A progressive and welcoming Christian community!
Office Manager: Pat Haight
Communication Associate: Alena Dillon
HCP Director: Andrew DeFranza
HNS Director: Jessie Vogel
Business Manager: John Thomson
Join Us On Sunday at First Baptist Church in Beverly!
Sunday June 17, 2018
Happy Father's Day!

10:00 a.m.: Worship
(Childcare provided for children through Grade 1; children's book and art supplies available in worship for ALL children)

Now More Than Ever

This Sunday, we have the pleasure of two fathers preaching. They will be talking about how their faith and parenting intersect. Scott D will be sharing from his perspective as a father and Brian G will focus on his role as a grandfather.

4:00 p.m.: Allagash Work Time
This Week at FBC!
Friday, June 15
1:00 p.m. - Book Group

Saturday, June 16
12:30 - Lunch Program

Sunday, June 17
10:00 a.m. – Worship ( Scott D and Brian G , preaching )
4:00 p.m. - Allagash Work Time

Monday, June 18
Church Summer Hours Begin
6:00 p.m. - Monday Night Supper
6:30 p.m. - Contemplative Paddle with Temple B'Nai Abraham

Tuesday, June 19
9:30 a.m. - Staff Meeting
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program
6:35 p.m. - All-Church Baseball Outing

Wednesday, June 20
7:30 p.m. - Trustees Meeting

Thursday, June 21
5:00 p.m. - Allagash Gear Drop-Off

Friday, June 22
5:00 p.m. - Allagash Gear Truck Loading
11:30 p.m. - Allagashers and Drivers Report to Church

Saturday, June 23
12:00 a.m. - Allagash Trip Departs
12:30 p.m. - Lunch Program
4:00-6:00 p.m. - Women's Fellowship Lawn Party

* Rev. Kent Harrop will be on vacation June 20-30.
Contemplative Paddle
June 18 from 6:30 p.m.
Our Contemplative Paddle season opened on June 2 at Chebacco Lake. Thanks to hosts Bob and Deb Blanchard . Pictured left to right: Vanessa, Marty, Magaly, Tricia, Kent, Adam, Andy, Laurie

Our next paddle is June 18, 6:30 p.m. We will partner with Temple B'Nai Abraham for another beautiful paddle on Chebacco Lake in Essex. No fee. A limited number of kayaks, canoes, and flotation devices are available, or bring your own equipment. After a boat safety orientation, we’ll launch onto the water for a leisurely paddle. Great for novice or experienced paddlers. RSVP to  Kharrop@fbcbeverly.org. Watch the bulletin for additional paddles throughout the summer.
All-Church Baseball Outing
Tues. June 19 at 6:35 p.m.
This Sunday is the LAST CHANCE to buy tickets before/after the service. Come watch the Lowell Spinners vs. our rival The Staten Island Yankees with the FBC Men’s Fellowship in an all church baseball outing at LeLacheur Park in Lowell, MA. Each ticket order earns you a raffle ticket toward a pair of ticket to the Red Sox vs. Baltimore Orioles at Fenway Park on Mon. Sept. 24th! See  Brian GregoryKent Harrop, or  John Thomson if interested. FBC Van will leave 4:45 p.m. (Reserve a seat on van).
Labor Day Weekend Family Camp
August 31-September 3
Labor Day Weekend Family Camp (LDWFC) registration is now open! Join us at beautiful Lake Winnepesaukee, NH (fun for individuals and families). Enjoy relaxed and inspiring programming, swim, canoe, hike, and nap! 43 FBC folk have already signed up! See or contact Cindy Shupp for more info and to sign up: cjshupp@verizon.net . Or check out our camp website to learn more and register:  www.ldwfc.org.
The earlier summer worship time (10:00 a.m.) is intended to encourage everyone to get out and enjoy the rest of the day to its fullest! Childcare will always be provided.

Pick-up choir will be offered periodically throughout the summer months, beginning in July. Stay tuned for updates regarding that schedule. We will also often have the pleasure of our music being led by the very talented John Denardo on the guitar.

