Turning Your Arts & Crafts into a Successful Online Business
DATE: Monday January 24, 2011
TIME: 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Bring sack lunch)

Buy Now  $60.00

LOCATION: Wildwoman Creations Art & Craft Gallery
4030 NE Highway 101 3 miles north
 of Depoe Bay In Lincoln Beach
Register-Info call Rosie 541-921-0759

Bring your Digital Camera & Laptop with WiFi capabilities and by the time this class is over you will have a domain name ( - cost is $12 per year and not included in the price of the class) forwarded to your ETSY shop with your items for sale! When you can go home you can add more items to your shop.


You will learn every step - from transferring photos from your camera to your computer, to uploading photos to your ETSY shop. This class has plenty of workshop time allotted for you to take photos, add items, write descriptions and start your own online ETSY business!


Ashley will help you come up with great descriptions of your items, clear and beautiful photographs, and the right "tags" to get your items in the correct categories. Ashley will also help you design a banner & logo for your shop so it has a professional appearance. Please consider your brand name & style so you can describe to her what you're looking for and she can quickly create it for you.


Please Bring Everything on this list so you can get the full learning experience from this class:


  •  A laptop with WiFi Capability
  •  A digital camera with cord/memory card reader to transfer photos from your camera to the laptop (we will cover this process if you don't know how) - OR if you already have photos have them on the laptop ready to upload to ETSY!
  • At least 5 items to list on ETSY. More is great!!


You will spend a majority of this class time photographing and listing your items for sale.


We will go step-by-step thru the process several times so you feel comfortable taking your online business home at the end of the day


Ashley MartineauAshley Martineau has been a Fiber Artist for over 7 years and leads the Fiber A.R.T.S. group at Wildwoman Creations in Depoe Bay.  She is also teaching classes (how to knit, how to spin, how to recycle yarn)  She sells her art yarns and hand painted fibers on ETSY & her website Neauveau Fiber Arts & Wildwoman Creations in Depoe Bay.
Find us on Facebook
Wildwoman Creations Art & Craft Gallery
4030 NE Hwy 101
3 mi north of Depoe Bay in Lincoln Beach
Wildwoman Creations