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October News 2017
Never mind the bone, I can't find my Bach remedies
Have you noticed the change of energy since the eclipses back in August? Many of us are finding we simply can't do things the way we used to. New boundaries and new 'norms' are needed as we change frequencies - and sometimes relationships, work and living space as well. 

Familiar ways of acting can start to feel uncomfortable or out of alignment. We're being asked not only to be clear about what we want - and what we don't want - but to communicate that clearly to others.
Physically I imagine we'll feel this in our throats as we're prompted to leave our comfort zone in order to share and express ourselves more authentically.  

To help with this there are free gifts this month when you order the most popular services. Gifts to make your journey more powerful, as well as more comfortable.

Wishing you a month of depth and discovery

Nikki Wyatt - The Karma Coach
Content Links
Quick Reminders
Standard Attunement Offer - Free Second Bottle
Digging Deep & Free Revival Remedy Gift
Karma Connection - 13 Traits of People with True Integrity
How Do You Relate to Your Money? Annual Offer Closes Oct 6
Pining For What Was - Engaging With What Is
Slip Sliding Away - Animal Essences & Video Smiles
Enter the Soul & Spirit Book Awards
Wellbeing Event Oct 5
Free Fairy Tarot Reading
Spirit of Business - Ten Habits of Successful Introverts
Two Keys to Health - Staying Well on the Go
The Sacred Stage at Findhorn reminders
Healing Our Stories with Shaman Jez Hughes
Quick Reminders
Upcoming opportunties include: 
  • The Intention Experiment Book The Great American Peace Experiment - started on Sept 30 and continues until October 6. Lynne McTaggart, expert author of The Field is attempting to measure the results of concentrating our collective healing energy on selected areas where there are extreme violence.
  • Lapis Lazuli 20% Off Crystal Herbs individual essences - including Lapis Lazuli which impacts the third eye and throat chakras. It's the ideal choice if you've been unable to voice your feelings - whether in this lifetime or past lifetimes. Lapis especially resonates for past lives in Egypt. essenceoffer
  • There's also 20% off sets of Angel essences & self select sets of Rose essences. Offers end Oct 31. Read more on their special offer page
Standard Attunement Offer -
Free Second Bottle
Blue Bottle
I love attuning for you because it means I feel the healing power of all that comes through for you. It's a gift and a privilege. 

I'm also moved at some of the issues that I can see and the extraordinary way a particular flower or crystal (out of all the thousands of possible options) might repeat for you. For some of you it can return in an attunement years later. For others it's a recurring theme, like a soundtrack to your life. A tune that echoes down the generations, asking to be heard. Then, once given a voice, it can finally leave.

Special Offer: To help you stay with the deep work, I'm offering a second identical 15 ml bottle  of your personal blend free with every Standard Bottle Attunement ordered before October 31. Postage at the normal rate for your area - nothing extra to pay. Apart from lasting longer, it can also help you remember to take it. For example you may keep one by your bed and one on your desk or in the car, so it's always handy.

Attunement Questions? Please read frequently asked questions

How to Order: Book your Standard Bottle Attunement using the buttons below and your second bottle will automatically be added when your unique blend is made up. You don't need to add your age for these. That's only needed for the De Luxe version.
Standard Bottle Attunement Cost: 65 GBP circa 74 Euros or 87 USD
UK undefined
Europe undefined
Outside Europe incl USA & Canada undefined
Australia, New Zealand & Singapore undefined

Rock Rose
'I must say I've been feeling a lot better since I ordered my personal attunement blend, much happier and more confident. There were definitely things that resonated with me in each of the descriptions. I'm also going to plant the Bach flower from my free soul flower reading in my garden :-)' Danielle, Website Designer, London. bach
Digging Deep & Free Revival Remedy Gift
Dog Digging
Never mind my bone - I've lost my Bach remedies....
We all know what it's like to feel stuck. Times when we're drained of energy, enveloped in a cloud of boredom, with a light misting of 'blah' and the odd burst of unfocussed anxiety.

This can be a classic moment to clean the bath, go shopping, surf social media or check out the fridge. Yet, if you can resist addictions and displacement activity and simply sit with the feelings, these phases can offer the most fertile ground for growth. 

It can be hard to sit with discomfort but if you can find the courage to open to your feelings and accept them with compassion something magical happens. They begin to flow and change. Yes, you may cry or rage for a while, shame or embarrassment may surface, the knot in your stomach may finally declare its fear, but it doesn't last forever and on the other side of the tangled emotions lies insight and a way forward.

