To Learn, Retrieve
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Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning  combines insightful narratives and solid empirical research to present a compelling case for frequent testing. Students may initially groan to hear this but may be won over once they see how it results in deeper learning and better grades. Learning is not just about taking in information, it also requires retrieving it on demand which is precisely what testing does. Frequent low-stakes testing has been shown to improve retention of class content and concepts for the big exams at mid-term and finals. Make It Stick authors Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel suggest:
  • Effortful retrieval: If it isn't hard, you probably aren't learning anything new. Bombing a low-stakes quiz can be a good wake up call to change study habits. Persist through difficulties by reframing failure as opportunity.
  • Repeated retrieval: Even one practice test can help, but the more often students are tested, the stronger the retrieval path becomes, the deeper and more permanent the learning.
  • Corrective feedback: Making mistakes and getting it wrong can help you learn so long as you realize what you missed and why. Provide continual corrective feedback to keep students on track.
  • Students can do all this themselves using familiar tactics like flashcards or testing each other. Share this kind of research into the science of learning and create a culture of continual improvement in your class.
Check out the book for more insights on the science of learning.