March 2016 Trinity Tribune

In This Issue:
Easter Is Early This Year
The Rev. Paul Nancarrow
Easter this year falls at the end of this month - on Sunday, March 27, to be precise. That is pretty early for Easter. It's not the earliest Easter can possibly be - that's March 22 - but it's pretty early.
Unlike Christmas, the second of the three great annual Christian feasts, Easter is not a fixed date. It moves around the calendar, and as it moves it drags related dates - Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday - along with it. This can sometimes make for some confusion in the ecclesiastical calendar, and tight scheduling when the Shrove Tuesday pancakes seem to come before you've quite recovered from the Epiphany King's Cake!
In the back of the Book of Common Prayer, you will find a chart that gives the date of Easter Day all the way out to 2089. But the basic rule for the date of Easter, the rule that chart is based on, is that Easter Day is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. That formula brings together astronomy, terrestrial seasons, and history.
The earliest Christians celebrated Easter at the time of the Passover. After all, they were mostly Jews, and Passover was a feast they already kept. The gospels said that Jesus was crucified and raised at Passover. So naturally they would want to celebrate Easter at the time the gospels said.
But it wasn't long before some Christians made the point that the gospels said Jesus was raised on the first day of the week. Passover could actually fall on different days, and sometimes the day of Passover was not the day of Resurrection. So shouldn't Christians celebrate Easter always on a Sunday? Thus arose the custom of keeping Easter on the Sunday after the Passover.
But the Jewish calendar is lunar, based on the phases of the moon. And the 28 days of the lunar cycle don't quite add up to the 365 days of the sidereal cycle, the time it takes the sun to move through all the signs of the zodiac. Every year the Jewish months get a little earlier, compared to the annual position of the sun. That means Passover could come at the end of what we now call April, then in the middle of April, then in early April, then in March, and so on, always creeping a little earlier in the solar year. At first, Easter moved forward like this, moving along with Passover.
As the church and the synagogue moved farther apart, though, Christians began to wonder why Easter had to move around so much, and decided that it ought to stay in springtime. So they anchored the date of Easter to the spring equinox, the day when the periods of dark and light were exactly equal. But they still wanted to recognize Easter's roots in Passover by tying it to a lunar month. So they combined the formula: the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.
That's why the modern feast of Easter moves, but never moves more than a month. It all has to do with the Gospel witness, the Jewish Passover, and the sidereal astronomical cycle.
I like the way the dating of Easter combines all these factors. I think it reminds us that the feast we celebrate is not just ours alone, but rests on the historical foundation of a great pilgrim festival of the First Covenant. And it reminds us that we connect Easter with the coming of the spring (in the northern hemisphere, at least), when life begins to return to the winter-still earth, and the rebirth of fields and forests can become an icon for the rising of new life in Jesus. And it invites us to consider that the Resurrection is a cosmic event, working itself out even in the constellations and stars, as all Creation is being renewed and "Christified," as the Risen Christ draws all things to their own perfection and arising in him. Historical, earthly, spiritual, and cosmological perspectives all converge in the single formula first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.
Easter is early this year. And may the new life of Easter rise early in us and live in us all the year.

Down the Road
Ted Jordan
My final year of college I took a Philosophy of Religion class. It was a very good class as witnessed by the fact that I still remember it forty plus years later. We didn't so much study particular religions but rather tried to find common threads that seemed to run through all religions and attempted to find reasons that these things were shared. I remember one class where we discussed the fact that doing good to others is a very common theme in many religions. Of course no one had any argument at all that doing good should not be a proper component to any religion, but the professor did throw in an interesting caveat. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" he said. That was the first time I had heard that phrase although I have heard it many times since, and it certainly caught my attention at the time.

"Was this just a clever and ironic proclamation or was there really something to it?" I wondered. The question that led to him saying this began with a simple question "Should one always tell the truth?" That seemed like a sucker question if ever I heard one. "But of course" we said "it is better to always tell the truth." So what happens if you lived in Germany in the 1930s and the Nazis had showed up at your door inquiring about your Jewish neighbors who you were hiding in your attic? Truth or lie? Your noble ambition to be completely truthful would have led to a very bad result.