Our summer office schedule will go into effect on Monday, June 18. The new hours will be Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Women's Fellowship Party
June 23 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Women’s Fellowship will celebrate its end-of-year with a pot-luck appetizer Lawn Party, hosted by Tracey Armstrong , with assistance from her daughter, Abby and mother, Jan . All are encouraged to bring an appetizer, lawn game, or their knitting/crochet. This should be a fun and relaxed late afternoon together! Questions? Ask Beth Loughhead at bloughhead@fbcbeverly.org or 978-922-3295, ext. 104.
Deacons Meeting & Dinner
June 26 at 6:00 p.m.
We will convene for a final time before breaking for the season at the home of Karen Popadic . Bob will fire up the grill and all are invited to bring a side dish. We'll discuss agenda items as usual while enjoying dinner together.
Men's Fellowship BBQ
Sunday, July 15 at 12:00 p.m.
Save the date for this great event at the home of Buck Shupp (17 Lindall Street, Danvers). Bring an appetizer or side dish to share. The afternoon will feature Championship Ring Toss and Lawn Bowling. It's a great event; bring a friend!   
Church Council Meeting
Tuesday, July 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Save the date to continue our important and exciting planning for the future of our church! The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at Blanchard’s Camp on Chebacco Lake. AND the Blanchards have gracious invited all to come out for a cook-out dinner beforehand. More details soon.
Sunday, June 24 at 11:00 a.m.
The crafts of our ministry are distributed to residents in need of affordable housing, patients at hospitals and Kaplan House, and FBC members and friends in need. New members are always welcome to join our group. No skill required. Many hands make light work!
Allagash Trip:
 June 22-July 7
Best of luck to our youth who will embark on a canoe trip down the historic Allagash River Waterway this month. As they join the legacy of sportsmen and women who have undergone this adventure, we pray they will find camaraderie with one another and that the immersion in nature will stir in them awe for God’s splendorous creation. (And, of course, we hope they have fun!) Julie Flowers is still seeking some volunteers to help with logistics of the trip to ensure it runs successfully and well - please email her if you are able to help!
Memorial Services for Jane Wilbur
Saturday, June 30 at 11:00 a.m.
Jane Wilbur died on December 23 in Key Largo, FL at the age of 90. She was married to Rev. Dr. John Wilbur , who served as minister at First Baptist Church in Beverly from 1958-1983. There will be a Memorial Service for her this month at Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard.
Summer Sermon Series
We are excited to share the theme of our Summer Sermon Series: Family Movies! Each week, we'll reflect on the ways family movies teach and reinforce lessons about life, love, and faith. To complement these sermons, we'll be showing each selected movie the Friday before outside, drive-in style, at Beverly Common, and we invite you to bring blankets, snacks, friends and family to join us for these fun events. (Rain locations will be at FBC.) Stay tuned for more information!
North American Baptist Peacemaker Summer Conference
July 2-7 2018 in Keuka Park, NY
This annual conference is for everyone who longs for the spirituality, inspiration, skills, knowledge, and community to support a life of peace rooted in justice. Peacemakers from throughout the world will come together for a week of inspiration and training that will empower our personal and corporate work for justice. Our time together will require that we be BRAVE! Financial incentive for first time attendees from FBC. If you are interested in creating a change, registration is now  open.
Allagash and Book Award Recipients, Blanket Presentation,
and Wonderful Service of Dedication for Young Children
This past Sunday, we had the great privilege of recognizing many of our dedicated and incredible young people. Here is a list of the award recipients:

The Gary Main Memorial Allagash Award – Cassie Bartolo
The Kristin Thomas Memorial Allagash Award – Lydia Saltzman
The Harry Powers Memorial Allagash Award – Kitty Mullins
The Jeff Powers Memorial Allagash Award- Cameron Burns
The George Tooze Memorial Allagash Award – Mary Goodwin
The Doris Cole Allagash Award – Madelyn Beauchesne
The Trevor Barbin Memorial Allagash Award – Lucien Thomas-Vickory
 The Luke Loughhead Gubbins Memorial Book Award – Grace Oliveira , Caitlin Gleeson , and Lydia Saltzman
We also celebrated the presentation of hand-knit blankets, made by our Prayer Shawl Ministry, to our graduating seniors: Grace Oliveira , Ashley Hames , Caitlin Gleeson , and Lydia Saltzman. It is our hope that these blankets, knit with love and care in the favorite colors of each graduate, will accompany them on the next step of their journey, reminding them that they are wrapped in the love of this church family and in the love of God, and reminding them that this church will always be a home for them, will always be a place to which they can return. We wish our graduates the best of luck as they begin this next part of their journey; we love them deeply and are endlessly proud of them.
It was also a great celebration to be able to dedicate the lives of two young children to God. We celebrated the dedication of Lucille Anne Carbo , the daughter of Emma (Barbin) and Matthew Carbo , and granddaughter of Anne and Brad Barbin ; as well as the dedication of Ezekiel Courage Cotton , the son of Rachel Schneider and Maureen Cotton , and grandson of Bill Schneider and Kate Caron . We celebrate with these families, and we are excited and overjoyed to have the honor of supporting and loving these young children as they grow and learn and explore the wonder of God's world around them.
First Baptist Church in Beverly | 978-922-3295 | Email| Website