3 e Book Sale This Week
IDEC Crowdfunding Campaign Update
Yong Zhao, Keynote Speaker for the 2016 AERO Conference.
Zhao TEDx Talk
 Conference info here. Portland AERO Registration is only $275, but will rise soon. Workshop proposals now accepted here
Peter Gray will also keynote
See his TEDx talk here

Now is the Time to Register for the AERO Conference!
There are some important events and activities in the works for the AERO conference. This is the best time to register, before  several  major groups are brought in and the conference rates rise. You can read about the conference here on the AERO website.

You can still register this week for the 5 day AERO conference for  $275 , and you also have the option to register at the $225 rate if you are low income . This will end without warning as the conference gets more full. We still have the $500 patron rate for those who want to sponsor another attendee, half of which is tax deductible. Other rates: Volunteers and students can still register at the $200 rate . The rate for children under 12 is $100 , which includes child care. Contact us directly for special group rates. 

Get more info or register here!
Herb Kohl, Four Short Videos
I've known Herb Kohl for decades. He has been a prolific writer and pioneer in learner-centered education and a stalwart promoter of what needs to be done in public education. He also keynoted an AERO conference. -JM 

60 Seconds with Herb Kohl on Lynn Loomis
Summerhill Prepares to Pick Up Government Recognition
Summerhill School, in Leiston, was established as a 'democratic community' in 1921 by Scottish educator and author, Alexander Sutherland Neill.

Since then, it has been recognised by the United Nations, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, and in numerous reports on the importance of children's voice and rights in schools.

Next Tuesday, March 22, Summerhill will be among 40 schools to receive the 'Discovering Democracy Award', organised by the British Youth Council and funded by the Cabinet Office.

Assistant principal, Henry Readhead is due to pick up the honour with 16-year-old student, Tom Griffiths, from the Minister for Constitutional Reform, John Penrose MP, at the Houses of Parliament.

Mr Readhead, son of principal Zoe Readhead and grandson of AS Neill, travels the world to discuss Summerhill at international conferences.

Read the rest here.
3 e Books on Sale Now! Only $5
This week, on the  e-book section of our bookstore there are three books on sale. No Homework and Recess All Day was just recently made into an e book. It is on sale until Tuesday. Flood of Conflict is on sale until the 24th. It is the true story of how New Orleans Free School went from a private school to a public alternative and what they had to go through to survive. Also made recently into an e book is the highly recommended children's book, The Outside In Book. It is about tolerance and discrimination in schools, through the eyes of 10 year old girl.  

This week these books are all $5!!! That's up to 75% off the print book price and half the e-book price.  

Buy the E-Book here.
Opting Out of the Education Reform Industry

Big business has long been enamored of public education. Whether shaping systems of schooling along the lines of factory production, dictating what children should learn, or cultivating private-public partnerships to gain access to government monies, corporations and their owners have insisted on being key players in the formation of education policy and practice in the United States. Analysts estimate the value of the K-12 education market at more than $700 billion dollars. 2 Beyond their calls for students and workers to adapt to the global capitalist economy through increased competition and "accountability" in public schools, business leaders crave access to a publicly funded, potentially lucrative market-one of the last strongholds of the commons to be penetrated by neoliberalism.

Business investors and entrepreneurs are already capitalizing on the increasingly privatized education market. GSV Capital is a growth investment company with a sizable portfolio in education products, including education technology start-ups and online instructional programs. K12 Inc. is a for-profit, mostly online charter school start-up, which, despite operating "public" charter schools, as a publicly traded company, is beholden to the bottom-line demands of its investors and board members. MasteryConnect is just one of hundreds of new ed-tech companies aiding the rollout of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Read the rest here.
IDEC Crowdfunding Campaign Starts
The IDEC Crowdfunding campaign has only raised $835 in the first week. They need much more, and soon, to be able to bring Developing World schools to the gathering. Getting visas is not easy. But their involvement in the IDEC is often crucial in the survival and recognition of these brave schools, such as the Stork Family School in Ukraine and the Sri Aurobindo Ashram/orphanage in Nepal. I know there are people out there who can help. After all, we did raise $10,000 to help the Ashram after the earthquake. --Jerry

In 1993 the inaugural meeting of what became the International Democratic Education Conference was held in Israel. Since then there has been a meeting of the IDEC virtually every year to nurture the fledgling movement. They have met, in England, Austria, Ukraine, Japan, New Zealand, United States, India, Germany, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and Korea. These meetings have sometimes been important for the development of democratic education in the places where they were held. There are now more that 200 democratic schools in the world and the number is beginning to grow fast.

Read the rest here

Go to the IDEC Crowdfunding Campaign HERE
Trump on Education: The Art of the Steal

Other than legal problems with the so-called Trump University, very little attention is being paid to The Donald's views on education. But the operation of Trump U gives some insight into how the wheeler-dealer-in-chief would address public education in this country if he ever becomes President.

The Donald likes to  brand his last name. It is on casinos, skyscrapers, golf courses, hotels, men's clothing, wine, magazines, fragrances, spring water, and steaks. In 2005, he put his name on a so-called university, so-called because it never received any official accreditation and offered certificates, not degrees.

Read the rest here.
Featured AERO Conference 2016 Workshop!
Working with our student's families: What every Holistic Educator needs to know -  Josette Luvmour, PhD

All children come with parents-all parents are part of their child's education. The future of teacher training for Holistic Educators must include preparation about how to work with parents. We will discuss the importance of collaboration with our students' families that is mutually respectful. Our students are continually adapting to the relationships and communications among primary caregivers. When educators, parents, and students are on the same page, a synergy emerges that allows for an explosion of learning. These key relationships have a large effect on children's educational experiences. Moreover, parent and child grow together. With knowledge attention to attuned relationships with the child's family, Holistic Educators can create educational environments that match our student's needs Academic excellence results. We will at look rejuvenating experiences in teacher/family interactions because this partnership is the crucible of our student's well-being and happiness.

Co-founder of Summa Institute and co-creator of Natural Learning Relationships, Josette Luvmour, PhD is a developmentalist, consultant, educator who specializes in human development and teacher training. She is Director of Family Development, Professional Development, and the Research Core at Summa Institute and faculty at SDGI. Her writing has been published widely.

You can see a list of workshops for this year's conference here.

You can register for the AERO Conference here.
Links and Calendar
Thank you for your ongoing support. With  your help, we will make learner-centered alternatives available to everyone!

In Service,

Jerry Mintz
Executive Director
Alternative Education Resource Organization

Please consider making a donation to AERO to help support our work. Thanks!