The professor, a very learned and gentle Quaker, was able to provide many examples throughout history where someone intending to try and help had in fact caused or allowed something bad to happen. His point I think was that the mere act of trying to help or to do the right thing is not good enough if the action intended does not synch up with the needs of the situation at hand. This can arise in situations where someone obviously needs help but the help we want to give is not the help they need. It can also come up as we try to devise blanket solutions to problems that need a more individual approach.

I think that my professor from all those years ago was really warning us about trying to paint with too broad a brush. We tend to want to take a "one size fits all" approach to many problems and design our solutions accordingly. In many ways, it is nice to be able to say that this is what you always do when this comes up and the results will always be positive. But we all know that while that is certainly an easier approach, it definitely does not always bear good fruit. Anyone who has raised more than one child undoubtedly has seen what really worked well with the first child often doesn't work nearly as well if at all with the next. Individual problems usually require some degree of individual solution.

On a much larger scale we also see that attempts to solve society's many problems often backfire because of our tendency to take what we see as a good solution and then to try to shoehorn everyone into doing whatever that solution calls for. It will work very well for some but be disastrous for others. Our intentions are no doubt good and we do good for many but we also fail others because we don't recognize the individual nature of problems.

Likewise trying to devise policies that cover every situation also lead us into places we probably don't want to go. Given the way that our country was formed and grew, saying that we are going to ban 100% of a certain group be it by religion, nationality, or culture from entering our borders seems to fly in the face of the very values that define us as a country. I would say that there is certainly good intention in trying to protect us from harm from outside our borders but the consequences that accompany this type of absolute judgement not only weaken our moral fiber but in the long run open us up to more harm than good.

There is certainly nothing wrong with trying to have good intentions to whatever we do. It is obviously a good place to start. But the intentions that we have must be well reasoned and molded to fit the situation we are trying to aid. Assuming that what is good for the goose will always be good for the gander is not the way to go. Doing the good thing and the right thing require a lot of thought and soul searching or we end up heading down a road that we really don't want to travel.

One of the things we learned in reading The Agile Church last year for Vestry is that in order to do good things for people we need to meet them where they are not where we want or think they should be. Being able to recognize that every need has its own unique characteristics even if it seems similar to something we have dealt with before can help us meet people where they are.  If we take that approach then our good intentions will likely take us down a road to success. Instead of that other one.

Notes from the Senior Warden
Lee Beam, Senior Warden
January, the beginning of the calendar year, brings changes to the leadership of our parish.  Six new members of the Vestry take their positions, while six experienced members "retire," (although we often recycle them)! At the same time, the "program year" for Christian Education is mid-way in their year, with Sunday School classes resuming in January.  So it's an interesting time for new beginnings, new ideas, taking inventory of where we are (and visualizing where we'd like to go), and continuing to spread God's word.
At the end of January, I was fortunate to be able to spend the day at our Diocesan Convention in Roanoke along with many other Trinity members.  We heard inspiring addresses by Bishop Mark and his wife Martha, and the keynote presentation by Dwight Zscheile, who wrote the book The Agile Church, which our Vestry studied in 2015.  I jotted lots of notes in the council booklet while he was speaking; one which has me still reflecting was his quote, "We are geared up to solve the problem of people who are looking for a church to join; but really, there's only a few people who have that problem.  It's our job to identify what the problem really is, and work to solve that."
The following weekend, on February 5 and 6, your Vestry members "retreated" at the Bellfry outside of Lexington, to reflect, learn, LISTEN, and plan our work for 2016. Our retreat was led by Anne Grizzle and Fr. Paul, and we did, indeed, do a lot of listening. As a group, we shared ideas of goals, projects, and things we'd like to accomplish.  And then we took time to individually LISTEN to see if we could hear where God was leading us, BEFORE developing our plan of work.
At our first regular meeting of the Vestry on February 22, we'll be speaking more about the goals developed during our retreat, and LISTENING to each other as we choose our next steps for the year.  In fact, if you come to a Vestry meeting one evening (and I hope you will join us sometime), you may walk into the Gooch Room to see 18 or more people sitting around the room, eyes closed, just listening.  I'm sure the Spirit will be there with us; can we hear Him?

Music News
Gen Bolena, Organist & Choirmaster
Concert & Lenten Evensong: Andrew Scanlon, organist - March 6 at 5pm
Andrew Scanlon will present music by Mendelssohn, Bruhns, and Hindemith. Professor Scanlon is the head of the organ program at East Carolina University and Organist-Choirmaster at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, both in Greenville, NC. Evensong sung by Trinity Choir will follow with music by Tallis, Byrd, and Gibbons. Nursery available.
Carl Broman Series Presents: Timothy Olsen, organist - April 10 at 5pm
Timothy Olsen, Professor of Organ at UNC School of the Arts and Salem College, and Cantor at Augsburg Lutheran Church in Winston-Salem, NC, will bring to life the three German baroque "B's": Bach, Buxtehude, and Böhm. Performing toccatas, chorale preludes, and sets of variations (including Bach's monumental Passacaglia in C minor), the many beautiful and brilliant colors of the Taylor & Boody organ will be featured. Nursery available.

Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday - March 20
7:45am and 11:00am Holy Eucharist
No Sunday School
Palm Parade: 10:15am
Maundy Thursday - March 24
7:30pm Maundy Thursday Service
8:30pm Maundy Thursday All Night Vigil through Friday, March 25 at noon.
Good Friday - March 25
11:00am Way of the Cross
12:00pm Good Friday Service
12:00pm Office Closes
Holy Saturday - March 26
9:00am Holy Saturday Service
8:00pm Easter Vigil - begins at Emmanuel and processes to Trinity
10:00pm Easter Agape Feast
Easter Day - March 27
7:45am, 8:45am, 11:00am Holy Eucharist
10:00am No Sunday School
10:30am Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Monday - March 28
Office Closed

Send in Your Memorials for Easter Flowers
Deidre Jones, Parish Communications
Before Easter, the Altar Guild collects Flower Memorials Gifts to purchase the flower decorations for the Easter services and to fund raise for the altar guild ministry. Memorials may be given in memory or as a thank offering. There is no set monetary fee. Each person gives out of the generosity of their heart. If you would like to make a donation, please use the enclosed envelope or submit your memorial via our online form.
Please return your gift to the Trinity office no later than Monday, March 14.

Maundy Thursday All-Night Vigil Signups
Deidre Jones, Parish Communications
Please remember to sign up for the all-night vigil for Maundy Thursday (March 24). A signup sheet will be at the back of the church beside the basket that has past sermons beginning on Sunday, February 21.

What Roles Do Our Committees Have?
Lee Beam, Senior Warden
All attendees of Trinity are welcome to serve on one or more of the Standing (and/or Ad Hoc) Committees. Vestry members are expected to serve on at least two committees. During 2016, brief summaries of the work of these committees will be provided to you, so you'll know what their roles and responsibilities are. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact Fr. Paul or the committee chair. If you'd like to attend a committee meeting, refer to the monthly calendar for their meeting day and time.

The Administration and Finance Committee
The Administration and Finance Committee (usually called the Finance Committee), is charged with oversight of the finances of the parish, development of the annual budget, recommendations on investments of the Endowment funds, and review of the annual parochial report.  In general, all of the actions of the Finance Committee are referred to the Vestry for approval; for example, when the Finance Committee reviews the monthly financials on a line-by-line basis, they vote to "recommend the financial reports" to the Vestry for their approval.

The Finance Committee receives input from other Committees and Staff when developing the Annual Budget, and works closely with the Stewardship Committee during the Annual Stewardship Campaign.

The Treasurer of the Church, who is appointed by the Rector and approved by the Vestry, serves as the chair of the Finance Committee.  The Treasurer for 2016 is Tom Fechtel.  Tom meets with the Parish Administrator on a weekly basis, approving all payments for goods and services, and reviewing other financial matters as necessary.

During the year, the Finance Committee may take on special projects; for example, in 2015, a few members of the committee met with a representative of the Church Insurance Company that provides our property insurance to review our coverage.  As a result of that discussion, a plan to develop an inventory of all of our personal property (furnishings, equipment, worship materials, music, etc.) was developed and undertaken with great effort (and success) by the staff and volunteers.

The Finance Committee meets monthly from February through June, and from August through December.  Our meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:00 PM in the Gooch Room, and last about an hour.  Check the monthly calendar for any schedule changes; please feel free to join us at our meetings, or volunteer to join the committee!

