Nourish your spirit
 22 August - 13 September 2017
British Dharma Teachers Sister Anabel, Brother Phap Lai, Brother Phap Linh and Sister Dedication will be coming to the UK in late August to lead retreats, public talks and mindfulness events in the engaged spirit of Thich Nhat Hanh. There'll be special events in the North-West, Yorkshire, Leicester and Scotland. In London, the monastics will be creating a "Mindfulness Hub" in the heart of the city, with a series of immersive events and workshops. We invite you to join us and spread the word.
Family Retreat 24-29th August
Last few places available at our joyful 5-day immersive retreat in Stourbridge over the August Bank Holiday weekend, with programs for children, teens and young adults. (Registration closes August 10).

22-23/08: Pre-Retreat for OI Members

London Hub 5-13th Sept. 
Drop in to a calm oasis at the top of Brick Lane for sitting meditations, mindful lunches and total relaxations, or join one of our special 3-hour workshops:

6/09: Mindful and Compassionate Leadership 

7/09: Happy Teachers Change the World: cultivating mindfulness in education

12/09: Earth Protectors: a deep ecology intensive

Find out how you can help make these events happen: 

Yorkshire: Earth Protectors 

Sister Anabel and Brother Phap Lai will be offering mindfulness teachings and practices to inspire compassion and help cultivate wellbeing in challenging environments.

Scotland: Mindfulness Events

Sister Dedication and fellow monks and nuns will be offering an evening of mindfulness in central Edinburgh, followed by a refreshing retreat for young adults in the beautiful nature of South Lanarkshire.

Leicester: Mindfulness for Medics 

Sister Anabel will be leading an immersive masterclass on mindfulness for clinicians, and educators and students, at Leicester Medical School, and a full Sunday Day of Mindfulness.

North West: Touching Peace

Join Brother Phap Lai for a peaceful and healing walking meditation through Manchester city centre, and a joyful evening of mindfulness with the local community in Stockport.

30/08  Walking & Sitting in Peace (Meet at the Cathedral Gardens, 6pm)

31/08  Evening of Mindfulness  
 Plum Village | Community of Interbeing UK | Wake Up UK
Premiering at the London Film Festival, October 4-15, 2017