((( Wisdom at Work )))

"In Sufism the whole teaching is centered around the dissolution of the imaginary self
Webwork of Galaxies
known as "nafs". There are considered to be three levels of nafs: The physical sense of self, the emotional sense of self, and the intellectual sense of self.  Each has it's own "me" self-image.  Identification as a self usually is a self-image and self sensation that incorporates all three levels of "selfing".
  The sense of being an independent spiritual self or soul would be included within the context and dynamics of the "intellectual self". In Sufism no level of self or nafs is real.
.... Liberation is the cessation of the selfing or self projections.  But in this self-cessation, no self has been liberated.  It simply ceased.  You have never been the projected self, but rather you are the Porjector that has no self of its own.
   Knowing this directly in experience is called "rigpa" in Tibetan and "gnosis" in Greek.  It's the heart essence of all mystical traditions.  Only the Projector knows the Projector.  Only the Projector CAN know the Projector.
   In Sufism we focus to know the Projector through cessation of the self projection.
   In Buddhism we focus to know nirvana through seeing the emptiness of the self projection. 
   In Dzogchen we call the Projector "Kunje Gyalp" or the "All Creating Monarch".  We also call the Projector in Dzogchen Samantabhadra  or the "All Good One".
  In Kashmiri Shaivism we call the Projector: "Shiva"
  In Kabbalah we call the Projector:  "Or Ain Sof" as Infinite Light.
    All these absolutest terms are point to who You actually are as the Projector."
An inspiring excerpt from Daniel Ingram book The Core Teachings of the Buddha:  

Who and how would you be if you were to take this universal wisdom to heart and investigate the ways that you constellate what Einstein described as "the optical delusion of consciousness" that leads you to believe in an imaginary self that is somehow separate from the rest of the universe?  Imagine the freedom you might discover by liberating your "self" from the imaginary self...!

North American Learning Expedition (Beginning August 2017)
With Michelle & Joel Levey
This Learning Expedition will offer a rare opportunity to connect and reflect more deeply with us over time in an intimate learning environment enriched by the inspiration of fellow explorers who are curious and passionate about exploring the profound interphase of contemplative science, personal awakening, professional development, and creatively compassionate social transformation.

July 14-16, 2017 ~ Columbia Gorge, WA ~ Atlan ~ Sponsored by CultureSeed
Sacred Activism: Meditations for Change
August 30- September 3, 2017 ~ Orcas Island, WA
Annual Summer Retreat with Leveys Exploring Meditation, Nature, & Community
Embodying Wisdom Courage and Creative Compassion for These Unusual Times 
Mid-September - Arundel and Brighton, UK
Mindfulness Meditation Retreat and Teachings 

NOTE: We are open to other invitations in UK or Europe in October.
To arrange a workshop or talk for your community or organization,  please contact us.
Joel & Michelle also offer Private Sessions 
in person,  by Skype/Zoom, or phone.
S ee our full calendar of teachings
Heartfelt Thanks For Supporting Wisdom at Work!

 We gratefully accept donatio ns to show your  support 
for our work and the many not-for-profit endeavors we 
are engaged in. Heartfelt thanks for your generosity!
You can also send a donation by mail:
Joel & Michelle Levey
5536 Woodlawn Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98103
Resources & Inspirations from Joel & Michelle Levey 
It seems a good time to remind our friends and subscribers of a treasury of links to readings, recordings, guided meditations, readings, and links we have posted that offer inspiration and guidance for growing stronger, wiser, more compassionate and resilient in VUCA times (i.e. times of increasing Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity:

 - Includes detailed guidelines on the Tonglen practice


Links for our various books and Audible books - including Living in Balance - and - Mindfulness, Meditation, and Mind Fitness - and - Focus!:

YouTube Channel:

Huffington Post:

Science Based Practices for Increasing Our Resilience: