Transformed Butterfly
When there is so much good is hard to know what to share first!
Themes for today's newsletter are jockeying for position in my brain:   "Bread alone" has a certain appeal considering Jonathan's condition.  "Let's go to the movies" could certainly work you'll soon read.  "Bigger than Us," has to take at least second place because this entire report demonstrates that God is in control...especially when things are beyond ours.  Despite the sound arguments of each contestant, the award goes to "Transformed"!  Not only is it the underlying theme in each of the stories I'll tell you here, it is/should be the underlying story of our Christian lives.  2 Corinthians 3:18 reminds us that we "are being transformed into His image with ever increasing glory."  There is nothing else I'd rather be than transformed and we are so blessed to witness so much transformation taking place in our midst!
Jon's first meal in two months
Transformed Health
Last week Jonathan had an endoscopy and yesterday we received the results.   The GREAT news is that his esophagus was perfectly clean and the biopsies didn't contain any eosinophils (which are the blood cells that were attacking the esophagus and causing all the problems to begin with).  He even gained about two lbs. while on his liquid diet.  The doctor said several times, "Today, Jonathan is healthy."  Praise the Lord!!!

Sharing his first meal with some of the students we support
As a result, yesterday we were able to start reintroducing food into his diet. He will get one new food every 3 days.   Yesterday, today and tomorrow he is eating potatoes.  Then, if all goes well, we'll add a second food for 3 days, etc.  He will continue to drink the formula until he is able to eat full meals (so that will be a while yet). 

The GOOD news is that on Friday the insurance company informed us that their experts have determined that the Neocate Advance formula is actually a treatment for the condition and not simply a nutritional supplement and so they will cover the expense for it in full for at least one year!   God is good!

Thank you so much for your prayers, for your notes of encouragement (he enjoyed getting more mail than ever this past month), for your offers to purchase formula, for helping Juliana feel included and so much more!   God is at work transforming Jonathan's life and you are some of the instruments through which He is working.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!
North American and Colombians praying in the theater
Transformed Vision
You've also been praying for our church, Comunidad Cristiana Camino de Vida, as we looked for a new place to meet.  We all felt certain that God was the one who closed the door for us to meet at the school.  We all knew that He has been preparing us for something bigger and better.   We are all convinced that He opened the door for us at the nearby movie theater!  

Of course, change is change and so we're also working hard to prepare for new realities.  We are training new teams of greeters and ushers and audiovisual workers, etc.  We're starting our services an hour earlier to accommodate theater hours.  Several in the church who own buses have agreed to provide shuttle services.  (And for those who have their own transportation, there are 3 free parking lots available for use.) We are giving up the two small rented apartments for mid week ministry in order to rent the cinema for 3 hours a week (which is still a bargain price of only a little over $100 for 3 hours) and so people are stepping up to offer their homes for mid-week services/ministry.  Everyone is excited!  Our first service at the movie theater will begin at 9 a.m. on Sunday, May 1st.

Our plan is to ramp up the discipleship efforts in the areas that the church currently serves as we expand our vision to include newcomers so that we can truly reach MedellĂ­n for Christ and bring about the much needed spiritual transformation here!

Thank you so much for your prayers during this very busy time...and thanks for your ongoing prayers as the church makes this transition.   (One more note, the theater only writes one month contracts, so please pray for our future contracts.)
The apple is red
Transforming Futures
Two weeks ago the church opened The Center For Family Development that we told you about in an earlier newsletter.  There are about 15 children participating in this pilot project and we all know the challenges they face.  Gang activity is very high in that neighborhood.  We have to choose carefully which path we walk to get order to avoid the spot where drugs are used and sold.  We know that most of the kids live only with their mother, or their grandmother or their aunt.  We pray that God will use this ministry as one of the tools to help them escape the most likely cycles of their lives.

Learning names
We know it is possible because, Thank GOD, He is bigger than us and bigger than all of these kid's problems!  We are encourage that about 40 people in our church have committed to "adopt" these kids (i.e. help to pay the expenses of the Center on behalf of the kids each month).  Juliana is doing a great job as the assistant English teacher. Please keep these kids and this ministry in your prayers.
Metro Cable and clear skies
Transformed Atmosphere
You've also been praying about the air pollution problem in the city.   Two days without cars (the day we wrote to you and then again on earth-day) may have helped the situation a little.  What has helped it most is the rain that we've been getting.   While there don't seem to have been lasting measures to alleviate the problem, at least we are all still breathing a little better...for the time being. 
So that's why "Transformed" won the title round.  

VISA team from Michigan
We didn't I didn't even mention the wonderful team who came from The Springs Church to spend 33 hours learning about and praying for the ministry of the church. (Yes, that's who is picture with some of the local pastoral team praying at the theater.  There was such a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit with us that day.  Wish you could have experienced it with us!)  I think there were some transforming moments that weekend.

And we didn't even mention the fact that Ricardo is currently teaching 3 classes (one on camps and two on-line) and finalizing a book to publish in Spanish.   We didn't talk about the upcoming Latin American Leadership Summit that we are hosting here in Medellin (please pray for all of the logistics involve before, during and after), May 9-16, where the topics of conversation will be Community Church Planting and new ordination procedures.   Nor did we mention the pre-conference in Bogota about church planting (May 5-8).   We're hoping all of those events will result in positive transformations.  Will you pray with us for that?

Oh, there are lots of stories I'd love to tell on this our personal lives, among our friends and in the world around us....but I've probably over-extended my welcome in your inbox as it is.   Thanks for sticking with us and praying with us throughout all the many transformations of life and ministry!

Ricardo, Beth, Juliana and Jonathan

PS Speaking of Transformation, the Free Methodist website has undergone a bit of one lately.  Check it out below.
Free Methodist World Missions | [email protected] | 859-559-0628