Trust and Estate Solutions
Hi, I'm Jonathan Brooks, the principal of First Probate. First Probate provides short term loans to fiduciaries - executors, administrators, trustees, conservators and guardians - who borrow on behalf of trusts and estates. First Probate specializes in resolving challenging and difficult title problems associated with trusts and estates. I have provided these services to the probate community for more than 20 years.
First Probate is happy to provide you with a complimentary property profile, recorded lien and last vesting deed, upon request (Send us an email).
If you have any comments, simply hit REPLY and let me know. If you have some information that you would like to communicate to the probate community, forward it to me for consideration. Lastly, if I haven't convinced you that my newsletter is worthwhile, just press "SafeUnsubscribe" below.
Here's hoping we continue to stay in touch and that we may be of service to you!
Very truly yours,
Jonathan Brooks