A progressive and welcoming Christian community!
Join Us In Worship at First Baptist Church in Beverly!
Sunday, January 21, 2018
9:30 a.m.: Adult Education
(childcare provided)
Adult Bible Study: We are studying Paul's letter to the church in Galatia. Led by
Beth Loughhead.
We meet in the Mary Kuell room.
Faith Journey Bible study: “What’s so amazing about Grace?” Led by
Gloria Stoneham.
We meet in the staff conference room, main floor.
Mae Patten: Led by
Andrea Stackpole
, this class studies the Scripture and other books, and discusses how it applies to our lives. We meet in the lounge.
11:00 a.m.: Worship and Multiage Children's Class
Doing the Work:
Reflections from Our Children and Youth about the Living of Dr. King's Dream in 2018 and Beyond
12:00 p.m. - Children's Choir
4:00 p.m. -
Killing Us Softly 4
4:00 p.m.: Middle School Fellowship:
Youth are asked to bring a piece of paper, a backpack or bag, 15 cents, a nail, a small baggie (plastic or reusable), dental floss, a pencil, and $10. It's a mystery where we'll end up, but it will be fun!
6:00 p.m.: Senior High Fellowship
Rev. Kent Harrop
will be in Sacramento attending the National Conference on Immigration and Deportation.
Saturday, January 20
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program
6:00-9:00 p.m. - Women's Fellowship Wicked Rustic Workshop at Acapulcos (preregistration required)
Sunday, January 21
9:30 a.m. - Adult Education
11:00 a.m. – Worship and Multiage Children's Class
12:00 p.m. - Children's Choir
4:00 p.m. -
Killing Us Softly 4
4:00 p.m. - Middle School Fellowship
6:00 p.m. - Senior High Fellowship
Monday, January 22
6:00 p.m. - Monday Night Supper
7:30 p.m. - Missions Meeting
Tuesday, January 23
12:00 p.m. - Staff Lunch
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program
7:00 p.m. - Deacon's Meeting
7:00 p.m. - Shelter Fest Meeting
Wednesday, January 24
7:30 a.m. - Lectio Divina
6:15 p.m. - JoyRingers
7:15 p.m. - Harborlight Ringers
Thursday, January 25
6:00 p.m. - Celebration Choir
7:30 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir
Friday, January 26
Shelter Fest setup (all day)
Saturday, January 27
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program
12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Shelter Fest!!
Killing US Softly 4
Screening and Discussion
As part of the Weekend of Women events across our nation to commemorate the first anniversary of the Women's March, First Baptist Church in Beverly will host a screening and discussion of the award-winning, 45-minute film "Killing Us Softly 4." The event is free and open to the public.
In her Killing Us Softly series, feminist media critic, Jean Kilbourne, “shows how the advertising industry continues to reinforce, and glamorize, a regressive and debased notion of femininity. Using a wide range of contemporary print and television ads, Kilbourne lays bare a misogynistic fantasy world of undernourished, oversexed, and objectified women, and examines these images against the real-world backdrop of eating disorders, men's violence against women, and the political backlash against feminism. At once provocative and inspiring, Killing Us Softly 4 challenges us to question traditional gender norms and think critically about the fundamental relationship between representation and power."
After the screening, Salem State University advertising faculty members, Dr. Rebecca Hains and Dr. Guillermo Avila, will facilitate a discussion of the film and its broader societal implications.
Dr. Hains is a professor of communications at Salem State University and the author of the books,
The Princess Problem: Guiding our Girls Through the Princess-Obsessed Years
Growing Up with Girl Power: Girlhood On Screen and in Everyday Life
. Dr. Avila is an associate professor of communications at Salem State, where he also serves as the Faculty Fellow for Latino/a Student Success in the Diversity & Multicultural Affairs office.
North Shore Shelter Fest
Good Music - Good Cause - Good Time
Saturday, January 27
12:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
North Shore Shelter Fest is an all day music festival at FBC to benefit Harborlight Community Partners (HCP), North Shore's largest affordable housing provider and advocate. Minimum donation of $10 gets you full day access-- and all proceeds go to support the work of HCP! Support and food for purchase provided by A&B Burgers from 3-7pm. Parking is municipal. Lots located between Cabot and Rantoul. Stop by as your schedule allows!
