggs, sausages and bacon, I went to the healing sessions. The soothing music and gentle touch of the energy healers was relaxing, and a great way to start the day. Workshops began promptly after healings. I signed up to take a morning class in Mental Mediumship with Dianne Parker and an afternoon Trance class with Ulla Alvarsdotter. In Dianne’s class, I was learning how to use my natural abilities and, as a result, I had several more memorable links with Spirit. From Ulla, I learned that there are realms of existence beyond my own limited knowledge and experience and that Trance was something I would work on in the future. After the workshops, there was just enough time to freshen up for dinner and then attend an evening gallery reading. On the last night of gallery readings, I was thrilled to receive messages from my mother.

Our accommodations at the University were excellent, we were well-fed at all meals, and the daily schedule of the ISF event kept us busy all day and night. Despite the busy schedule, I managed to do some sight-seeing with my husband, touring the sea side town of St. Andrews, Kelly Castle, Lomond Hills, and Druid’s Den. The people of Scotland were just lovely. When it was time to go, it was hard to say goodbye to Michelle, the morning cafeteria manager, who was filled with so much love and sunshine every day. 

I realize that I have only skimmed the tip of an iceberg, and I have so much more to learn. I am grateful for the experiences of this past year, and I would not change a thing. I know that God and the divine universe has a plan for me, and that I prayed and received the answer. It is always a power greater than myself that guides me on my path. As I look back, I know intuitively, that every trial and tribulation has led me to this instance. With all of the painful and glorious moments, it has been a rich full life. I look forward to the rest of my physical existence growing with Spirit.

I hope to see all of my new friends and teachers again at the ISF event in New York next year. Love and Blessings to all.

P.s. Does anyone know of a good support group for the spouses of developing Mediums?
Spiritualism in Scotland
by Eleanor Walker

When speaking of Spiritualism in Scotland you cannot fail to mention the famous Spirit Medium Helen Duncan , born in Callander, she was prosecuted and persecuted for her work in Spiritualism. Helen Duncan to this day is held in high esteem by the Spiritual communities in Scotland and her memory lives on through her charity, The Helen Duncan Foundation. It is a testament to mediums of the past in how they are fondly remembered, now and I am sure will be in the future.

I write from my involvement in Spiritualism and can only express my own opinion. I am fully aware that others may disagree.

Looking at Spiritualism in Scotland today it certainly seems to be growing and this is indicative of the number of Spiritual Churches and Centres that are opening in many towns and cities. In some places there are as many as 3 or 4 Spiritual churches or centres. The down side of that is often the attendance can be poor with as little as 8 -10 people in the congregation or audience. Many of these places also conduct awareness or development circles after each service. There are also many courses and workshops to help develop mediums and to educate people on the mechanics of mediumship.

I find it is the churches and centres that encourage, not just locally known mediums to serve, but mediums from further afield which in turn spikes the curiosity of people to come along to these places and experience the work and philosophy of Spiritualists from a different perspective. The larger centres such as The College of Parapsychology, The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, both in Edinburgh, The Glasgow Association of Spiritualist, The Kilmarnock SNU Spiritualist Centre (to name a few), are becoming more prominent with many public demonstrations of mediumship and a varied programme of talks by leading authorities in topics that are of interest to Spiritualists. These type of events help bring Spiritualism into the public domain and in turn this creates opportunities to interact with other faiths and to welcome people from all walks of life into these Spiritual meeting places.

I have demonstrated mediumship around Scotland, in Europe and in America and have found that the content of services are mostly similar.

A service in Scotland normally consists of an opening prayer, a reading by a member of the church or centre, a healing silence where thoughts of healing is sent out to those in need, an address or philosophy by the medium and then the demonstration of mediumship. This is followed by intimations, and then the closing prayer. If the service is a divine service the singing of a number of hymns are included. The majority of the attendees are usually looking for a message from a loved one. However a growing number of attendees are looking for something else that perhaps conventional religion is not providing, or they are seeking knowledge of what Spiritualism is all about. Often many attend through curiosity. The expectation of the attendees may vary, some may wish guidance from their loved one, others just want to feel their loved one close and want confirmation that death was not the end.