What Trinity Gives Through Grants
Paul Bugas, Chair of the Grants Committee
Your 2016 Grants Committee is composed of: Paul Bugas (Chair), Ralph Ruedy, Beate Harnad, Oakley Pearson, Judy Burtner, Cindy Hickman, Sue Mattox, and Eleanor Bird. Our charge is to equitably disburse $20,000, on an annual basis, to local, state, and international organizations that meet the mission of Trinity Episcopal Church. In the coming months, we will showcase various recipients of our outreach into the community. This issue's feature organization is SACRA.
SACRA was organized in 1983 by local churches to meet immediate relief needs of our friends and neighbors. SACRA is an acronym for Staunton-Augusta Church Relief Association. Its purpose is to provide a central location for the dispensing of social ministry funds from local congregations to those in need of emergency assistance. SACRA supplies emergency financial assistance for utilities, food, and medication to citizens in our community that are on the verge of homelessness.
SACRA's volunteer staff meets with all clients who sign in at the St. Francis Catholic Church office Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings in order to immediately mobilize relief assistance. After an interview to verify need, help is provided with funds that are available. Applicants are required to pay their bills with what out-of-pocket financial resources they can muster. Often, SACRA is the difference from getting their utilities disconnected or evicted onto the street. The average distribution is $200 - $350 per qualified individual or family.
There are around 80 churches that are SACRA members and contribute financial aid on a quarterly basis. More than 30 volunteers staff the office and collect food and other items. A 12-member Board of Stewards from different faith groups oversee SACRA. Some of the local organizations that are involved with SACRA are Crisis Assistance, the Regional Free Clinic, Love Inc., Lions Club, Salvation Army, Comfort Care, and Mary's House. The Salvation Army maintains files to keep track of recipients to avoid duplication of services.
Trinity's annual grant to SACRA is around $4,000 (this does not include our monthly collections or on-demand giving from the Rector's Discretionary Fund). When our parish makes this commitment before the end of March, it is matched dollar-for-dollar by other entities. So, $4,000 quickly becomes $8,000 when the timing of our donation is met.
The Grants Committee remains grateful to the church for its continued support of this important ministry. A complete list of organizations, and our annual contribution to them, will be reported in a later issue of the Trinity Tribune.

