Kuni Sakai

Saturday, September 8
5 K walk for our St. Anthony Food Pantry!
See information below.

  Sunday, September 9
The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

'Christ and the Canaanite Woman' student of Rembrandt, ca. 1650, Getty Museum, Los Angeles

7:30 a.m.  Morning Prayer
8 a.m.  Said Mass (Rite I)
9 a.m.  Sung Mass
11 a.m.  Solemn High Mass

"Now the woman was a Gentile, of Syrophoenician origin.
She begged Jesus to cast the demon out of her daughter." - Mark 7:26

This Week at Ascension

September 5, 2018


From Joshua Heath ... Across the Pond
From the Rector
Ascension Book Group: September
This Sunday at Ascension
The Parish Prayer List
Diocese of Chicago Newsletter
Approved Vestry Minutes Online
The Last Word


Dear People of Ascension,

     I am now entering the tenth of my twelve weeks 'living alongside' the monks and nuns at Mucknell Abbey, an Anglican, Benedictine community with origins in the nineteenth-century. Learning from and forming warm, loving relationships with the community here has been a joy. Members are as wonderfully eccentric as you would expect a mixed community of English Anglican Religious to be! (In that sense, I feel I've fitted in quite well).
     Within the Abbey's daily rhythm of work and prayer, I have been blessed with regular study of Scripture, opportunities for frequent, prolonged private prayer and some preliminary reading for my doctoral thesis. Of course, it hasn't been all sunlit uplands, and I can definitely count a  few moments of spiritual and emotional upheaval. But by God's grace, these have been invitations to turn myself more intently to God in prayer and to try and be more attentive to His voice, both in Scripture and in those whose lives are tied up with mine. I very much hope that when I return to Cambridge at the end of the month, I will be able to sustain something of the rhythm of work, prayer and rest that has been so rewarding here.
    Throughout my stay here, I have often thought of the community at Ascension, thankful for the time I was able to spend with you and for the nourishment I received from you: both at the altar and in various neighbourhood establishments. You have been and will continue to be a major presence in my prayers here at Mucknell and when I leave. I have really enjoyed hearing from some of you, even if I haven't always been prompt in replying (!), and I hope I will be able to see and worship with you again sometime in 2019.
With love,

Click on the following hyperlinks if you are interested in learning more about : Mucknell Abbey, Yorkshire, England, or some of the Anglican orders and monasteries with which Ascension clergy and members have associations, including St. Gregory's Abbey, Three Rivers, Michigan (Father Lawler), The Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Father Petite), The House of Initia Nova(Brother Michael-Francis, osb, and Scott Knitter), The Order of the Holy Cross and Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, New York(David White), and the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory(Brother Nathanael Rahm, BSG). The Cenacle Retreat Center in Lincoln Parkis the nearest location of which I'm aware if you're interested in a formal retreat. Also in Chicago is the (Roman Catholic/Benedictine) Holy Cross Monastery in Pilsen. The closest Episcopal/Anglican monastery (where one may retreat) is St. Gregory's Abbey, mentioned and linked above. Private and group retreats area also regularly offered through The DeKoven Foundation, Racine, Wisconsin. If I've missed information that should rightly have been included here, please let me know and I'll include it in a future newsletter.

The Church of the Atonement's Celebration of New Ministry and Institution of Mother Erika Takacs as 11th Rector will take place next Tuesday, September 11, 7:00 p.m with a reception to follow. I've been asked to present the new Rector with the Canons of the Church in the related portion of the rites. Clergy: choir vestiture and white stoles. All are welcome!

Along similar lines please note the following September 18 celebration. I'm including it here because of past and ongoing connections to St. Paul's of Father Daly and some Ascension members.

"Anglo-Catholic Roots II: Is Christ Divided? Full Visible Unity" - that's the name of a November 1-2 Conference being hosted by Church of the Advent, Boston (a parish with which Ascension has shared many historic connections and similarities). Despite the conflict with our own All Souls celebration here, I'm halfway tempted to register, partly because I think there may be some merit in our reconnecting with some fellow Anglo-Catholics at other altars and in other cities. My interest in taking part might be tipped into actual registration if any Ascension member may wish to also take part. Let me know if so.

Yea! We're getting a new water fountain with a water bottle filler . Sexton George Panice should have the installation completed by the weekend. Due to some insurmountable plumbing issues, the fountain will be a little higher than the norm. Let us know if this presents a problem for you, please.
Please plan to walk with Kuni Sakai on Saturday, September 8. In the past two years, Kuni has raised over $2,000 through pledges to his 5K charity run in the fall. But he no longer wants to go it alone! Won't you please consider signing up to WALK the 5K with him and also raise money for our St. Anthony of Padua Food Pantry? Find out about and sign up for the Chicago Food Bank's 33rd Annual Hunger Walk. OR send Kuni an email to ask questions and coordinate OR you may make a pledge on the sign up sheets at the church, or on the church website (please indicate 'Kuni/pantry' with your gift' or by sending an email or check to the parish treasurer. Thank you.

