Toxicity -- this is perhaps one of our most important newsletter topics in quite a while. It is so important that we are devoting this issue and next month's issue of the newsletter to it.
Last month, Dr.Connie and Dr. Marcel attended one of the best medical conferences they had ever been to. The theme of the conference was Environmental Medicine and the information was presented by experts from various countries. Why was the conference so good?
First of all, the quality of the presentations was several steps above the norm. It was so good that Dr. Connie commented that Dr. Marcel didn't take his usual naps during boring parts -- there were no boring parts.
Second, it brought home to us how we've been underemphasizing environmental toxicity in trying to unravel some of the mysteries we are presented with in patient care.
Third, it gave us a new frame of reference with which to view the world -- toxicity is ubiquitous and if we want to live long, healthy,
unencumbered lives, we had better learn strategies for dealing with it. These strategies will be discussed in next month's newsletter.
In this issue, Dr. Connie explains the famous Paramahansa Yogananda quote, "Environment is stronger than will," and raises questions about the influences we allow to enter both our physical and energetic fields. Dr. Connie also writes on how we, as naturopaths, experiment on ourselves with different supplements and cutting edge lab tests. Dr. Marcel writes about an underestimated environmental toxin that causes severe health problems; Dr. Brad writes about testing for environmental toxins; Jane Hernandez explains how unremitting stress undermines our health and quality of life; and Lauren Hoover-West offers another yummy, healthy recipe. You'll also find the monthly articles
explaining aspects of breast thermography and promoting the magical ambiance at our Hawaii vacation rental.
If you love extra-fresh, scrumptious organic veggies, there are still a few membership places left in the Ananda Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel have been using for years. Please scroll to the end of this newsletter for more information.
Finally, you'll find a couple of new additions to this newsletter that will be regular parts of future newsletters. The first is a section called "Recommended by Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel." We've added a tiny retail area in our clinic to carry exceptional health products you won't find in most health food stores. We use these products ourselves and so we can recommend them from personal experience.
The second new section is called "I.V. Therapies at Pacific Naturopathic." We've been discovered, and our I.V. program has grown dramatically over the past year. Every month, we'll discuss I.V. nutrients and formulas available for both therapeutic effects and health optimization. Check out our new web site at
Be Well.
Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. Brad, Dr. Sage and your health care team at Pacific Naturopathic and the
Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for information on purchasing the freshest, best-tasting fruits and veggies available.
** Recommended by Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel
Dr. Connie's Musings...
Dr. Connie enjoys the fruits of nature during a recent journey to Turkey |
"Environment is Stronger Than Will"
An oftquoted saying of the great guru Paramahansa Yogananda is that "Environment is stronger than will."
Whether by choice or by happenstance, the environments we frequent exert influence on our beings on physical, mental/emotional, social and spiritual levels.
This is the stuff of environmental medicine.
When we think of environment, we tend to think of our physical environment... the air, the water, the sun, the earth itself, the natural features and the man made structures, the plants and animals and people that inhabit the environment.
Environmental medicine addresses the earth, air and water pollution that contaminates the plants, animals and humans that breathe the air and drink the water, and subsist on each other. It addresses excesses and deficiencies of water, light and various life forms in the habitat; the effect of radioactive and gaseous elements; the toxic manmade chemicals in building materials and in other physical surroundings.
 As we currently swim in a sea of electromagnetic energy in our increasingly electronic world, the effects of this additional environmental factor are becoming more apparent.
Cell phones held in hip pockets decrease bone density; held to the head, they heat up the brain. Insomnia is rampant in individuals living near cell towers. Electromagnetic energy disrupts intracellular communication. Radiation therapies used to treat cancer also promote cancer.
Potentially adverse influences are seemingly everywhere...from radiation exposure in airport scanners to memory foam in bedding to formaldehyde in fabric to PCBs in plastic water bottles to toxic chemicals in cleaning products to lead and pesticides in our vegetables to mercury in our fish to mold in our homes.
Beyond the physical environment, vibrational realities shape our environment and influence our well being...color, sound, thought itself. As Masaru Emoto has demonstrated in his photos of frozen water crystals,
 dissonate sounds and thoughts destabilize the structure of the very water that constitutes our physical bodies, whereas harmonious sounds and thoughts create beautiful crystalline structures.