The headliner for North Shore Shelter Fest is the
Evan Goodrow Band
. Evan Goodrow is a singer-songwriter-guitarist who performs locally, nationally and internationally. He has released 11 studio albums and 3 live albums of soul, funk, blues, rock, and R&B.
Other bands scheduled to perform:
- Beverly based Dreamtigers who offer a creative blend of indie rock from their 2014 album “Wishing Well” and other original material.
- The Tree House Charlatans, an eclectic Gloucester-based band that features traditional instruments. Their music ranges from eclectic, world/ jazz to sing along folk/ rock, and bluegrass.
- Hailing from nearby Boxford and Ipswich, The Band Next Door will deliver a fun set of rock and soul.
- The popular North Shore band Sweet Escape brings their mix of originals and covers that blend the essence of classic-rock favorites with inspiration from some of America’s finest woman-fronted country rock and straight-ahead guitar-driven sounds.
- Liberte is a singer songwriter from Massachusetts whose music spans from Americana to Alternative.
- Violinist, vocalist, songwriter, and Beverly resident Aisha Burns.
- Local music talent Cables and Lines.
- And FBC's own Sarah Schuyler.
12:00 p.m. - Sarah Schuyler
1:00 p.m. - Sweet Escape
2:00 p.m. - Liberte
3:00 p.m. - The Band Next Door
4:00 p.m. - Aisha Burns
4:30 p.m. - Cables and Lines
5:00 p.m. - Dreamtigers
6:30 p.m. - Tree House Charlatans
8:00 p.m. - Evan Goodrow Band
Volunteers for Shelter Fest
Volunteers are needed Friday, January 26 to set up the sanctuary, Saturday, January 27
to sell tickets and serve as hosts, and Saturday, January 27 night to dissemble and prepare the church for worship on Sunday. We are looking for volunteers to take shifts of 2 or 4 hours. Feel free to bring a friend along--we need as many hands as possible! This is a great way for FBC to welcome in the community and for a great cause. To volunteer, email
Kent Harrop
or the church
. Contact
Brian Gregory with other questions.
in the family
We ask for ongoing prayers of healing for
Jack Faulkner,
who broke his arm and is in Ledgewood for rehab. Our prayers go with
Bobbie Grant as she travels to Florida to be with her brother and family as they support Bobbie’s niece, Kendra, who is in critical condition. Prayers of sympathy are offered to
Walter Flowers
and family on the death of his brother, Chet, who died on Friday, following a brief illness.
Mid-Year Meeting and Lunch
Sunday, January 28 at noon
Stay after worship to share a meal with your church family and participate in the discussion of upcoming plans and programs as well as this year's church budget. This is your opportunity to voice your opinion about where funds should be allocated. Don't just go to church, be the church!
Mission Trip Meeting
Sunday, February 25 at noon
Mark your calendars to learn about this summer's mission trip to Plymouth, NC to work with CROSS (Christians Reaching Out in Sacred Service), whose mission is to improve the homes and lives of low-income homeowners. This meeting is for those who intend on joining us and one of the last opportunities for those still considering.
2018 Family Promise Schedule
March 18-25, April 22-29, and November 25-December 2. First Parish is planning an elevator project this year which will prevent them from picking up a 4th week from April to October. The Family Promise Office will help with getting another church to fill in. Info on that later.
Look out for the signup links. We couldn't help our families without all your help! Thank you to those who can volunteer in any capacity.
Soup-er Bowl Sunday!
Sunday, February 4 at 12:00 p.m.
Get yourself a big bowl of soup on Super Bowl Sunday! Following worship, we'll be selling a large variety of belly-warming soups to take home, with all proceeds benefiting the 2018 mission trip. Eat up for a good cause!
H.U.G.S Secret Pen Pal Project
The Herrick House, an assisted living facility in Beverly, hopes each of its residents can receive a handwritten letter. Feel free to send more than one!
Please address the letter, “Dear Secret Pen Pal.” This is an act of kindness; you may not receive correspondence back. The deadline for letters is January 29th at 5pm.
Tips for Pen Pal Writing: describe where you were born/grew up or where you live now; talk about your family; mention your studies or your work; write about your hobbies/interests; describe some of dreams, ideas, and hopes.
Maria Boudreau at (978) 922-1999 with questions or for letter pickup. Or mail letters to: The Herrick House- Resident Life/ 89 Herrick St./Beverly MA 01915
First Baptist Church in Beverly | 978-922-3295 |