Formation Happenings
Shirley Ruedy, Christian Formation Assistant
Sunday School and Youth
Trinity Youth traveled to Roanoke the last weekend in January to participate in Y@C (Youth at Council), which dovetailed with the Episcopal Diocese of Southwestern Virginia Convention. Y@C  was a spiritual retreat during which youth spent the weekend engaged in various spiritual group-building activities. Some centering and meditative activities were included.  Youth also got to do silly things like hear the Bishop perform rap songs for the talent show. At the end of the weekend, they saw a video montage of the weekend and prayed together. It was truly a moving experience and a chance for youth to meet other Episcopal youth from across the Diocese. 
Six youth from Trinity attended this year: Lucie Oechslin, Lizzie Cahalin, Anna Moore, Hannah Fiechtl, Nathan Boody, and Cullen Wallace. Let's hear what they have to say:
Anna Moore :  "All the singing, dancing, and playing brings everyone together. The quiet group talks are a wonderful way to bond and think about the highs and lows of life."
Lizzie Cahalin : "It is a great way to meet new people and learn new things. Bonding with other people and getting to know them is a great experience."
Lucie Oechslin : "I felt so close to the group, and the activities were really fun. I love learning new energizers that I can bring back and share when I'm a counselor at Helping Hands camp in the summers. We had a great time singing and playing games. It all made us feel closer to each other and to God."
Cullen Wallace : "My favorite part was the coffee house where the youth got to showcase their talents like musical instruments or poetry, etc."
Anonymous : "The band [Live Hymnal] on the last day was fun and peppy, and the closing Eucharist service was a good way to wrap up the weekend."
As you may know, Bishop Mark will be visiting us on Sunday, May 22. In view of that, we would like to get an idea of which Trinity youth, ages 16 and older, are interested in Confirmation so that all concerned will have an opportunity to prepare. Please let us know your interest as soon as you can.
Stop Hunger Now Action
On March 19th, Trinity youth, in collaboration with Stuart Hall, Emmanuel, and St. John's in Waynesboro will package food for "Stop Hunger Now," an organization that "seeks to end world hunger in our lifetime by allocating food and aid where it is needed." They work with community organizations to package food and send it to those who need it, including those who are affected by various crises, and to educate communities about food, poverty, and malnutrition. You can find more information at . It costs a minimum of $3000 to pack 10,000 meals, and the more money we raise, the more meals we can pack. Trinity youth are committed to raise $1000. Money from the recent Pancake Supper will go toward this, and our youth also hope to have a special collection at church. The food-packing event itself will take place from 1-5 p.m. on Saturday, March 19th in the gym at Stuart Hall. Let's support our youth in this endeavor!
Pancake Supper
The annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was a great success. Many thanks to the Junior and Senior High youth and their leaders for a wonderful event. Great quantities of pancakes and sausages were consumed, and a good time was had by all.
Parent Coordinator Needed for "Helping Hands"
Would you like to help coordinate one of Staunton's best summer day camp programs for children? It could be one of the most important things you do this year! Last year's participants gave it rave reviews. Trinity is one of several downtown churches which organize the event for rising kindergarteners through rising fifth graders. This year's dates are August 1-5. The first organizational meeting will be held at First Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, March 1, at 6:00 pm. If you are interested in this opportunity or know someone who might be, please contact Shirley Ruedy at 886-9132 or [email protected].
Trinity Boys and Girls Choir
Thank you so much for the beautiful music you shared at the February 14th Evensong. Choristers include:  Eric Potter, Lizzie Calahin, Elaine Boody, Lily Hooke, Hannah Fiechtl, Evelyn Boody, Amelia Simmons, Charlotte Shell, Isabelle Fiechtl, Mary Blair Tankard and Jon Bolena.  We are all very proud of you!
Adult Formation
The spring round of "Trinity College" discussion groups, running from the week of April 3 through the week of May 8, has something for everyone so mark your calendars and join us for good conversation and fellowship.
  • Carrie Tucker will lead a discussion of the NY Times #1 Bestseller Daring Greatly.  Based on twelve years of pioneering research, Dr. Brene Brown dispels the cultural myth that vulnerability is weakness and argues that vulnerability and love are the truest marks of courage. Learn how shame is ingrained in our culture, and how it affects our sense of belonging and worthiness. Daring Greatly is a practice and vision for a life defined by courage, compassion, and connection. "Brene Brown encourages readers . . .to live whole, courageous lives." - NPR.  Having your own copy of the book is best, but not a requirement for attending the discussions. The class will meet Thursdays, beginning April 7, from 10:30-11:30 am in the Foster Room.