In Scotland many wish the medium to identify the communicator by descriptions of their personality, height, colour of hair, relationship, name and so forth. Once convinced it is their loved one they are happy to receive the message.

I have found in other countries, especially the churches and places I demonstrated in the USA that the Philosophy is given more credence and time than the mediumship, with shorter messages being given. If the relationship is given and accepted, a description of the communicator is not needed. I stress again that this is my opinion and I must say that my experiences of demonstrating in the USA is somewhat limited.

Many mediums of the past conducted séances with communications from Spirit, which have provided much evidence through direct voice, materialisation, Spirit writings on slates and other such physical phenomena. This leads me to feel that they have left a legacy that seems at times to be hard to follow in present day mediumship.

In Scotland this form of séance is not heard of so much, although there is a young physical medium, Scott Milligan , who conducts séances in Aberdeen. I personally have attended 3 of his séances and been impressed with the phenomena produced by Spirit. However I have yet to see a materialised Spirit or in fact ectoplasm. Scott Milligan , is surely a pioneer of today, a humble young man who seeks to ensure that any séance he conducts is as transparent as possible in order to erase any doubts of fraud or fakery.

There are of course the more well known Scottish pioneers of today. Mediums such as Gordon Smith , who is described as the UK’s most accurate medium and Thelma Francis , a very good medium and tutor. Though famous for their mediumship and very popular in the Spiritualist communities we mustn’t forget the work of lesser known mediums, who strive to keep the light of Spiritualism glowing and who will go on to become pioneers of Spiritualism in Scotland. I mention a few here.

Sandy Campbell , from Dundee who works tirelessly for Spirit, serving Spirit not just in Scotland but around the UK. He has also worked in America. He is also a wonderful Trance medium. I witnessed one occasion of his trance work where a young lady was able to communicate with her friend who had passed through suicide. The conversation was very personal and though tears flowed, she was very happy to know her friend was safe and at peace.
Alison Cobb , from Arbroath, a humble lady who works for Spirit with a quiet dignity, and produces excellent evidential information through her messages from Spirit.
Frances Ryan , from Edinburgh, an unassuming woman, a good servant of Spirit, who is the trusted medium of Paranormal Investigator Archie Lawrie .
Barry Hogg , also from Edinburgh. Larger than life, Barry is a popular medium in Scotland, who has a good sense of humour which often comes through in his messages.

This all bodes well for the continued growth of Spiritualism in Scotland and long may it continue.
by Ashlynn Haynie

My name is Ashlynn and I am nine years old. This summer I went to Chicago with my grandparents for a mediumship class. The teacher was Robin Hodson. I want to tell you about the fun I had and what I learned. I met a lot of nice people and I learned a lot.

I was nervous at the very start. I was the youngest person in the class and I didn't know a lot of the people. Robin helped me to feel less nervous because he is really nice. He is a really good person and he made me feel glad to be there.

I didn't know a lot about mediumship when I started, but I learned a lot. Robin was a good teacher and I could understand what he was teaching me. I learned to expand my aura, and to feel the energy around me. I learned how to use that to give readings. I gave mediumship readings while I was in class. A lot of people said that I was right on.

I made a lot of new friends while I was in class. Everyone treated me like one of them. It made me feel good. My new friend Maurice gave me two books. My new friend Yoly was very nice. I think about them both a lot.

I was so happy that I went, even though I was nervous at the start. I think I learned a lot and made a lot of friends. I really enjoyed myself and if you have the chance to go to one of Robin's classes I think you should do it.
Save the Dates! August 12 th – 18 th , 2018

The next annual educational Congress of The International Spiritualist Federation will be held at Stony Point Center in New York State, United States of America. Stony Point Center is located in the scenic Hudson River Valley, about 35 miles northwest of New York City.

