February 23, 2018
This Week at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo
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Upcoming Calendar
Saturday, February 24, St. Matthias the Apostle
5pm - Vigil Eucharist in the Church

Sunday, February 25, The Second Sunday in Lent
8 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
9 am - Enquirer's Class in the Chapel
9:50 am - Sunday School starts and infant/childcare provided
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Church with choir and organ
Coffee Hour follows in Bentley Hall

Tuesday, February 27, George Herbert, Priest 1633
2-6 pm - Sloatsburg Food Pantry is open

Wednesday, February 28, Oswald, Abbott at York, Confessor, 992
10 am - Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
11 am - Chapel for Preschool 3’s and 4’s

Thursday, March 1, David, Bishop of Menevia, Wales, c. 522
11 am - Chapel for Preschool 2's
From the Rector
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

It's been another busy week here at St. Mary's. One of the many duties rectors and vestries must accomplish each year is the Parochial Report. For those not familiar, the Parochial Report is an accounting of membership, worship services, sacraments, and finances. For many years, it has had the same format, looking at the traditional and important metrics of church life. This year, there is an added section on ministries, for which people have been advocating for some time now. The page lists fourteen different types of outreach ministries, plus a blank box for "other." on the right is a column for adding up the number of people who benefit from these ministries. At St. Mary's, thanks to our robust outreach program, we are active in eight of the fourteen categories. While I am still awaiting some data, I can state that the ministries we support through volunteering and funding directly touch the lives of many thousands of people each year. The Sloatsburg Food Pantry alone served 5,964 non-duplicated clients in our community last year.

Jesus said, the greatest commandment is to love God, and the second is like it: love your neighbor. While our primary function as a Christian Church is to render praise unto Almighty God, as followers of Jesus, we are also compelled to reach beyond our walls. I am proud of the impactful work we do as a community of faith, and I hope that you can see the value we bring not only to Sunday worshipping members, but to brothers and sisters in our community and around the world. All of this vital work starts with you. If you have pledged to our ministry together for 2018, thank you. If you have yet to do so, please prayerfully consider your gift, and be as generous as possible.

Fr Rick
Lenten Learning
Lent will feature an Enquirer's class, with everything you always wanted to know about the Episcopal Church but were afraid to ask. On Sundays Feb 25, Mar 4, 11, 18, whether you are a cradle Episcopalian or brand new to the faith, please join Fr. Rick in an exploration of all things Anglican. We will cover everything from the creeds to couture! Sessions will be held in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit from 9am to 9:45-ish.
All are truly welcome at St. Mary's, which is located within the historic gates of Tuxedo Park and serves the entire Tuxedo community. Please tell the gatehouse you're going to St. Mary's, proceed thru the gates and we're on the right (plenty of parking available).
How to contact us...
Office: 845.351.5122
PreSchool: 845.351.2389