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Update on
Silicon Valley Clean Water
Regional Environmental Sewer Conveyance Upgrade Program
(formerly known as Conveyance System Program) 

August 21, 2017

Truck Traffic to Increase Through September 20  Along Redwood Shores Parkway

Truck traffic along Redwood Shores Parkway will be greater than anticipated for approximately a four-week period starting this week.  The increased traffic is being used to reduce the duration and overall impact of heavy truck traffic, for site preparation improvements at Silicon Valley Clean Water, on residents and businesses along under construction Redwood Shores Parkway and Radio Road.

The project originally envisioned 50 truck trips per day.  The contractor anticipates they will be using 150 truck trips per day to bring soil to the site. It is anticipated that delivery of the soil can be completed as early as September 20th.  The trucks are required to drive in the right-hand lane and to obey the posted 25 mph speed limit.

The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project calculated the total truck trips needed for the project and then averaged them over the entire project schedule.  The flaw in that logic is that it is much more efficient and less impactful on the local community to bring materials in when needed.  Since much of the time there are no trucks running at all, the EIR results indicate an average of 50 trucks per day over the entire project schedule, when in reality, there is a lot of time when no trucks at all are in use. 

In the end, the project will use the same number of trucks identified in the EIR.  By increasing to 150 truck trips per day for 3½ or 4 weeks needed for this work, the length of time that people and the environment are impacted by the project is greatly reduced.
It is expected this work will occur Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., however, occasionally weekend work may occur as well.

The project, which began July 31, provides site improvements needed to support new facilities to be constructed on the site starting in mid to late 2018 and continuing through 2022. As part of the conveyance system upgrades, SVCW has planned improvements required to complete the Regional Environmental Sewage Conveyance Upgrade (RESCU) program and meet forthcoming nutrient removal requirements from the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board. Improvements planned within the front of the plant area include a new receiving lift station, a headworks structure, a flow diversion structure, odor control and electrical facilities, and a storm water pump station. 

The site improvements underway are needed to support these new facilities and include stabilization of the soils, construction of paved site access and parking, a new entrance, grading and drainage for stormwater, utilities to serve each facility including lighting for safe access, and fencing.

SVCW is committed to providing protection to the San Francisco Bay environment through the proper treatment and reuse of our water resources.  If you should have any questions or comments, please contact us through our website - - or call us at (650) 591-7121.

Questions About the SVCW Regional Environmental Sewer Conveyance Upgrade (RESCU) Program

Duane Sandul  650-585-2181
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