As the block dissolves you'll be able to see what's really bothering you, so you can find a genuine solution that doesn't deprive you of sleep or run up debt. 

Cerato How Bach Remedies Can Help
If you're stuck in 'analysis paralysis', endlessly asking for advice and researching information but unable to act, choose Cerato. This allows you to hear the wise voice of your intuition through the conflicting voices in your head, giving you the confidence to do what's uniquely right for you.

When you're chronically dissatisfied because life is full of possibilities but you don't know which to go for,  Wild Oat will bring confidence in your calling. Instead of constantly dipping your toe into work and relationships you'll have the motivation to commit, go deep and find real satisfaction and soul purpose. An ideal remedy for a 'mid-life crisis'.
Wild Rose Beauty Balm Award If you sit with your feelings long enough a deeply-buried inner emptiness may finally surface. This is when  Wild Rose comes to the rescue. It can be a hard state to spot because it's a condition which has so little energy and we often overcompensate by being very busy or enthusiastic, so we don't have to feel it. 

Wild Rose treats a soul-deep sense, often starting at birth, that there's no point in trying to change things, that you're a victim of fate, your genes or your family background and you're powerless to improve your situation. 

Wild Rose is a remedy that often needs to be taken for a couple of months to really allow you to open to a new level of vitality and a genuine enthusiasm for life.  

Another way to benefit from its qualities is to inhale the fragrance and absorb the essential oil in Neal's Yard Wild Rose range . Massage the hand cream into the key chakra points on the palms of your hands for maximum effect.

Special Reader Offer: All Bach essence blends ordered before October 31, whether you choose them yourself or via a consultation, will automatically come with a free 10ml bottle of Revival Remedy - a fantastic all round stress reliever.
Join the Karma Connection  
Share Experiences - Make Friends
Mugs and Chat
Recent posts include:  the aging woman syndrome, how to deal with a crying (inner) child and  thirteen traits of people with true integrity.

If you're a reader, you're welcome to join the group. If you're not on the mailing list (for example you're reading this on Facebook or Twitter) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. You'll get a free soul flower reading and discounted personal guidance.

Request to Join: Log into Facebook and click The Karma Connection
Please email your Facebook name if it's different the name on the mailing list (I don't 'private' message). ffu 
How Do You Relate to Your Money?
Closes October 6
Boy with piggy bank What's your relationship with money? A powerful way to find out is to visualise money as a person. 

What do they look like and how do you feel about them? What qualities do you project onto them? How much time do you spend with them? Do you enjoy or avoid their company? Do you look forward to their arrival or resent their absence and feel abandoned by them? 

We say money grows by gaining 'interest' and that it 'appreciates' in value because it's hard to flourish in any relationship if you don't feel appreciated and nobody takes an interest in you or wants to explore your gifts. 

A lot of us carry so much karma around money and personal power that it's easy to treat money like a sophisticated gadget: one that you buy with great hopes and aspirations, then you only ever use the basic functions because you never 'find time' to open the manual or watch the videos to discover just how much it can help you.

Studying The truth is, just as there's no money tree, there's also no time tree. We don't find time - we make it. And we need to make it on a regular basis if we're ready to change something - and put accountability in place to ensure we stick to it, because we're only human:) That's where a structured course or programme can be so helpful.

Financial Freedom University: If this speaks to you watch Ann Wilson's video before Oct 6 where she talks about the sliding door moments in our lives when we make decisions that allow us to change direction and create a very different future.

Deadline:  After Friday October 6 the University closes its doors for another year. It's lifetime membership because it's a lifelong journey and every worthwhile relationship takes time and effort.
'Financial Freedom University has been life-changing. It's enabled me to break through my money fears and the know-how to navigate my finances during a very financially precarious and emotionally charged time' Amanda Alexander, UK

Try  Financial Flow essence
Pining For What Was - Engaging With What Is
Pine Oil
Autumn is the season of Metal in five element terms which relates to the lungs where we hold feelings of grief and any need to let go that we find hard to allow. That means Pine essential oil is going to be a frequent visitor to my  diffuser. It fortifies any nervous exhaustion especially when coupled with shallow breathing or lower backache.