  • Deborah Oldman-Brown will lead a discussion of German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship, a modern classic of Christian thought. The book focuses on the Sermon on the Mount. In his analysis, Bonhoeffer explains his beliefs regarding following Christ. The Cost of Discipleship was originally published in 1937, during the rise of the Nazi regime, the background for Bonhoeffer's theology.  Bonhoeffer died in the camps near the end of the war. We will study Bonhoeffer's life and share his beliefs about what it means to be a disciple of Christ.   According to Bonhoeffer, "The will of God, to which the law gives expression, is that men should defeat their enemies by loving them."   Also, "The community of the saints is not an 'ideal' community consisting of perfect and sinless men and women, where there is no need of further repentance. No, it is a community which proves that it is worthy of the gospel of forgiveness by constantly and sincerely proclaiming God's forgiveness. . . .Sanctification means driving out the world from the Church as well as separating the Church from the world. But the purpose of such discipline is not to establish a community of the perfect, but a community consisting of men who really live under the forgiving mercy of God." The class will meet from 7:00pm - 8:30pm on Mondays from April 4th to May 9th in the Braxton Room. You can purchase the book through Amazon (Kindle or hard copy) or any book store.
  • Constance Harrington will lead a discussion of Carmen Acevedo Butcher's St. Hildegard of Bingen: Doctor of the Church, whom the author describes as "a Benedictine abbess, artist, composer, dietician, naturalist, poet, traveling preacher, mystic, and political consultant." She invites the reader to "Meet the incomparable St. Hildegard recently proclaimed a Doctor of the Church. Nourishing, challenging and idea-bursting, her writings will stir and awaken your soul."  Her sensuous imagery is far from the sedate work you might expect from a cloistered nun of the Middle Ages!  And, it is matched by melodic lines that soar and plunge in ways never heard in the more familiar Gregorian Chant.  Join Constance in exploring St. Hildegard's poetic texts and music, including the first ever morality play, Ordo Virtutum, or the Play of the Virtues. The group will listen to recordings and perhaps a few live performances and will also look at the great codex of her works found in the library of Wiesbaden, Germany, which has been digitized for exploration on line. The class will meet Monday afternoons from 1-2 pm in the Foster Room, beginning April 11th. Some classes may also be held in the sanctuary for listening to music in better acoustics or possibly staging a reading of the play.
Book Note
And now for something completely different. We want to recommend a book of poems: The Temple, by English priest and poet George Herbert (1593-1633), whose Feast Day is February 27. Although Herbert lived only forty years and suffered from "consumption" much of his adult life, he accomplished much.  Born into an aristocratic family, he moved, as a young man, in exalted circles.  Academically gifted and honored, Herbert served for a time as Public Orator at Cambridge and had a taste of politics in Parliament.
Herbert came slowly and later in life to his decision to become an Anglican priest.  Friends and family felt that by taking Holy Orders he would be wasting his talents and opportunities. But Herbert gave all that up to serve the rest of his life as rector of a small parish in the rural village of Bremerton, not far from Salisbury Cathedral. He married at age 35 but had no children. He took in three nieces when their parents died. He wrote a "handbook for country parsons" that reveals a man who took his work, but not himself, seriously.  He sang and played the lute, probably one reason for his poetry's musicality. He may well have composed music for some of his poems but none survives.
His deep spiritual longing and loving devotion to God are expressed most powerfully in his poetry. He composed in the manner of the so-called "Metaphysical Poets," a group writing in the late Renaissance period that included John Donne, perhaps the most famous; Andrew Marvell; Thomas Traherne, the mystic; and others. Their goal was poetry dealing with complicated ideas in as few words as possible (hence, the term "metaphysical," usually used derogatorily!). This discipline encouraged the use of highly connotative language, striking comparisons, almost mathematical precision in form, and dense meaning. 
Consider Herbert's accomplishments as a member of this school. Not only is each poem an example of precision and richness of thought, but much of his work fits into an over-arching construction which he called "The Temple." This linking of shape and meaning is characteristic of Herbert. (If you were introduced to his poetry in literature class, you may remember his "Altar" and "Easter Wings," in which he contrived to construct lines that create the shape of an altar and a pair of wings on the page itself.)
Herbert is a helpful and welcome companion in our meditations, especially during Lent, of how we relate to God and He to us. You might check out some of Herbert's poems that have been set to music:
  • Let all the world in every corner sing ("Antiphon I"), Hymnal, p. 402
  • Lord you have formed me out of mud ("Trinity Sunday")
  • King of glory, King of peace ("Praise"), Hymnal, p. 382
  • Come my Way, my Truth, my Life ("The Call"), Hymnal, p. 487
  • Teach me, my God and King (The Elixir), Hymnal, p.592