My 'What matters?' sermon from this past Sunday may be viewed here

[email protected]
For September the Ascension Book Group will be reading  The Lilies of the Field (1962) by William E. Barrett (1900-1986). This book is based on a true story. Homer Smith, an itinerant handyman, is driving through the Arizona desert when he meets five impoverished nuns. Stopping to fix their leaky farmhouse roof, Homer discovers that not only will the Mother Superior not pay him for the job, but she also wants him to build their chapel - for free! Hesitant at first, Homer soon finds himself single-handedly raising the chapel and the financing. But although he will not receive a monetary reward, Homer knows that when his work is done, he'll leave that dusty desert town a much better place than when he found it. The Ascension Book Group will discuss
The Lilies of the Field on  Sunday afternoon, September 23 following coffee hour.  In addition to discussion they will be watching the film, so bring on the popcorn! A light luncheon will be served . For questions please contact Ken Kelling at (773) 853-2337 or [email protected] The Lilies of the Field  ISBN 978-0446315005.

The Sunday Lectionary readings Schedules of Acolytes, Lectors & Ushers as well as Hymnody, Motets and Organ Voluntaries for  Sunday, September 9, 2018 may be found by clicking  here

The Lector's Pronunciation Guide may be found here .


Please remember these people in your daily prayers
Geoffrey Wainwright, Robert White, Charlene MacDougal, Fr. John Graham, Dorothy Murray, Mary Lou Devens, Jane McCamant, John Mulcare, Doreen Finn, Ronna Case, Ted Jennings, michael Milano, Thomas Holden, Kuni Sakai, Bob Scogin, Brenton Boitse, Charley Taylor, Marlea Edinger, David Belding, Jr., August 'Augie' Alonzo, Sal Martinez, Ann Halikas, Robert Matey, Betty Smith.

Prayers for the departed
Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of Br. Robert James McLaughlin BSG , who died on August 30, 2018.
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

The most recent ( August 22) Summer e-newsletter from the Diocese of Chicago
may be found here.


The Approved Minutes of Vestry meetings are now available online to parishioners who request the link.  If you would like Internet access to the Approved Vestry Minutes, please email the  Church Office and request the link. 
Once you access the web page, you can read all recent Approved Vestry Minutes.  In addition, if you click on the subscribe button at the top right, you will be given email notice whenever a new set of Approved Minutes is added. 


Labor Day brought to my mind, after the fact, the once-famous poem, The Man with the Hoe, penned by Edwin Markham and first published in the San Francisco Examiner in 1899. Markham spent his childhood in Suisun, California, where he would have seen plenty of laborers at the inland port, the rail yards and at the many surrounding farms. He took the name and his inspiration for the poem from the already-famous Millet painting, Man with a Hoe' (ca. 1860-1862), also shown below. In this epoch of robotic replacement of workers and a rapidly-growing disparity between rich and poor, let us keep in mind all who toil to make a living, all who are employers, all who are entrusted with workplace safety, and those known to us who are unemployed or underemployed or otherwise in work or vocational transitions. - Fr. Raymond +

Man with a Hoe,  Jean-François Millet  (French, 1814 - 1875)

The Man with the Hoe
           By Edwin Markham
Written after seeing Millet's World-Famous Painting

God made man in His own image,
in the image of God made He him.

Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans   
Upon his hoe and gazes on the ground,   
The emptiness of ages in his face,
And on his back the burden of the world.   
Who made him dead to rapture and despair,   
A thing that grieves not and that never hopes,
Stolid and stunned, a brother to the ox?   
Who loosened and let down this brutal jaw?
Whose was the hand that slanted back this brow?
Whose breath blew out the light within this brain?
Is this the Thing the Lord God made and gave
To have dominion over sea and land;
To trace the stars and search the heavens for power;
To feel the passion of Eternity?
Is this the Dream He dreamed who shaped the suns
And marked their ways upon the ancient deep?
Down all the stretch of Hell to its last gulf   
There is no shape more terrible than this-
More tongued with censure of the world's blind greed-
More filled with signs and portents for the soul-
More fraught with danger to the universe.
What gulfs between him and the seraphim!   
Slave of the wheel of labor, what to him   
Are Plato and the swing of Pleiades?
What the long reaches of the peaks of song,   
The rift of dawn, the reddening of the rose?
Through this dread shape the suffering ages look;
Time's tragedy is in that aching stoop;   
Through this dread shape humanity betrayed,   
Plundered, profaned and disinherited,   
Cries protest to the Judges of the World,   
A protest that is also prophecy.
O masters, lords and rulers in all lands,   
is this the handiwork you give to God,
This monstrous thing distorted and soul-quenched ?
How will you ever straighten up this shape;   
Touch it again with immortality;
Give back the upward looking and the light;   
Rebuild in it the music and the dream;   
Make right the immemorial infamies,
Perfidious wrongs, immedicable woes?
O masters, lords and rulers in all lands,
How will the Future reckon with this Man?   
How answer his brute question in that hour   
When whirlwinds of rebellion shake the world?
How will it be with kingdoms and with kings-
With those who shaped him to the thing he is-
When this dumb Terror shall reply to God   
After the silence of the centuries?
     Source: The Man with the Hoe and Other Poems (Doubleday, 1921)

Fr. Patrick Raymond,         [email protected]

Susan Schlough,                [email protected]

Parish Office                      [email protected]