Volume 10  | AUGUST 2017
Why Clients Choose Steven R. Adams
  • Has Won Before the Ohio Supreme Court

  • Former Prosecutor

  • 25 Years of Legal Experience & Ohio Super Lawyer® 5 Years in a Row

  • Among the Top 1% of Attorneys in Ohio According to Superlawyers

  • Deemed an Expert Witness for DUI / OVI Cases

At The Law Offices of Steven R. Adams, LLC, we assist clients who have been accused of criminal activity throughout various areas of Southern Ohio. With experience in both state and federal criminal defense, we take an aggressive approach to protecting the rights of our valued clientele. If you need someone who is prepared to fight to protect your rights, we can help. Our Cincinnati office is located right next to the courthouse and the prosecutor’s office, in the heart of the action. If you need someone to fight for you, contact us at 513.929.9333.

You have rights when stopped or arrested under suspicion of DUI/OVI. Learn how you can assert these rights and how doing so can protect your case! – call our firm today!


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        Adams Family Law Blog

How Children Handle Divorce At Different Ages

Parents often worry a great deal about how their decision to divorce will affect their children. It’s impossible to say with certainty how your children will react to the news that you’re getting divorced, but in general, how children handle divorce will depend on their age. Here’s a look at how children cope with divorce at different ages:

18 Months to 3 Years Old

Young children will not fully understand what is happening when their parents divorce. All they will know is that things have changed, and because kids at this age are self-centered, they may believe they did something to cause the divorce. At this age, kids don’t have the skills that they need to cope with emotional changes, so they may start to regress and suck their thumbs or refuse to go to sleep at night.

3 to 6 Years Old

Children within this age range will feel comfortable asking questions after learning about their parents’ divorce. They will be very curious as to why their parents are divorcing, because they may be too young to have picked up on any tension in the household. Kids at this age may also place the blame on themselves, so it’s important to make it clear that they did not play a role in your divorce.

6 to 11 Years Old

School-aged children tend to hold out hope that their parents will get back together. Once they realize that this isn’t going to happen, they may lash out and show signs of anger. Other children may respond with extreme sadness as opposed to anger. Their struggle to cope with these changes could affect their grades and their behavior at school.

Children at this age may also try to place the blame on one parent that they feel is responsible for the divorce. Because of this, it’s important to maintain a positive relationship with your ex-spouse to ensure he does not feed into this and try to place the blame on you.

11 Years Old and Up

By the time they reach this age, children are able to tell when their parents don’t get along, so they may not be surprised when you tell them about your decision to divorce. They may ask how the divorce will affect their lives, so be prepared to answer these tough questions. As kids become teens, they will start to experience mood swings. These bursts of anger or sadness may become directed at the parent who moves out of the marital home. To prevent this, both parents must show a united front so the child sees that both of his parents will still be a part of his life.

Divorce is never easy, especially when there are children involved. If you have children and are filing for divorce, it’s important to protect their best interests by working with an experienced divorce attorney at Adams Family Law. To schedule a consultation, email [email protected] or call 513-929-9333.


"August 1 is Girlfriend’s Day. It is unclear whether the unknown creators of this holiday wanted it to be a day for people to honor their female friends or for them to celebrate their female romantic partners.

Either way, take this day to tell the special women in your life that they mean a lot to you, and that you love, honor, and respect them

The term girlfriend first came into use in 1863 as a way to describe a woman's female friend in youth. It was not until the 1920s when the word started being used as a way to describe a person's female romantic partner.Find out More Click Here"


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A man comes home from a night of drinking with the boys. As he falls through the doorway of his house, his wife snaps at him, “what’s the big idea coming home half drunk?” The man replies, “I’m sorry, honey. I ran out of money.”

Read more on page:  http://www.jokesoftheday.net/the-best-jokes/

The Law Office Of Steven R. Adams | 513-659-4442 | 513-939-9337 | [email protected]| www.notguiltyadams.com