Like the Bach remedy Pine, it's excellent for feelings of guilt or low s elf-worth, bringing in positivity and confidence. On a practical level it freshens the air, wakes us up and helps us engage more with life. That's why Pine's also in the Neal's Yard   Vitality blend  with other freshening and energising oils such as vetiver, cedar, clove and ginger. This blend's perfect for massaging into aching muscles or inhaling to clear your head.
Frankincense Intense Eye Cream Eye Love You If the windows to your soul are in need of nurture the Frankincense Intense range has added an Eye Cream which has clinically proven results in 15 days. In independent consumer trials: 
  • 78% agree their eye look less puffy 
  • 76% agree dark circles are less visible 
  • 81% agree the skin around their eyes looks brighter & feels smoother 
  • 73% agree their fine lines & wrinkles are visibly reduced.
Frankincense Intense Offers: There are two offers with this range at the moment. A duo with the serum and the cream and an ultimate offer with the full range including the eye cream and an amazing beauty boost supplement. The ultimate offer sold out very quickly but it's back in stock at time of writing for a limited time. 

For regular updates on this offer and others please click 'follow' on my Neal's Yard Facebook page.

Blusher Cosmetic clearance update: Most items have now sold out, but if you're quick you'll still find mineral blusher, eye shadow & foundation powder certified by the Soil Association.

October Offers This offer link will keep updating with new offers as we go through the month. Click if you're feeling lucky:)

Magnifying Glass Stop Press : Neal's Yard are offering a mini starter kit for a limited period which means you can become a consultant for only 45 GBP or 60 Euros. More details will go up on this link from Monday Oct 2. If you'd like a starter kit of organic goodies and a business in a box to earn some extra during the festive run up, just check the link and  email to know more.

NYRO Brochures
NEW - Neals Yard Winter Brochures 2017

and email with your address to receive a hard copy of the pictured options.
Please specify if you'd like the:
1) mini xmas gift brochure 
2) full winter brochure: includes diffusers, oils, remedies & supplements 
3) essential oils brochure with oil descriptions
As an official god or goddess reader, you're welcome to all three:) funnyvideo

Products available for delivery  in the UK, Ireland, France & Germany
Slip Sliding Away 
I love tuning in for your totem animal when I'm doing De Luxe Attunements, as each is experienced very differently.
Animal essences help us to strengthen certain qualities. This month I was guided myself to take elephant essence, which has been a delightful experience. 

Elephants offer strength, steadfastness and power, as well as their ability to transmit and receive information telepathically through time, which gives them a strong connection to ancestral wisdom. 

They have a naturally inclusive leadership style which includes caring for the vulnerable in their herd. Elephants help you remember what's really important. And the baby in the video also reminds you to lighten up and have fun:)  soul

Enter the Soul & Spirit Book Awards 
Soul _ Spirit Book Awards Logo
Do you have a book you want to publicise? Soul & Spirit magazine are launching their first ever book awards and guess who's on the judging panel?:)

Authors and publishers can enter their books until November 17.

Some of the books are judged exclusively by the panel and others are open to reader votes. Voting puts you in a draw for fantastic prizes including a silent retreat in India worth 1750 GBP. 

How to Order Soul & Spirit Magazine Pick up a copy from newsagents and supermarkets or  click to have a copy delivered to your door 

Nikken Wellbeing Event Thursday Oct 5
& Tuesday Presentation Call
Hands Bumping Fists Would you like to be your own boss in a supportive network? Does your work bring you growth, travel, appreciation and new relationships?

If you're looking for an interesting, fun way to open doors to a new future by building a part-time or full-time business offering holistic health solutions, please join us for this informal evening. 

We'll be diving into different technologies (this month's focus is water - Nikken UK have an exciting new water product), as well as earning potential. There will also be demos to give you the chance to feel and evaluate the technologies for yourself. 

Event Details: Thursday Oct 5 from 6-9pm Gatwick, Sussex. There's an option to join us on a zoom conference link if you can't come in person. 

Phone Couple Outdoors Would you like to know more about this business from the convenience of your home or desk - no pressure or commitment? On Tuesdays at 12.30 GMT there's a 30 minute live presentation by my mentor, Nikken's former president Ben Woodward, and a chance for questions. 

Perfectly timed for a UK lunch break or a morning commute in New York, Mexico, Peru or Toronto. Just email for call details. reading

Outside the UK? It's a global opportunity available in 18 countries. Please contact me to fix a time to talk. 
Free Fairy Tarot Reading
Card Reading This fairy tarot link with beautiful original pictures, offers eight different spreads depending on your question and the area of your life you're asking about. Take time to allow your question to arise within you and become clear before selecting your cards.

Spirit of Business Forum
Expertise & Offers
Tree Pose on Beach
Recent highlights in the closed Facebook Group include if you don't fail, you won't succeed, 10 habits of successful introverts and living with high-functioning depression.