Beyond conscious and subconscious thought, superconscious states experienced in meditation have been found to not only change the physiology of the meditator but to affect surrounding individuals as well, raising the serotonin levels, for example, in individuals in proximity to the meditating person or group.
we are all a part of this great interconnected vibrational whole, comprised of all beings animate and things inanimate, and all manifestations of energy. What it comes down to is this: every thought we think, every feeling we have, every relationship with every other being, every encounter with every form, creates our experience, disrupts and destroys, or heals and transforms.
We can either be buffeted about by our environment, or we can choose to be conscious about our interactions with our physical and energetic surroundings. Though there is much over which we have no control,
there are choices we can make as to the influences with which we surround ourselves and the energy we ourselves put out. And that has huge impact on not only our own well being, but on the well being of others.
Recommended by
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel...
In this new section of our newsletter, we will describe unique health care products we offer in our new, small retail section of our clinic.
Why are we selling retail with Whole Foods, Sprouts and Trader Joe's are each within a few feet of our office? Quite simply, you won't find these products on the shelves of local retailers. Furthermore, they are the best of the best -- products we have tested and used ourselves.
You can stop by the office and pick up the products or you can have them shipped via USPS with an additional mailing fee.
* * * * *
Nanogreens... I
n just one serving of this vegetable powder supplement, you get the antioxidant power of 10 servings of vegetables from 55 different ingredients. Nanogreens is truly a powerhouse of nutrition and wellness made easy. Make a delicious strawberry flavored shake with this leafy greens supplement to make sure your body is getting what it needs to function properly.
Our Price: $50.00
Nanolean -- Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel have two servings of this remarkable supplement powder every day in the office. It
's a perfect pick-me-up right about when you feel
"the crash" coming on during that mid-day, mid-afternoon slump. Nano lean is a light, refreshing healthy beverage that helps keep you feel full, curb cravings, increase metabolism and energy and control stress. It's also clinically proven to reduce body fat when used twice a day. The company describes this product as the "secret weapon" that can be used with any weight loss or maintenance plan to help keep you successful. Our Price: $40.00
Liposomal Glutathione --
Glutathione is a naturally occurring protein that is made by every cell in your body. It functions to n
eutralize and remove toxins, e
nhance immune function and p
rotect the cells from free radicals that cause oxidative damage.
A compendium of ReadiSorb research on liposomal glutathione may be found
Our Price: $60.
(At Pacific Naturopathic, we also offer glutathione in I.V. form.)
Powerful, Plant-based Enzymes --
At a recent conference we attended, one of the vendor booths had a line of enzymes that
us -- powerful, plant-based, and vegan. Here are some of the products we brought back for purchase from our office:
Critical Digestion:
high-potency formula comprised of plant-based digestive enzymes, probiotics and nutraceuticals. Provides substantial support for maintaining a healthy intestinal environment. Soothes occasional indigestion, gas and bloating. Contains one billion active probiotic cultures per capsule. Price: $22.00
Acid Calm:
he National Institutes of Health estimate that 60 million Americans experience a burning sensation in the chest or
acid taste in their throats at least once a month. Occasional heartburn is a digestive problem that may occur when stomach acid comes into contact with the lining of the esophagus, causing irritation. Most People suffer from heartburn occasionally, usually after a meal. Although commonly attributed to excessive acid production, occasional heartburn is often a symptom of impaired digestion as a result of factors including lifestyle, diet and genetics. Price: $25.00
Intolerance Complex:
Food intolerance is an adverse food reaction due to a lack food specific digestive enzymes. An enzyme deficiency occurs when the body is unable to produce a sufficient quantity of enzymes to properly break down foods eaten. Unlike a life-threatening food allergy, intolerance does not involve the production of antibodies, nor is it mediated by histamine. Adverse food reactions are widespread. For Example, lactose intolerance affects 30-50 million Americans, and as much as 15% of the world's population suffers when consuming gluten. Other common poorly tolerated foods include dairy protein (casein), lactose, whey and fibrous beans, vegetables and grains. Intolerance Complex contains high-potency enzymes specialized to digest compounds known to cause intestinal disturbance. Price: $20.50
When faced with an acute injury, one of the most common applications for healing
is the RICE protocol: rest, ice, compress and elevate. Unfortunately, this procedure does not necessarily take into account the body's natural inflammatory mechanisms. The inflammatory response is designed to increase temperature in the injured area, ramping up the body's natural enzyme activity. Proteolytic enzymes are manufactured by the body to break down proteins in the bloodstream. Increasing enzyme activity, in the presence of heat, enables the removal of proteins which are dead, damaged or do not belong. This removal process is recognized by the body and may be indicated by fever. Removal of such stressors allows the body to transition into recovery. Price: $36.50
Enzyme Defense Pro:
Maintaining an adequate immune system to elicit a healthy immune response is essential. Enzyme Defense pro contains a high-potency proteolytic enzyme blend formulated with vitamin D3, L-lysine, and minerals to support and promote healthy immune function.
Enzymes are responsible for catalyzing and regulating biochemical reactions that occur within the human body. Specifically, enzymes are highly involved in regulating the body's digestive and metabolic processes, thus making them essential for cellular function and overall wellness. In particular, proteolytic enzymes, also known as proteases, are responsible for supporting digestion and metabolism by breaking down protein. Supplemental proteolytic enzymes have an established history of use for supporting immunity and promoting general well-being.
Price: $45.00
Bulletproof Coffee --
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel drink Bulletproof Coffee every morning to kick-start their brains. The proprietary Bulletproof Process optimizes every step of coffee production for performance by minimizing the opportunity for performance-robbing mold toxins.
Ingesting mold toxins can contribute to chronic health issues. Bulletproof® Upgraded Coffee Beans are meticulously grown at high altitude on single estates in Guatemala, hand-harvested, carefully processed, handled and roasted to maintain maximum integrity and flavor. The final roast then undergoes proprietary lab testing to verify that our coffee meets the Bulletproof quality and purity standards.
Price: $18.95/12 ozs.
Brain Octane -- Jump-start your day by blending Upgraded Coffee with
Bulletproof® Brain Octane and grass-fed, unsalted butter to energize your mind and body for hours. You will feel the Bulletproof difference with your first cup.
Price: $23.50/16 ozs.
Collagen Protein --
Upgraded Collagen is the gold standard for achieving the fastest possible healthy tissue repair, muscle matrix, bone renewal and recovery after exercise! It can boost mental clarity, reduce inflammation, upgrade your skin, and it mixes easily with other foods and shakes thanks to its neutral taste. Price: $39.95
Collagen Bars (chocolate and vanilla) --
Helps keep you full and focused for hours. Crafted with Bulletproof® Upgraded Collagen and Brain Octane to support glowing skin, flexible joints, supple muscles and healthy bones. Twelve grams protein per bar.
Price: $3.00/bar
The Mysterious Case of the
Suddenly Unhealthy Housewife
une M, in her early 40s, made an appointment to see me about a year ago. "Doc, I don't know what is happening to me.
I've had a remarkably healthy and happy life, almost ideal, but in the last year I've had a growing number of things happen."
When I asked her what was going on, she told me that she has had
constant sinus problems, shortness of breath, coughing and one cold after another for almost a year. Furthermore, unremitting fatigue was dragging her down, her memory seemed to be leaving her and for the first time in her life she was experiencing some anxiety and the onset of depression.
Upon further questioning, I learned that her life was otherwise ideal - she worked as a full-time mom, had a loving husband and two great kids. Except for perpetually runny noses and allergic skin rashes, her kids seemed to be fine. Her husband had headaches that came and went, but had not missed a day of work in years.
I began to delve a bit more deeply into her life. Her husband had a sizable income, allowing them to upgrade their lives. They traveled often as a family and, strangely,
her symptoms ameliorated while they are on the road. I learned that her symptoms began about a year prior to her visit when her family moved into an upscale, newly remodeled home on a large lot surrounded by tall, lovely trees.
"Aha!" I thought. In medical diagnosis, a doctor looks for etiology and synchronicity when trying to unravel the mysteries surrounding an illness.
Mold behind wallpaper |
I asked June to hire a local home environment inspection firm that would come to her place to evaluate whether or not something in her surroundings was contributing to the symptoms she was experiencing. Sure enough,
the results of the inspection revealed that there was significant mold behind the wallboard and that whoever did the remodeling appeared to have painted and wallpapered over mold on the exterior surfaces of the wallboard. Thus began a long and costly process of residence de-molding and personal cleansing and health restoration.
Mold. When we think of mold we think of warm, humid places, like the U.S. southern states or Hawaii. But mold can exist anywhere, even in desert environments.
