Session One (9:25 am)
1 - Adaptive Leadership
Too often, churches ignore or are merely reactive to changes in their environment—within the church or in the neighborhoods around the church. Leaders need to be aware of what is happening in their environment and to make careful proactive decisions about how to help the church adapt to best serve their members and the broader community. This workshop, based on the work of Ronald Heifetz, will provide practical tools for church leaders to analyze their environment and make deliberate adaptations to help their churches thrive.
Rev. Jason Perkowski
2 - Adaptive Leadership (in Spanish)
Too often, churches ignore or are merely reactive to changes in their environment—within the church or in the neighborhoods around the church. Leaders need to be aware of what is happening in their environment and to make careful proactive decisions about how to help the church adapt to best serve their members and the broader community. This workshop, based on the work of Ronald Heifetz, will provide practical tools for church leaders to analyze their environment and make deliberate adaptations to help their churches thrive.
Rev. Elena Ortiz
3 - Station of Hope - Healing Communities
- EVERYONE is impacted by our prison system financially. How can you become involved in building relationships of healing, redemption and reconciliation for families and communities impacted by crime and mass incarceration. An overview will be given of the program and how you can attend a training to become a station of hope.
Linda Van Til
4 - Church Finance 101 - Best Practices
All these church funds we handle belong to God, not to the Treasurer, the Finance Committee, or the Trustees. The Bible calls us "stewards," our organizational documents call us "trustees," and the law calls us "fiduciaries." What do "best practices" for small, medium, and large churches look like? What is expected of pastors, Finance chairs, Finance members, and Trustees with regard to God's money?
Rev. Kent Kroehler
5 - Praise Dancing 101
- Obtain the basic tools necessary to start a dance ministry that ministers the word of God.
Katty Lopez
6 - Power Packs in Lancaster and Lebanon
- Come learn about a nutrition program that helps school aged children and how can the church can help!
Elizabeth Lindsay, Lebanon County coordinator
7 - Christ Servant Ministry Program
- Brief history, current options/certifications, why consider, benefits, q&a Following God's calling can take you to many places.
Roger Kresge
8 - Kingdom Rules: Leading through Church Conflict, Part 1
- Most of us think that conflict in the church is a negative thing. It's actually one of the most significant defining moments for a church's growth in discipleship. This workshop will look at some of the prevailing "rules" of navigating through conflict in a way that leads to growth and renewal.
Rev. David Woolverton
9 - Mental Illness Ministry: Responding in Christian Love
- In this workshop, we will briefly discuss some of the more common mental illnesses facing Americans today. But, we will spend the majority of our time discussing grace-filled ways of loving, relating to, and providing assistance and acceptance to those experiencing mental illness.
Barbara Skarbowski, M.A. - United Methodist Deaconess
10 - Behind Closed Doors
- Discuss the five questions that can improve your relationship with clergy spouses. Open the door to your understanding of daily life for clergy families, and how you can support them, through a new, highly interactive game. Space limited to 20.
Julie Anderman
11 - Open and Affirming Ministry: Learning from the Journey
- A commitment to be in ministry with all people entails risks and opportunities for grace. In anticipation of the publication of Out of Exodus: A Journey of Open and Affirming Ministry (Cascade Books, forthcoming 2018), contributors share testimony about their ministries with LGBTQIA+ persons. Panelists: Rev. Andrea Brown, Mary Merriman, and Ruth Daugherty. Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Darryl W. Stephens.
12 - Safe Sanctuaries 101
A summary and introduction to safe sanctuaries. The more comprehensive Safe Sanctuary workshop that is the official training required for local churches will be presented periodically on the district and elsewhere.
Rev. Eddie Cameron
13 - Follow up session from Plenary
- In this session, we will uncover and deal with barriers to evangelism particularly around stereotypes and provide discussion and role-playing opportunities as we address contemporary issues in evangelism.
Dr. Brenda J. Ingram-Wallace
Session Two (10:45 am)
14 - Autism Workshop
- In this workshop, participants will hear stories from parents who have children with autism and people who work with children with autism in the community and in church. There will be discussion on what has worked well in their experiences in the church setting and also what needs improvement. Discussion will include effective communication with children with autism, ways to be adaptive in worship and Sunday school to meet their needs, and how to work with their parents.
Panel Discussion
15 - Understanding Christian Generosity
- Let's turn our thinking around from "generosity as an obligation or responsibility" to "generosity as a fruit of the Spirit and a character trait. Let's put generosity in the context of Wesley's "being made perfect in love." Let's make "money-talk" less of a taboo and more common among Christians. Let's consider "generosity-development" as part of the mission of church leaders.
Rev. Kent Kroehler
16 - A Block of Caring
- A Block of Caring is a program designed to prepare churches for servant led neighborhood ministry. In this interactive workshop we will begin the work of defining your neighborhood, identifying barriers, and looking at opportunities for your church to take physical, emotional and spiritual ownership of the neighborhood.
Glenda Machia, M.A.
17 - Safe Sanctuaries 101
- A summary and introduction to safe sanctuaries. The more comprehensive Safe Sanctuary workshop that is the official training required for local churches will be presented periodically on the district and elsewhere.
Rev. Eddie Cameron
18 - Conversations toward Reconciliation
- This workshop will prepare church leaders to engage in open dialogue about racial and ethnic diversity in their local context, help identify ways to develop ongoing deeper relationships with peoples of different cultures, and begin the important work of proactively dismantling barriers to reconciliation.
Rev. Derrick Gutierrez
19 - Connecting Neighbors: Developing Disaster Ready Congregations
- The goal of this workshop is to inspire congregations and communities to be better able to minimize disaster-caused harm to people and property and to respond to our neighbors in helpful, cooperative and caring ways on behalf of the church and in the spirit of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Dr. Rick Rimert
20 - Impact Missions
- How to change the face of housing issues? Impact Missions works with the least of those with housing issues and make changes to make people's homes safer, warmer. Summer work camps and continual work throughout the year available.
Matt Beakes
21 - Prism to the World: Reflecting God's Light
- Exploring through true stories how God works through us to bring about constructive changes in the lives of persons locally and globally -- especially for women, children and youth.
Ruth Daugherty and Hariette Droke
22 - Kingdom Rules: Leading through Church Conflict, Part 2
- Following up on Part 1, this workshop will look at more of the prevailing "rules" of navigating through conflict in a way that leads to growth and renewal, plus utilize participants' conflict situations as examples for assessing levels of conflict.
Rev. David Woolverton
23 - The Different Faces of Addiction
- The use of opioids has been labeled an epidemic. In this workshop, Dr. Claudia Smith will help you walk the journey of addiction; you will gain understanding of the prevalence of addiction and identify the many stigmas that impede its successful treatment.
Claudia E. Smith, PhD
24 - Behind Closed Doors
- Discuss the five questions that can improve your relationship with clergy spouses. Open the door to your understanding of daily life for clergy families, and how you can support them, through a new, highly interactive game. Space limited to 20.
Julie Anderman
25 - Environmental Holiness: What does our tradition say?
- Methodists have proclaimed a strong environmental witness through much of our history, from environmental stewardship and conservation to creation care and environmental holiness. Learn the theology behind these phrases and equip your ministry today.
Rev. Dr. Darryl W. Stephens
26 - Fundraising & Building Expansions
- Fundraising is an important task in the church—whether it is raising support for a building expansion or a new ministry vision. Pastor Jason and his team of lay leaders will share what they learned in the process of designing, funding and building a new Fellowship Hall and Educational Wing at Faith UMC in Lititz. This session will describe the process and provide some of the specific tools and methods that were used.
Rev. Jason Perkowski