May 2017 - In This Issue:
Prevention   The best approach to reducing the symptoms of eye allergies is to limit exposure to the allergens causing them. Stay indoors when the pollen count is high, keep windows closed, and run the air conditioner to filter the air - don't forget to change filters! When outside wear wraparound sunglasses to help shield your eyes from pollen and ragweed, drive with your windows closed, change your clothes when going back into the house, and wash your hands.  

Treatment  For some, symptoms will be relieved by the use of over-the-counter re-wetting drops to flush your eyes of the allergens. It may not seem that something so easy as lubricating the eye with re-wetting drops will relieve the great discomfort of allergies, but it really can be. The drier the eye, the more sensitive and reactive it may become to allergens. If your symptoms persist, call to schedule a visit with the doctor. Likely, an antihistamine, like new 24 hour drops, will be prescribed. Chronic, year long allergies are best managed by treating underlying dry eye issues. The next step for a more stubborn case is to manage it with steroids. As the condition improves, follow up may begin with an antihistamine, then move to re-wetting drops once better controlled.  Early treatment is best for treating allergies so call us as you become uncomfortable. We can help in selecting the best re-wetting drops for your case; call us for more information.

6 Tips to Keep Eyes Healthy

You may be familiar with the stinging, burning and redness of "swimmer's eye." Swimming is great exercise and can be relaxing, but it can be really hard on your eyes.

The tear film, a thing layer of tears, coats the surface of the eyes. It keeps our eyes moist, smooth and clear. Chemical s used to keep pool water clean can wash away the tear film, which can leave eyes uncomfortable and red.

Those who swim often may develop dry eye, meaning they don't produce enough tears or the right quality of tears. This can result in blurry vision or a feeling like their is grit in the eyes.

Without the protection of the tear film, eyes are exposed to pool chemicals and lingering bacteria. The chlorine itself can cause a reaction to the eyes resulting in red, itchy, and watery eyes, as can the bacteria that survives it, which can lead to an eye infection. 

Follow these tips to keep your eyes healthy this swim season:

1. Wear Goggles
They will keep pool chemicals out of your eyes, which will help keep your tear film healthy. Wear goggles every time you swim.
2. Wash Your Eyes
Wash the chlorine and other chemicals off your eyelids and lashed immediately after swimming by splashing them with fresh water.
3. Use Eye Drops
Use lubricating eye drops before and after swimming to keep the tear film balanced and eyes comfortable.
4. Use Gel Tears
These are thicker artificial tears and protect your tear film when applied before putting on your goggles. Check with us about prescription drops.
5. Stay Hydrated
Staying well hydrated is an important part of keeping eyes moist and comfortable.
6. Contact Lens Wearers Beware
Wearing contact lenses puts you at risk for corneal infection. Skip wearing contacts or wear prescription goggles to reduce this risk. If you still choose to wear contacts, wear daily disposable lenses and discard after swimming.
Thank You for Taking Flight with Us!
What a fun-filled day! You came in energetic and excited to see the exclusive high-end, fashion frame lines! And our Opticians chose lines that did not disappoint! We love to throw this event for our trend savvy patients and hope you'll join us again next year for fashion and indulgence! More cannoli please!