At a recent
Mold behind wallboard |
environmental medicine conference that Dr. Connie and I attended,
we were shocked and dismayed about the lack of knowledge among health care professionals (including ourselves) about the numerous medical conditions caused by mold exposure.
Hurricane Katrina and Texas floods heightened public awareness of the sinister effects of molds on health.
The symptoms of mold exposure include: muscle and joint pain, headache, anxiety, depression, memory loss, visual disturbances, immune system disturbances, fatigue, digestive problems, shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing, sinus problems and post-nasal drip, itchy rashes, joint pain, blood vessel fragility, fertility problems in both men and women, tremors, muscular incoordination and others.
But perhaps the most serious danger comes from highly poisonous agents called mycotoxins present in common molds.
Mycotoxins interfere with RNA synthesis and may cause DNA damage. DNA damage can lead to severe chronic illnesses, like multiple sclerosis and cancer. Mycotoxins, even in minute quantities, are fat-soluble and are readily absorbed by our intestinal lining, lungs, and skin. Some mycotoxins are so poisonous that they have been studied and developed as biological warfare agents.
Everyone reacts to mold to greater or lesser degrees. One of the challenges of diagnosing a mold allergy is that reactions are so variable from one person to another. Some people start having memory problems, while others may experience sudden changes in disposition, such as agitation, anger, panic, or depression. Headaches are common but don't affect everyone exposed to mold.
As you read this, if you find similarities in your own life to June's experience, ask your favorite health care professional about being evaluated for mold exposure.
By the way, over a year later, June is still not back to where she was before the mold exposure, but her home is close to being mold-free and her symptoms have dramatically diminished.
For more on Dr. Marcel's work click
What Better Lab Than Ourselves?
Dr. Marcel and I recently participated in an Environmental Medicine conference in San Diego. As we expected, presenters detailed out the extent to which environmental factors contribute to the ever expanding array of symptoms which patients present to us. Suppliers in the exhibit hall offered options for laboratory testing of environmental toxicities, treatment protocols and products, air and water purifiers and more.
The water and air in convention center conference rooms is notoriously bad, generally lulling participants into somnambulance.
At this conference, however, we were impressed by the quality of both the air and the water. One of the suppliers had placed air ionizers around the room, and provided us with water alkalinized to 8.5. While we are well aware that there are pros and cons to both ionized air and alkalinized water, we felt really good in this conference room and loved the taste of the water. We thought we'd give it a go by alkalinizing our drinking water at home, and placing an air ionizer in our living room. We'll let you know what we think as time goes by.
The testing piece was particularly interesting. As environmental medicine has evolved, so have available testing options.
We chose to test ourselves with an expanded panel from The Great Plains Laboratory that included a Glyphosate Profile, Toxic Compound Testing, and an Organic Acids Test.
The Organic Acids Test is a Nutritional and Metabolic Profile, a test which a number of our labs offer and with which we and many of our patients are familiar.
This test offers markers for intestinal microbial overgrowth and metabolic markers in urine (oxalate metabolites, mitochondrial markers, neurotransmitter metabolites, measures of ketone and fatty acid oxidation, nutritional markers, amino acid metabolites, and indicators of detoxification). These markers offer insight into bodily systems gone awry. Our results are not yet in.
The Glyphosate Profile was the first we had seen. As you may know,
glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto's Round-Up herbicide and is virtually omnipresent in cultivated cropland in the United States. Levels rise with the consumption of non organic GMO food, and
exposure is linked to many chronic health problems. Glyphosate disrupts the microbiome and is implicated as a probable carcinogen. We were surprised and happy to find that both Dr. Marcel's levels and mine were well below the average.
The results of the Toxic Compound testing took us by surprise in a less happy way. I was alert to toxins affecting the nervous system, as I have noted a right handed tremor of late.
My readings were in the red zone for MTBE and ETBE which are gasoline additives that contaminate the groundwater. They are implicated, among other things, in central nervous system and peripheral neurotoxicity. Also high were styrene/ethylbenzene, found in plastics, building materials and car exhaust fumes, and again impacting the CNS. Though we buy organic and go out of our way to avoid pesticides, organophosphates were also high.
These findings have caused us to rethink and expand the testing and detox options available through our clinic. Next month's newsletter will focus on detox and treatment protocols.
