September 2023

Connecting alumnae and friends with the Trinity community

September 2023 Spotlight

Riley (pictured right) and her business partner.

Riley Ramirez '16

"Being a Trinity student helped me become the person I am today. I have always felt so supported by the people I met throughout my Blazer journey. Being a business owner isn't easy, but the strength and sense of empowerment I feel is thanks to God, my family, and the Trinity community."

Read more.

School News

Annie Youth Ensemble Auditions

Friday, September 22nd 4:30-6:00 pm

Trinity is looking for youth to be a part of our upcoming fall play, Annie! Auditions for orphans will be held on September 22nd.

To sign up, email Trinity's Choir and Theater Director, Katlyn Iacovino at

Trinity Open House

Tuesday, October 3rd - 6:30pm

Sunday, October 15th - 12:00pm

Do you know a #FutureBlazer? Help continue the Trinity legacy and spread the word about our upcoming open houses so they can learn about the true Trinity experience!

Click here for more information on upcoming #FutureBlazer events.

Alumnae & Friends Events

Class of 1973 50th Reunion

It's Time! Trinity Alumna from the class of 1973, join us for your 50th reunion on September 29th and 30th!

Kick-off reception begins on Friday, September 29th at O'Sullivans Public House in Forest Park at 6 pm followed by an all-school mass and luncheon on Saturday, September 30th!

For more information and to RSVP, click here.

All School Reunion

Calling all Trinity Alumnae from the classes ending in 3 & 8!

Saturday, September 30th

Registration is now open for Trinity's All-School Reunion celebrating classes ending in 3 & 8! Join us for tours of the school and Mass in Trinity's newly renovated auditorium. Then, head over to Oak Park Country Club for lunch with your class.

RSVP here for the All-School Reunion.

Blazer Boutique

Sign up today to become a vendor at Trinity's 2023 Blazer Boutique!

Registration is open for this year's Blazer Boutique (craft fair)! Thursday, November 2, 5:30 - 9:00 pm. Kick off your holiday sales at this annual event. Over 300 guests will enjoy an evening of shopping. Please share the link if you know a vendor who would like to participate.

Questions - Contact Kelly Richard, Director of Special Events (708.453.8304 or

Click here to be a vendor at this year's event.

Bal Dominique

Celebrating Community Partnerships

Friday, November 10, 2023

at Butterfield Country Club


Leadership Award

Hon. Cathy Adduci, River Forest Village President

Honorary Chair: Carroll McMahon ‘77

Service Award

Rev. Carl Morello, Pastor, Ascension and St. Edmund & St. Catherine-St. Lucy and St. Giles Parish

Honorary Chairs: Joe & Terry Shaker (past parents)

To join us, sponsor, or take out an ad, click here.

Santa Breakfast

Save the date for Trinity's annual Santa Breakfast!

Saturday, December 9th, 2023

Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and friends! Enjoy crafts, continental breakfast, pictures, and a visit with Santa!

Stay tuned for more information!

Nominiate a Trinity alumna!
Click here to make a Memorial/Honorarium Donation
Click for information on Planned Giving

Trinity High School

7574 Division

River Forest, IL 60305

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