New members are welcome, provided you're a reader, so if you're not on the mailing list, (for example, you're reading this on Social Media) please sign up to the newsletter first on the website or use the gold 'Join My Mailing List' button at the end of this newsletter. 

Need a confidence boost for your business? Try You're Enough - Self-Belief & Soul Nurture essence. nikkenoffer

Are you an entrepreneur or would you like to work for yourself?  Browse the best ethical business support I've used online
Two Keys to Health - Staying Well on the Go
People often ask me what's the best way to start with Nikken technologies, as it offers such a wide range of products. My answer is always the Pi Mag water and the dynaflux insoles called Msteps or Mstrides. 

Our biggest challenge today is staying grounded and hydrated so that our cells can communicate effectively with each other, our joints and spine are lubricated and our muscles can stretch without strain. By drinking bio-available water and getting enough healthy magnetic field we're giving ourselves the two vital keys to wellbeing.

Staying well on the go: I've been talking to people about which Nikken products they take on trips. We all have our favourites but here are the contenders for our top seven travel items:
  • power sleep mask - perfect for meditating, soothing your eyes & protecting your brow chakra. The inner is soft, fluffy and washable. Sleep Mask
  • water filter bottle - turns unfamiliar water into a pure ph balanced drink
  • seat - easy to slip under you on a long journey or even in bed in places that have wi-fi on at night, when we're at our most vulnerable 
  • Magflex - this slim light pad slides easily into your waist band whether it's a tummy ache or your back's protesting at too much sitting. Also helps flexibility if you're carrying cases or loading the car.
  • insoles - an easy way to top up with healthy magnetic field, especially in cars, trains or planes where you need it most
  • Powerminidiscreet power mini magnets (pictured) or power chip magnets & DUK tape - taping magnets over areas of discomfort makes such a difference, whether it's a stiff neck, toothache or a nagging knee that's threatening to ruin your trip
  • powerbands - with these round your neck or wrist you can feel secure and strong in your own energy field
'While I've been away, I've slept with my sleep mask every night it's wonderful and I wear my bracelet every day and took my water bottle with me and my magnet which I needed to tape to my back when it played up. I'm so happy with everything I've bought from Nikken' Ann Marie Griggs, Raw Food Chef, Brighton,  Follow her on Facebook

Water Bottles
Water Bottle Video
How to Order in the UK: You can order all of the above online on this website. Just click Shop Now. Many of the magnetic items are in the Rejuvenate section.

If you're a registered customer (i.e. you've ordered from my Nikken website before) you can also order from Nikken Customer Service Mon-Fri 8.30-5pm 01908 202422. findhorn

How to Order Outside the UK: Please follow this link for instructions and Nikken's international website
The Sacred Stage at Findhorn
Sat Nov 4 for 7 days
Universal Hall Stage
Do you like your story? Do you like the role you play in it? And if you could step out... what role would you take?

This course is open to those willing to experience the self and the world through one of the most truthful and empowering mediums: Theatre.

Theatre can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary by awakening our perceptions. Fear, old habits, delusion, love, happiness, faith; we usually fill our narrative with many characters. What if we change the script and give the lead role to our True Self?

During this week, we'll explore different perspectives of the same story. Theatre will enable us to use our imagination to see new possibilities in our work and relationships, finding the confidence to begin a new dialogue and the resources to move the plot in a new direction.  We'll play with clay, masks and 'living' objects. We'll share an adventure and have fun!  

Try Free Your True Self essence
Healing Our Stories - Jez Hughes
Tues Oct 31 London SW7
Jez Hughes
Stories that define us often arise out of wounding or painful experiences, which go on to control and dictate our present and future.

They act as a kind of 'spell', unconsciously directing our actions and influencing our experiences, until it becomes difficult to perceive reality beyond them.

Shamanic healing offers the chance to move beyond these spells and the behaviour patterns they induce, some which may have been passed down through our ancestral line. 

In this workshop we'll explore shamanic techniques to identify and bring healing to these stories until they can be released and the power that they've been witholding can be reclaimed

The Heart of Life Book
Jez Hughes is a British shaman who initiates people onto this path from the heart of the Sussex woods.  His passion is empowering people to reawaken their ancestors, the land where they reside and their spiritual heritages.

Making Light of It
Angel on Money
'If you put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.'  Anon
Quick Links
Bach Remedy Consultations
Essence Choosing Tips
Introductory Attunements
Personal Attunements - FAQs
Personal Attunements
Magnetics & Light
Organic Oils, Skin, Haircare & Herbal Remedies
Crystal Eggs & Pendulums
Holistic Business Support
Newsletter Advertising

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