Find out more about Dr. Connie's work
The Myers Cocktail:
Questions and Answers
We've written about the Myers Cocktail several times in this newsletter. Here is a bit more information in Q & A format of the most common questions we've been asked.
Why do an IV? Aren't we able to get the nutrients we need from our diets?
In a perfect world, this is true. But the typical American diet is lacking in adequate nutrient content and even with a stellar diet, the nutrient quality in the foods has steadily declined. Also, chemicals, toxins, stress, allergies, genetics, infections and other reasons, many people suffer from compromised gastrointestinal function. The result is impaired digestion, decreased capacity to break down foods and compromised ability to absorb the vital nutrients needed to just maintain health.
When nutrients are given intravenously, the digestive system is bypassed and nutrients are delivered directly into the cells. Each cell gets to bathe in a nutrient-dense solution, so that these vitamins are easily accessible, in the most bio-available form, allowing the greatest potential for healing and ENERGY.
Just what is a Myers cocktail?
The basic Myers' Cocktail, is an intravenous vitamin nutrient supplement that was formulated more than 40 years ago for promoting healing and restoring energy and stamina. The standard Myers Cocktail at Pacific Naturopathic consists of magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, vitamin B-5 vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, vitamin B complex, and Vitamin C. Other vitamins or ingredients may be added to the Myers' Cocktail protocol, depending on the patient's diagnosis and overall health as well as the condition being treated.
What is the Myers cocktail used for?
The "cocktail" is indicated for chronic acute viral illness/colds, fatigue, fibromyalgia, vitamin deficiency, anxiety, stress, depression, migraine or tension headaches, general immune boosting, gut malabsorption, leaky gut and support to cancer patients. It can be useful in situations where oral nutrients or other therapies are not working. When nutrients are given intravenously, your digestive system is bypassed and a much higher level of nutrition can be delivered directly to your cells via the bloodstream. If you tend to be anxious or overstressed, it can help to calm and relax you. If you tend to have fatigue and feel run down, it can help boost your energy. There are so many diseases and symptoms that benefit from this therapy. It is like getting a supercharge of vitality!
Have there been any studies on the Myers Cocktail?
Yes. Yale researchers recently tested the Myers Cocktail on a group of patients in a double-bind, placebo controlled randomized trial. The study measured tender points, depression levels and quality of life. Significant improvement was shown in all pertinent outcome measures with the Myers' group and none with the placebo group. There are currently 274 clinical research trials employing intravenous micronutrient therapy. About half of these concern treatment or prevention of cancer. The remainder cover a wide range of medical and health conditions.
How many treatments does it take to feel better?
Patients vary in the number of treatments needed, but a typical protocol is infusions once or twice a week. Some patients experience improvement after only one treatment, and many report significant healing by the fourth infusion. People who have chronic conditions may need ongoing treatment of several times per week, or periodically every few weeks to regain their energy.
How long does a Myers infusion take?
A typical Myers drip takes about 15 minutes.
Is It Safe?
The Myers Cocktail is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive therapy that is well tolerated by most people. It carries an extremely low risk of serious adverse side effects. If the protocol is administered quickly there may be a sensation of warmth and flushing. This is due to the rapid rise of magnesium. Some patients may also have the taste of vitamins in their mouth shortly after they are given the infusion.
Is there any preparation needed before receiving a Myers?
Before your treatment: It is best to prepare for the Myers' by drinking plenty of water and having food in your stomach before you come in the office.
Is a Myers Cocktail right for me?
At Pacific Naturopathic, we provide comprehensive holistic medical care, including thorough evaluation of each patient's symptoms, health, and needs. During our evaluation, we can determine if IV therapy will be beneficial to your health goals. After consultation, we can schedule IV treatments to be performed in the office by one of our fully trained and certified Naturopathic Doctors.
Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information.
Elijah Free: Herbalist, Shaman, Healer at Pacific Naturopathic
Elijah Free has been an associate at Pacific Naturopathic s
ince January of 2000.
He specializes in working with both mechanical and metabolic pain.
and view his videos on Ending Fibromyalgia and Ending PTSD-One Veteran's Answer.
To see Elijah's personal site and learn more of his work please visit
And to find out more of Elijah's work with his 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization to end PTSD in war veterans, (Elijah is a veteran and paramedic of the Viet Nam conflict) Bring Our Vets All the Way Home, please go to
To schedule an appointment with Elijah,
please phone 650-917-1121.
