This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Vayigash, 23 December, 5 Tevet
What we learned this week...
With Bracha Krohn
"Meaning in the Mitzvot"
Studying Birkat Cohanim by looking back at the switch from firstborns to Shevet Levi representing Am Yisrael to G-d.
With Sepha Kirshblum
"David's Diary"
We discussed David finally becoming king over the entire Jewish nation

Dvar Torah:
Rav Jason Knapel
R. Eitan Mayer
"Advanced Hilchot Shabbat"
Learning about making Kiddush at the same place that we eat the Shabbat meal.
Shana Bet with Rabbi Wenglin
Shabbaton at Kfar Etzion
At the Hapoel Yerushalayim basketball game with the kids from Shalva.
Shalva gave tickets to their volunteers to the Hapoel Yershalayim game. The girls went on the court with the shalva kids and had a blast.
At Rav Lerner's
Melanie Chustckie , ('14-'16) on her engagement to Peter Century
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