Builder Tip #89 from HomebuiltHELP 
A Super New Use for your Cleco Pliers!
If you swage control cables for your aircraft without an assistant, this is the "trick" for you.
This trick was submitted by one of our Tip viewers. It addresses a well known struggle that builders have when attempting to fabricate ends for their control cables . If you have done this yourself, you know the challenge in keeping the thimble and ferrule all in proper place prior to the swaging operation.

Using an unmodified cleco pliers, you can now have a helping hand without bothering to find a helper! Watch this short video to see what we are talking about.

If you make these, then you can use this trick!
Extra specialized pair of hands! Watch video.
How we Built our Belite UltraCub 
HomebuiltHelp's first title in the series demonstrates building the aluminum cabin used in both the UltraCub and the ProCub models. 
This marks the first ultralight kit we have put to film in our library of how-to builds. Ultralights, in general, provide a unique freedom to build and fly under US FAA regulations. They require no registration after construction is complete and also require no pilots license to fly! It is an inexpensive and hassle free way to get flying!

Belite has engineered a sophisticated set of ultralights in kit form that make building an affordable airplane possible. We have added to that formula by making the building process fast and easy by providing a fun how-to video.

Purchase this first in the series DVD to learn how easy it is to build an aircraft and get flying - safe and affordably. This might be something you've been waiting for!
Completed Belite UltraCub
Cabin frame constructed shown on DVD
Watch a previous Tip?
 Don't forget that past  Tip of the Week articles and videos are listed on the Archive Listing page on our website. You can check back there for future reference and review of these tips.You can also reach that page from a link on the top, right side of our home page. 
HomebuiltHELP | PO Box 111 Brussels WI 54204 | email: [email protected]

HomebuiltHelp's Engine installation videos make the daunting task of an engine installation a LOT easier! Watch someone else do it first! This is part of your engine evaluation process. Featuring:
Rotax, ULPower, Jabiru, Viking, Continenta l