Running On Overwhelm
"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."
Do you know anyone who takes an antidepressant, drinks too much alcohol, eats too much, smokes too much, is hooked on drugs? If you don't then you are highly unusual.
As a matter of fact, maybe it's you!
We use substances to manage our daily lives. Why? Well, because they are stress relievers and stress is everywhere to a degree we haven't experienced before. In fact, the four top selling items in grocery stores are all the drugs we use to manage our mood and energy - caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and nicotine.
When we consider our environment it's the daily challenges and events that cause this stress to multiply.
It's not unusual to experience depression, acute anxiety, panic attacks, attention deficit disorder. Sure, these disorders have been around for a while but not to the extent that they are now. But why is that and how do we deal with it?
Our lives move at a faster rate then ever before and we are exposed to more information, on a daily basis, that is just overwhelming. Yes, stress can be good when we need a motivator, but it is constant now in our lives and
when the stress goes on too long it can result in you getting sick.
So why does daily stress make us sick?
We inherited the stress response
from our ancient ancestors as a way which protected them from predators and other threats. When danger is perceived, the body kicks into gear and floods the body with cortisol and adrenalin hormones that elevate your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, energize you and prepare you to deal with the threat.
If all goes well, you're not likely to face the threat of being eaten. But you probably do confront multiple challenges every day, such as your job pressures, financial situations and dealing with family and children, that cause your body to react the same way. Consequently, your body's ancestral alarm system - the "fight or flight" response - gets stuck in the on position.
If you are under constant exposure to stress hormones over weeks or months, your immune system wears down.
That's not hard to understand. The reason is that the hormone cortisol turns down the immune system's ability to fight infection... but wait a minute, that's a major reason we have an immune system - to fight infection! Not only that, but the immune system also works as an advance platoon to get rid of cancer cells.
But chronic stress, through the effects of these stress hormones and dampening of the immune system, can feed all kinds of conditions and make them worse.
So if you are sick with any one of these conditions, the more you can do to reduce your stress response, the more likely it is that your body will be able to effectively fight those conditions.
Consider these facts:
- 95% of all illness is caused or worsened by stress.
- Stress hormones damage the hippocampus - the memory center in the brain causing memory loss and dementia.
- In a study of people who volunteered to have cold viruses injected into their noses, only people with a high level of perceived stress got colds.
The good news is you can use your mind to help your body, no matter what stressful environment you find yourself in.
You may need to learn some new mind/body skills, but they are essential cutting edge tools we never learned in school or from our families.
As Dr. Mark Hyman recently wrote: The most powerful pharmacy in the world is right between your ears!
For more information about Jane and her work
click here.
You Can Test For Exposure
to Environmental Toxins
Brad West, ND
So much in the environment can affect aspects of our health, like mood, digestion, sleep, energy etc. This is because we have a wide variety of needs as mammals and there are a tremendous amount of influences all around us.
With somewhere around 100,000 new chemicals in our environment since World War II in the 1940s, and only around 3000 ever being tested formally, we are truly like guinea pigs in a totally new environment for the first time in human history.
And even with technological advances we are sicker as a species than ever with skyrocketing autoimmune disease, diabetes, cancer and chronic diseases across the board. So, it is quite important to support our natural detoxification mechanism and try and understand what are the greatest insults to avoid.
Due to our own biochemical individuality, reactions to environmental challenges can vary widely. For instance, some are quite sensitive to cigarette smoke while others to refined carbohydrates or animal fats; some of us do not eliminate mercury or other heavy metals as effectively as others, while others are extra sensitive to Wi-Fi and EMFs.
Fortunately, our immune and detoxification systems are quite capable of handling a wide variety of toxins and insults. However, eating a diet and living a lifestyle that is not near optimal for our design, complicates the situation. So, finding out what our own situation is via testing, history and a qualified doctor or practitioner can make a tremendous difference.
In health,
Dr Brad
Brad West, N.D., is a member of the I.V. therapy team
at Pacific Naturopathic
Pureed Mushroom Soup
Lauren Hoover-West
This is so fast and easy. You don't have to puree the vegetables since it makes a nice broth soup if you prefer. I love the earthy flavor of mushrooms and truffles.
Yields: serves 2, double the amount for 4.