The Biennial General Meeting, which brings together members to discuss the business of the organization, will convene at 10am on Sunday, August 12 th . Please plan on arriving the night prior if an early arrival on Sunday is not possible. General events will begin on Sunday afternoon.

ISF President Robin Hodson has noted, "The ISF annual events are very special, bringing together like-minded people to share, learn and to socialise together. The events also give the opportunity for members to liaise with other Spiritualists who might be following a similar path, giving the chance to share problems and solutions. At our gatherings, the important factor is the inclusive atmosphere in learning. We may all come from different parts of the globe, but in learning together, we all benefit for our experience and knowledge and service to Spirit. Add in to that the excellent tutors we will have to coach and teach and we hope it will be a perfect week!"

Stony Point Center, originally used as a missionary training facility, describes itself as: "having a multi-faith commitment to radical hospitality affirmed by the Presbyterian Church (USA), welcoming across boundaries by providing overnight and day-use accommodations and meeting spaces for individuals and groups." They offer delicious, locally-sourced food; simple, comfortable guestrooms; and a caring touch that honors the distinctive needs of each guest. In their everyday programs they practice "courageous conversations, study of sacred texts, faithful action, and the creative arts, cultivating peace and justice by supporting the multi-faith movement for nonviolence and eco-social justice." Accommodations are comfortable yet simple. Each room has a sink in its room and note that although toilets and bathing facilities are individual, private and abundant, for the majority of rooms, they are shared. The facility is accessible for anyone with mobility concerns and can cater to special food needs.
We have been warmly welcomed by the Stony Point staff during the planning of this event and they are looking forward to meeting our members! For planning purposes, here are the costs, which are all-inclusive of accommodations, meals, workshops and special events:
7 nights, double occupancy: £600 and 7 nights single occupancy: £750
6 nights double occupancy: £500 and 6 nights single occupancy: £650 
For members outside of the UK, note fee is subject to exchange rate of GBP at time of transaction.

The closest international airport to the Stony Point Center is Newark, New Jersey. Other options include Newburgh, NY (Stewart International Airport); JFK in NYC and also LaGuardia, NYC. Please note that due to airport construction and accompanying traffic jams, our U.S. friends nearby recommend that if possible when making arrangements, that you avoid  using LaGuardia. You can make your travel arrangements to and from the airport directly with Stony Point Center, fees will apply based on location of pick up.
If you would like to be notified when registration opens on the ISF website, email to Rosemary Calderalo, ISF Assistant General Secretary at [email protected]

I hope you are enjoying your YF newsletter! This edition we had some exciting topics to cover. We had an exciting story about evidential Spirit Art from Chris Connelly's class in Scotland brought to our attention by our President, Robin Hodson. The pictures are right there for us to see a beautiful example of Spirit communication! We are continuing our articles on GLOBAL SPIRITUALISM. Sybil Richardson is an experienced writer and has been published in the Psychic News. We were fortunate to have her bring us some wonderful information about Norway. Our own Eleanor Walker told us all about Scotland and shared some past history as well as up to date information on mediums who are well worth checking out. Ashlynn Haynie and Lory Layman from the US gave us perspectives from a young Spiritualist and a new member to the ISF. They help us keep in touch with the magic that happens when you first experience contact with Spirit! Our President and our Assistant Secretary brought us up to date news about what is being planned for our future event in Stony Point and also gave us some beautiful words to remind us of our connection with each other and our common bond....Spirit!

Are we bringing you news you want to hear? What else would be interesting, exciting, or informative to you? Help us make the YF representative of ALL of us. Send in questions, information, ideas for articles or....write one yourself! We are open to possibilities. I would like to start a new feature called "ASK THE TEACHERS" with the purpose of answering any of your specific questions. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the ISF and we can access that through the YF. Send me your questions, and I will do my very best to find answers or educated opinions for you. Send them to me at : [email protected] Remember, this is YOUR newsletter!

Love and blessings,

Nancy Ryall