March 22, 2017

Intercessor 2
Everyone can now access our weekly prayer letter by clicking on the icon above!  If you have a prayer request you'd like to include, email

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MRCA Celebration of Learning 
Mitchell Road Christian Academy invites you to attend their annual Celebration of Learning tomorrow, March 23, from 5-7:30 pm.  Drop by the Sanctuary for live performances of song and dance by the 3rd and 4th grade in the Sanctuary from 6-6:30; enjoy dinner from one of the food trucks outside the cafeteria from 5-7; visit classrooms and the Fellowship Hall for displays and presentations from our students.  No registration is necessary; everyone is invited!
Alzheimer's Association Workshop
A representative from the Alzheimer's Association will present a workshop at Mitchell Road on Thursday, March 30, from 10-11:30 am. This workshop is designed to help people understand the early signs which can help in treatment and planning for therapy.  Open to everyone-bring friends!
Cost is free; sign up at the Information Desk.

Church Work Day - April 1
The Diaconate is having a work day at the church and all are invited to join in on clearing around the pond behind the old gym.  Weed whackers and limb cutters are welcome.  Join us at 8:30 am.
Join your Mitchell Road Family as we celebrate the week of Christ's Passion together beginning with Palm Sunday on April 9 and culminating on Resurrection Day on April 16.
Palm Sunday : Celebrate Christ's triumphal entry during our worship services with our annual palm processional led by our children.
Palm Sunday Evening, 6:30 pm:  A Celebration of Music in Worship.   Andy Lewis, Jered McKenna, and Jason Yon will lead us through a combination of songs and hymns as we sing together and learn and how music can teach us God's truth and transform us more into the image of Christ.  The worship band will combine with the choir and organ for a unified night of celebration, conviction, confession, and joyful singing!  Nursery is available for birth - age 3 with registration. Deadline: April 5.
Maundy Thursday, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Bring the whole family and join us for a special communion service and meal as we celebrate Christ's last supper with His disciples. Registration is required for everyone attending; child care is provided for ages birth - 3 for the service portion of the evening only.  Be sure to register for both the event and for childcare.  (There was a waiting list for this event last year, so be sure to register early!) Deadline: April 9.
Good Friday Communion Service, 7:00 pm :  This quiet service of darkness commemorates the last hours of Jesus' Earthly ministry.  This service will dramatically follow this story of intrigue, betrayal and sacrifice through Scripture and music.   Nursery is provided for ages birth - 3, but please register for your child's place. Deadline: April 9.
Resurrection Sunday:  We will celebrate Christ's resurrection during three worship services in the Sanctuary at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 am.  Come early or stay a little longer for our Easter Celebration Reception in the Fellowship Hall.

Senior Adults - Living Gallery Tickets
The Living Gallery at Bob Jones University combines drama, choral, and orchestral arrangements and live portrayals that celebrate the story of Christ's birth, life, death, and resurrection.  Sign up at the Information Desk by April 9.  Cost:  14.
Easter Lily Dedication
If you would like to place an Easter Lily in honor or in memory of a loved on  Resurrection Sunday, please complete a form on the Information Desk and turn  it in to the church office with your payment ($9 per lily).