1 teaspoon grapeseed or extra virgin olive oil, optional
ÂĽ diced onion, optional
2 cups organic portabello and wild mushrooms(porcini, shitake, morel, chanterelle etc..), 1/2 inch dice
1/4 cup sherry, optional
3-4 cups homemade mushroom stock/broth or chicken or vegetable stock(don't add salt if using stock) or water+1/2 tsp. Himalayan salt
1 teaspoon fresh thyme
porcini salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 tsp. truffle oil, optional
2 tsp. wild mushroom powder(porcini is great), optional
- Wash and cut all vegetables and measure out all ingredients.
- In a 2 quart sauce pot, sauté onion in grapeseed oil until translucent.
- Add mushrooms and sauté until soft.
- Add stock or cool water and thyme. If using water add salt, if using broth or stock omit the salt. Bring to a boil over high heat.
- Pour 1/3 up a blender or use a hand stick blender and blend starting on low speed and gradually increasing to high speed. If the liquid is hot do not fill the blender more than 1/3 of the way or the lid will blow off from the steam. Be sure to hold the lid down with a kitchen towel to be sure the steam doesn't push the lid off!
- Taste for seasoning and adjust to your own taste. For a silky smooth soup, strain through a fine mesh sieve, but it is not necessary. I like it best strained.
- Top with a drizzle of truffle oil and serve.
Be Well & Thrive!
* * *
Lauren has appeared and cooked on ABC Live in Chicago and Sacramento. She has cooked for 4 United States Presidents and a United States Senator.
Lauren Hoover-West was classically trained at The California Culinary Academy, now the Cordon Bleu. She is a Chef/Educator/Consultant specializing in food allergies and health issues since 2002, including Gluten sensitivity, Celiac's Disease, Diabetes, Autism, Autoimmune diseases and inflammatory conditions.
Lauren has created a revolutionary way to cook delicious food that is gluten-free, dairy-free, low glycemic index, or sugar-free, and very healthy while tasting just as good as traditional food so, everyone can enjoy it.
Lauren does not believe in using weird ingredients, so you will learn to use readily available food, and she will introduce you to items you may not have noticed before. She will help you replace all your pantry items with gluten-free, dairy-free, low glycemic alternatives!
She is the author of "No Wheat No Dairy No Problem"
cookbook and blog site. She has over 20 years of cooking and teaching experience at La Folie(Michelin star), Fairmont, Hyatt Resorts, Bally's, Marriott, New Leaf Market, Sur la Table etc... Lauren is the owner of Lauren's Kitchen, a customized meal service. She also earned a Bachelors of Science in Psychology at St. Mary's College. To contact Lauren or for more information go to her blog site.
Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- the safety of breast health evaluation -
The reluctance of more and more women to opt for annual breast screenings by mammogram is a testament to the dawning awareness that, just as radiation in general has adverse effects on our health, radiating our breasts is not good for our breasts. It is not that one would never opt for an imaging technique that subjects the body to radiation, rather it is that these techniques should be chosen with discretion.
Thermography offers a nonharmful, noninvasive technique for evaluating breast health, subjecting the breast neither to radiation nor compression.
Thermography offers an insight into breast physiology, while mammography offers anatomic imaging. It stands to reason that the two types of imaging can complement each other. (More information is better than less information). When thermography indicates a high risk of breast disease, we may use our discretion and recommend anatomic imaging. The German drainage remedy Radinex, sold from our pharmacy, can help dispel the effects of the radiation.
Read more about
Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii:
Purify in Paradise
Check Future Openings
(then click on "Calendar")
The view at Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii |
Spend time on the Big Island of Hawaii at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center. The environment itself is therapeutic and healing.
Be up close and personal with the elements of earth, air, water, fire and ether. Hike to the volcano. Swim in the ocean. Bask in the sunshine. Breathe in the negative ions at hidden waterfalls. Enjoy the gentle breezes, the infinite array of colors, the fragrance of the night blooming jasmine, the juicy tropical fruits, the fish fresh from the ocean, the amazing local organic produce at the Farmers Markets. Rest and relax at the Retreat Center.
Openings available from June.
* * *
Isn't it time you treated yourself to a magical experience?
Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself.
Openings available from May.
