The last week of class is a natural point for students to look back and reflect on what they have learned. Various strategies can aid students to consolidate their learning, prepare for exams and final projects, and continue their progress beyond the class.
Time Machine : Go back to readings/discussions from the first few weeks of class. Look again at the first paper or major test. How has your understanding changed? What was confusing then that is more clear now?

Go Meta : Metacognition involves learning how you learn. Have students share moments of success and failure in this class. Then reflect on what practices and conditions made for success or failure.

Next Questions : What big questions does your class address? How will knowledge and skills from the class be useful in other classes? What questions can students ask now that they could not before?

Celebrate : But have students do an informal course review before passing around the pizza!
The CTE is busy preparing some excellent workshops for the Fall. Stay tuned for Summer Newsletters. Get started planning next semester with Fall 2018 Semester calendars.