Novel Theology
Novel Theology meets throughout the year on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Foster Room. Everyone and anyone is invited to attend. The only rule is you must read the book for that month. Come and bring your friends and acquaintances. We have lively discussions.
Mar 22-Jazz by Toni Morrison.  For many African-Americans, the period from 1860 through 1930 was a particularly challenging one. The formal slavery of the South transitioned into a vulnerable rural economic existence, dependent on the weather and the price of crops. The promise of the city lured many to leave their homes, and adopt city life-styles that put new social pressures on them and their relationships. Jazz tells this story through the microcosm of one marriage, that of Joe and Violet Trace. Led by Michael Cuevas.

Apr 26-The Day of the Jackal  by Frederick Forsyth.  The Jackal. A tall, blond Englishman with opaque, gray eyes. A killer at the top of his profession. A man unknown to any secret service in the world. An assassin with a contract to kill the world's most heavily guarded man. One man with a rifle who can change the course of history. One man whose mission is so secretive not even his employers know his name. And as the minutes count down to the final act of execution, it seems that there is no power on earth that can stop the Jackal. Led by John Lane.

Carter Hannah, Noon Lunch Co-Coordinator
  Every Saturday from April 9, 2016 - November 12, 2016 from Noon until about 1:00PM at the Staunton Farmers' Market.
Need 2-4 people (families perfect) to pick up donated produce (usually close to 100 pounds) and transport it to Trinity kitchen. Chose one Saturday or many.
No pay involved but grateful thanks from farmers and Noon Lunch coordinators and many personal and Heavenly rewards.
Contact Carter Hannah [email protected] , 540-241-8735 or Kathy Schneiderman 
[email protected] , 434-825-6477.

Office Closings
The office will close at 12pm on Friday, March 25 in honor of Good Friday.
The office will be closed on Monday, March 28 in honor of Easter Monday.

Friendship Day Women's Retreat
Haiti Mission Trip June 7-14, 2016
Come to Haiti; meet our Episcopal brothers and sisters; sing, dance; have your soul scrubbed!
An early summer mission trip to Haiti has been scheduled by The Haiti Collaborative [Staunton, Waynesboro, Blue Grass and Arrington and Lynchburg].
Other parishes in the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia are especially invited to send first-time ambassadors.
We will:
  1. Visit the children and teachers of St. Marc's School, Cerca la Source, in Haiti's Central Plateau. The Virginia Haiti Collaborative is in its 9th year of partnership with this school. The purpose of our short visit there is to demonstrate our continued commitment to our friends in Cerca la Source; and to give first time missioners a close up look at a successful, on-going partnership.
  2. Explore, another rural, potential partner school site - St. Paul's, Beaudin Jean Pierre, which may be twinned with other parishes in our diocese.
This trip will give missioners an opportunity to interact and worship with rural Haitian Episcopalians whose life circumstances are far different from ours. Roger Bowen, thirty-four year Haiti veteran, will guide the trip.
This adventure will also include stops at other cultural sites, health facilities, especially Partners in Health's new hospital in the town of Mirebalais.
Note:  limited to nine participants.  Road travel in Jeeps will be on very rough roads. Some hiking and a night sleeping "camping" at a school site may be involved. Estimated total cost = approx. $1500.
More detailed information re preparation and time spent in Haiti is available upon request.
Please contact:
Roger Bowen at  [email protected] , and cc Haiti Collaborative co-chair Blair Fairbrother  [email protected] .

Administrator Notes
Laurie Clements, Parish Administrator
  • As part of the recipients of the St. Nicholas Day Offering, Trinity has received a gift of $3,000 for our Noon Lunch Program to help update some of the equipment that we use every day that helps provide hot lunches to many guests each day throughout the week. Special thank you to Carter Hannah and Kathy Schneiderman for their initiative in seeking out grants, and for always finding ways to improve this program, which serves so many all year long.
  • The Noon Lunch Program has received a donation in honor of Beverly Stone for her many years dedicated to this ministry.
  • Donations were made to Noon Lunch in honor of Brad McNeill.
  • A donation was made to Noon Lunch in honor of Sally James, Rick Chittum, and Anne Grizzle.
  • Contributions were given to Noon Lunch in memory of Ken Bird.
  • Memorials have been received for Ken Bird.
  • The yearend contributions statements have been sent out. If you have not received yours, please contact Laurie in the church office, and she will get one out to you immediately!

Directory Updates
Dave & Maureen Gray: 
Kay Buchanan: [email protected]

Dave Gray: [email protected]

Mark Peterson: [email protected]

Mary Timberlake: [email protected]
If you open the following link, you will see our Trinity Church calendar. You may wish to bookmark this page as it will automatically update with any changes.
John Boody
Nan Gregory
Nathaniel Reed III
Michael Bernier
Ted Jordan
Emily Reed
Katie Cathey
Thurston Robinson
Victoria Temple
Coalter Hollberg
Tommie Duke
Michelle Frank
Ben Green
Carol Moore
Wick Vellines
Katharine Jacobson
Anne Moody
Katie Lockridge
Kay Watkins
Jack Otteni
Dick Cunningham
Chaucile Snyder
Doris Goode
Lundy Pentz
Sascha Wallace
Gwen Walsh
James Robertson Jr.
Meredith Taylor
Lee Cochran
Lee Nancarrow
Mary Sue Kivlighan
Judy Burtner
Carol Shannon
Darian Loebe-Sponaugle
Austin Rehfield
David Arnold
Laurie Hardwick
Rick Chittum
Gus Hollberg