The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
News and Commentary on Cancer Topics
* * * * *
What We Offer
at the
Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
Our cancer patients often ask us to give them an estimate of the effectiveness of therapy at the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care. We respond that
our entire focus is on helping our patients stay healthy, upbeat and positive.
The truth is that the botanical and nutritional therapies we offer
intravenous vitamin C), although 'adjunctive' in nature, have powerful documented actions in decreasing inflammation, reducing tumor load and attacking cancer stem cells.
Our mind/body approaches are focused on transformation of experience. And our bodywork approaches helpreduce muscular pain, resolve lymph drainage problems and relieve stress.
The hope we offer is not that of a miraculous cure,
although we are definitely open to miracles,
but the hope of a life lived to the fullest in dignity
and understanding, for however long that may be.
Summer Retreat for Cancer Patients
The Crystal Hermitage Gardens at Ananda Village |
We recently became aware of a 3 week retreat program being offered specially for cancer patients this summer in the Sierra Nevada near Nevada City at the Ananda Village Meditation Retreat. The retreat was designed by and is being led by a Yoga Therapist.
It is designed for adults over the age of 24 who have undergone chemo or radiation treatments in the last 10 years; for people struggling with the effects of the illness or the side effects of treatment; for those wanting tools to create and maintain health, well being, and inner peace and joy.
Study: Milk Thistle Protects
Against Liver Cancer
Milk thistle |
Liver cancer is common, deadly and in the midst of a world-wide increase. Liver cancer treatment options include surgery and transplant. Even with treatment, the prognosis is "guarded."
A new
study suggests that the herb,
milk thistle (silybum marianum) inhibited the growth of new cancer cells and promoted cancer cell death (apoptosis). And that's not all.
There is a growing volume of clinical data indicating that
milk thistle extract may help protect us from and treat a wide variety of different cancers.
When Dr. Connie and I were in medical school, we heard a story about how a group of four wild mushroom hunters in Oregon were poisoned by the deadly amanita mushroom. Three of them died. The fourth was taken to a clinic where they received intravenous (I.V.) milk thistle. This person survived.
An excellent oral milk thistle extract is available from our Pacific Naturopathic pharmacy.
I.V. milk thistle is offered at the Pacific Naturopathic intravenous therapy center to both cancer patients and others who simply want to protect their livers from fatty infiltration. I.V. milk thistle is a safe, excellent preventive therapy that may be utilized by anyone. See
HERE for more information on I.V. therapy at Pacific Naturopathic.
Please phone us for an appointment at:
The Truth About Cancer
If you missed the 9-part series on "The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest," never fear! Just go the the web site, above, and sign up to see it again, free of charge. And while you are at it, sign up for their global networking newsletter.
The series is educationally geared for everyone, not just for those suffering from cancer. Millions of people have responded to the enlightening presentation. Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel and the staff at the
Hernandez Center feel that the research and opinions presented in the documentary series speaks clearly for what we are trying to accomplish with our therapeutic approach.
Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center
Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is the most common therapy we use at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients.
What people may not know is that we also have many other IV therapies that are also very helpful in supporting our cancer patients, depending on their symptoms and what they need.
But intravenous therapy is not just for cancer patients. More than half of our IV patients come for various
"cocktails" to help them ward off infections and optimize their health. We offer a number of individualized
versions of the famous "Myers Cocktail." Read about the Myers Cocktail HERE
And check out our new web site at
For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121. A lot more information can be found at
* * *
(We've been receiving this amazing produce for several years...)
* * * * *
What makes our produce so unusually delicious?
* Hand harvested just 1-2 days before pickup
* Restorative, low-till agriculture
* Biologically alive soil filled with healthy microbes
* Plants and seeds carefully chosen for flavor and vitality
* Conscious farming by long-time meditators
Ananda Valley Farm is nestled amongst hills and canyons on 67 acres of rich farmland just outside of Half Moon Bay, land that has been lovingly farmed for more than 100 years. Water is available year-round from a mountain-top spring that American Indians have long considered sacred.
30 weeks of produce May-November, 2016
Classic box for 1-2 people/week
$26/box, $780 for the season
Family box for 3-5 people/week
$34/box, $1020 for the season
$50 early bird discount for orders by April 1
Questions? Please call Trisha at (650) 246-9453
Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center
for Adjunctive Cancer Care
2570 W. El Camino Real, Suite 111
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-917-1121 (v) * 650-917-1127 (f)